The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1207: Lead the snake out of the hole

Before Wang Feng killed the elder Xianting, he had searched for his soul. In the memory of the opponent, Wang Feng knew some of the general power distribution of the Nile religion, but at the same time he also knew some things that he could not know. Tao.

"Yes, I dare not." The four elders bowed their heads, not daring to disobey the meaning of the elders.

"Take a good look at all the affairs in the teaching, the old man is gone." The figure of the great elder directly rose into the sky while speaking, which was considered to be a violation of the Nile religion.

Because the rule of the Nile religion is that you cannot fly, even the supreme can only walk on the ground, but the status of the elder is different. Although he is flying now, no one dares to accuse him.

As the Great Elder lifted up into the sky, several more figures of the Nile Sect lifted up with him in an instant. Obviously, these people were all going out to protect the Great Elder.

"No need to pack things, let's go right away, I will send you out." Seeing the maids who had recovered their freedom are still packing things, Wang Feng's face also showed a speechless color.

The freedom has been gained, and I have to pack up my ass, not to hurry up and run away.

"Remember, leave as fast as you can after you go out, or don't blame me if you are caught." Wang Feng said, and then he waved his sleeves, and suddenly a whirlpool appeared: "This whirlpool can send you to the surface of the sea. Come on, let's go."

"I don't know what the adults are called, and we will find you to repay me." A maid said, her gratitude to Wang Feng can no longer be described in words.

Although life here is safe, it is like **** to them. Not only do they have no freedom of their own, but they also have to be scolded every day.

Even they are still accompanied by the young master's bed, so for them, this place is not much worse than hell.

If it weren't for Wang Feng to come here today, perhaps their destiny will continue like this, perhaps only when they are pregnant with a new life will they change.

Although the young master does not know how to practice, he is a special hobby of men and women, and these maids have never been steamed by him.

"Okay, I just saved you, you don't have to repay you, and you don't need to know my name, because you won't see me again." Wang Feng's power exploded while speaking, and he sent all these servant girls abruptly. Into the whirlpool.

The maids were gone, and there were only four left here, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao, the concubine of the Great Elder of the Nile Church and his trash son.

The woman is now caught by Wang Feng, and the man is also restrained by Wang Feng's power, and even this guy hasn't even had time to put on his clothes now.

When Wang Feng went to catch him just now, he was still tossing a handmaid on the bed. If it weren't for Wang Feng's timely action, the handmaid would not know what kind of torture she would endure.


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