The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1254: Battle of the Nile leader

"It turned out to be you!"

Seeing Yin Yang Ming, the face of the leader of the Nile Sect was surprised, because in his opinion, Yin Yang Ming should have already fallen.

Because he hasn't seen Yin and Yang Ming for more than 50,000 years, he sent people to search for Yin and Yang Ming, but no matter how they searched, they couldn't find Yin Yang Ming.

As tens of thousands of years passed, he had already forgotten Yin Yang Ming, but now he looked at Yin Yang Ming, an old man, of course he was surprised.

"In the beginning, you destroyed my Yin-Yang Sect, and today I will destroy your Nile Sect." Yin Yang Ming's mouth made a roaring sound. At this moment, he was so angry that he stretched out his hand and grabbed his side. The Luo Jiao cultivators were shattered by others, and couldn't stop the power of the true immortals.

Only seeing this scene, the leader of the Nile Church seemed very calm, because the life and death of people had no effect on him at all.

There are people in the Nile religion, and one hundred thousand is just a drop in the bucket.

"Since you are all here, then you all die." While speaking, the aura of the leader of the Nile Sect suddenly soared, and he stepped directly from the first star to the second star.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng knew in his heart that the person in front of him must be the deity of the leader of the Nile religion.

He didn't know what kind of secret method was used to turn the clone into a real body out of thin air. In fact, he could turn the clone into a real body or relied on the retreat some time ago.

If it were just an ordinary cohesive clone, it was very simple, but at the beginning, Wang Feng destroyed so many strongholds of the Nile Sect, he did not appear.

What he was doing at the time was to condense these special clones.

A clone can become a real body at any time, and his real body can also become a clone at any time. Although he will pay some price in the process of this transformation, only in this way can he take care of the overall situation.

The Nile religion has lost three and a half immortals, and he has no choice.

But fortunately, he is a special refining clone, otherwise he is now besieged by Wang Feng and Yin Yangming, his clone will be damaged by this.

"Jiuyou Fumo!"

There was a low drink from the mouth, and the leader of the Nile Sect had actually attacked Wang Feng and Yin Yang Ming.

One enemy two!

The originally clear sky became extremely dark in an instant, and both Wang Feng and Yin Yang Ming had entered the attacking range of the Nile leader.

A shadow flashed in front of him, and the leader of the Nile Sect had deceived himself and came to Wang Feng.

Although Wang Feng possessed the Heavenly Eye, the speed of the leader of the Nile Sect was so fast that Wang Feng's Heavenly Eye could not work.

With a palm shot, the Primordial Rune flew out of Wang Feng's palm. The runes were good at facing the wind. Almost in an instant, the leader of the Nile Sect hit Wang Feng's Primordial Rune.


Perceiving such a change, Wang Feng directly heard a low shout, and the ancient magic rune represented the Zhen Zi Jue of the ancient times.

This technique possesses a very strong sealing ability. Although the leader of the Nile Sect is very strong, his movements are still so slow when the power of the Primordial Rune erupts.

During this slowness, Wang Feng's Broken Star Fist exploded.

The nine punches of Broken Star Fist burst out superimposed, and at the same time the increase of Dawn War Soul burst out, this punch is already the limit that Wang Feng can burst.


A violent explosion sounded in the void, a ripple spreading around Wang Feng and the others. The ripples were spreading too fast. As long as the Nile disciples swept by the ripples, they all shattered their bodies and blocked them. Can't help the aftermath of this battle.

"Very well, you are stronger than the Xuanyu before." Although Wang Feng was punched firmly, the leader of the Nile Sect did not suffer much damage.

Because when Wang Feng’s fist broke out, a light mask had already risen on his body.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The mask is too hard, even if Wang Feng didn't punch it to pieces.

The higher the strength, the greater the gap between each level. Although the leader of the Nile Cult is only one level higher than Wang Feng's combat power, this level is enough to cause a one-sided situation.

But Wang Feng is not alone here, he also has a companion, Yin Yang Ming.

"Dog thief, ruined my yin and yang mirror, today I want to avenge them." Yin and Yang yelled, at this moment he had already killed him.

I saw him red eyes, as if he had met an enemy who killed his father.

"But you have just been promoted to a star immortal. In front of me, you don't have any arrogant capital." A sneer appeared on the face of the leader of the Nile Sect.

"Even if I die today, you have to go to the funeral with me." Yin Yangming's eyes throbbed with the flame of revenge, and at this moment he had already put his own death outside.

It is said that the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, at this moment Yin and Yang Ming is the barefoot.

Amidst the roar, the two real immortals had already started, and Wang Feng was shocked by the words just said by the leader of the Nile Sect.

He said Xuan Yu in his mouth, that means that Emperor Xuan Yu had done something with him.

Wang Feng thought of Emperor Xuanyu's saying that he was trapped in the Forbidden Sea, and he didn't get out until a long time later.

At the same time, he also thought of the scene where the Great Emperor Xuanyu was promoted to a one-star immortal, then came to the Sea of ​​Taboo and returned to the land with injuries.

If he expected it to be true, perhaps the injuries of Emperor Xuanyu were caused by him. The leader of the Nile Sect was a two-star immortal, and Emperor Xuanyu was only a one-star immortal even if he was successfully promoted, so all this can be explained.

The Great Emperor Xuanyu once played against him and was defeated.

Taking a look at the battle between Yin Yang Ming and the leader of the Nile Sect, Wang Feng found that Yin Yang Ming had completely fallen into a disadvantage at the moment, because his realm was one level weaker than the opponent, and Yin Yang Ming would suffer a lot from fighting like this now.

Wang Feng understood that Yin and Yangming could not be allowed to die like this, because once he died, Wang Feng was alone and weak, and he might not be so easy to hold the leader of the Nile Sect.

Using all his strength, Wang Feng also rushed forward.

Two people faced the leader of the Nile cult at the same time.

"Split Soul Flash!"

There was a low drink from Wang Feng's mouth, and then his eyebrows split, and a soul body holding a big sword stepped out of it. This little man looked like Wang Feng.

The speed of the soul body was so fast that he slashed towards the leader of the Nile Cult with a single sword.

This is a soul attack, even with a powerful physical body, it is difficult to resist.

It’s just that the leader of the Nile sect had already noticed that Wang Feng’s soul was approaching. He looked up at Wang Feng, and his eyes seemed to have a sun and the moon sinking. The moment he saw the other party, Wang Feng’s soul power appeared. The feeling of dizziness.


It's just that the feeling of dizziness quickly dissipated from Wang Feng's heart, because he started the green glaze lotus tree.

Slashed with a fierce sword, and the power of Soul Flash broke out. Although the leader of the Nile Sect wanted to resist, at this moment Yin and Yang clearly dragged him down, so he could only passively take this note of Wang Feng. Soul attack.


Just like the sound of a broken mirror, at this moment, a soul defense magic weapon of the leader of the Nile sect was broken and shattered by Wang Fengsheng.

And after the magic weapon was broken, Wang Feng's soul attack fell into the sea of ​​knowledge of the leader of the Nile Sect.


The soul was damaged, and the Nile religion advocated a spit of blood, which was better than he could not hold it under such a soul attack.

The soul is the foundation of a person, the king

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Feng's attack on his roots now can be said to make his eyes become cold.

"One thought to be born, one thought to die, reincarnation!" Looking at Wang Feng, the leader of the Nile Sect showed a strange magical power.

When his words fell, Wang Feng only felt a mysterious power descending on him, which was trying to deprive him of his strength and life.

"Chaos ancient time and space!"

When Wang Feng fought with Gong Tian, ​​Gong Tian also tried to deprive him of things, but Wang Feng did not possess such power.

A foggy space emerged in front of Wang Feng, this is the time and space of chaos.

Luan Gu Jue Wang Feng has been practicing for a long time, so the power of Luan Gu's time and space is naturally much more powerful than that.

The foggy space appeared around him, and at this moment, I felt that a mysterious force was being oppressed by the chaotic time and space.

"Break it to me!"

There was a low shout in Wang Feng's mouth, and then he felt that all the mysterious powers around him had disappeared, and he couldn't stop the oppression of the ancient time and space.

"go with!"

After solving these mysterious powers, Wang Feng flipped his hand and took out the great gun, and instilled his own power into the great gun. This great gun turned red almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A shot was thrown, and the void was torn into a long, big hole.

"I'll help you." Wang Feng said, choosing to deceive him.

What makes him powerful is not only his own strength, but also his physical body is very terrifying. Right now, Yin Yang Ming seems to be extremely reluctant to hold the opponent. Wang Feng feels that if he does not go forward, perhaps this Yin Yang Ming will be affected by the Nile. The leader of the church was killed.

"Get out of here!"

Seeing the sharp spear hit, the leader of the Nile sect flicked his sleeve, and a violent gale suddenly blew up. This gale engulfed the void and instantly reduced the accuracy of the sharp spear.

The fierce gun was almost wiped from his side, causing Wang Feng's expression to sink.

Broken Star Fist!

With a flash of figure, Wang Feng had already arrived in front of the leader of the Nile Sect, and with a punch, Wang Feng broke out with all his strength at this moment.

"Heaven and earth oven!"

Seeing Wang Feng attacking, the Nile Sect leader showed a sneer on his face. At this moment, he waved his sleeves and his figure disappeared.

As he dissipated, a light mask suddenly enveloped both Wang Feng and Yin Yang Ming.

This heaven and earth oven is his improved heaven and earth cage. Since the last time the heaven and earth cage was instantly escaped by Wang Feng, he has spent a lot of time improving this. Now this heaven and earth oven has a stronger effect on besieging people, even this With refining function.

"You two should confess in it. The plan of this seat is not something you can destroy." While talking, suddenly the world where Wang Feng and Yin Yangming were ignited a raging flame.

The temperature of the flame is very The burning Wang Feng's skin is a little painful.

Even Wang Feng is like this, the yin and yang on the side are even worse. At this moment, his hair is almost burnt.

"Eye of Destruction!"

In the low voice, two divine rainbows burst out of Wang Feng's eyes, but he sneered when he saw this scene of the leader of the Nile cult: "It's useless, today you will be alive to refine the human-shaped pill."

"Really?" A sneer appeared on Wang Feng's face, and then more than ten divine rainbows burst out of his eyes.

Perhaps one or two blasts could not break this heaven and earth oven, but the successive attacks fell to the same place.

"Go!" Seeing this broken corner, Wang Feng and Yin Yangming rushed out of the raging fire in an instant.

(End of this chapter)


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