The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1260: alliance

Wang Feng's progress is so fast that Liu Yidao can no longer catch up. This is a very helpless thing. Liu Yidao is no longer young, and his cultivation level cannot be improved as quickly as Wang Feng.

Therefore, when he felt bitter in his heart, he also hoped that Wang Feng could go further on this road of cultivation.

Because Wang Feng is still young, he has an infinitely promising future, just like what Damu Zhizun said.

The younger he is to practice, the more handy he is. Wang Feng's future is not imaginable by Liu Yidao, so the only thing Liu Yidao can think of now is to wait for Wang Feng to become stronger in the future, and he can follow him a little.

In this way, when he has offspring in the future, he can brag to them, saying that he is the brother of XX Xeon, etc.

Wang Feng entered the retreat. After entering the cave, Wang Feng was not in a hurry to practice. He first chose to refine the pill. He didn't have much time to spend here, because now they have been completely torn apart with the Nile teachings. Facially, many things may happen every day.

Therefore, Wang Feng cannot stay here for too long.

Refining the twelve-grade pill is not a big challenge for Wang Feng at this stage. In the process of refining the pill, Wang Feng also added a bit of the pure land of the day, and then easily refined the finished product. Elixirs.

This really proved his previous guess that the active soil he took out of the Hell Valley was the legendary Heavenly Pure Land, which was the treasure in the eyes of the alchemist and was of extraordinary value.

He has a lot of this kind of mud in his hands, and when he needs some high-level elixir in the future, he can completely exchange it with those high-level alchemists.

He believed that there was such a thing, and he was not afraid that those alchemists would not be jealous.

It took Wang Feng about eight days to refine the pill. With the existence of Heavenly Pure Land, Wang Feng saved a lot of time. He refined a total of three furnaces of twelve-grade pill, and all of them were successful.

In this way, he finally had a twelve-grade pill in his hand, so that he wouldn't be overwhelmed by exhaustion like last time.

After the hastily finished alchemy, Wang Feng began to feel again. He set aside half a month for himself, so in the next few days, he will always feel his gains in Hell Valley.

He had branded so many techniques in his mind at the beginning, but now he needs to slowly ponder and understand.

With the concealment of the heavens and gods under his body, Wang Feng immediately began to practice.

I don't know how long it has passed. When Wang Feng felt that his realm could not be improved, he opened his eyes.

He had almost understood the technique, but his realm was still stuck at the peak of the mid-sacred realm, unable to take that step.

Originally, he wanted to take Fen Tiansha directly, but when he thought that his time might not be enough, he could only choose to give up.

Sometimes blindly retreat is meaningless, and there may be other gains from going out for a walk.

Coming to the outside of the cave, the old fellow Liu Yidao was sitting at the entrance of the cave and cultivating. Seeing his appearance, he was probably heading towards the holy realm.

"Wake up, we can leave." Pushing him a bit, Wang Feng said.

"What?" Liu Yidao seemed startled when he was pushed like this by Wang Feng.

"Sister Ni." Seeing this scene, Wang Feng couldn't help cursing in his heart. Is this the legendary guardian?

He wasn't even alert to the appearance of his own big living person, which was too cheating.

Fortunately, there is no danger. Otherwise, look at the face of the old guy Liu Yidao.

"This is what I prepared for you." While talking, Wang Feng took out the ghost he took out last time to take it.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Wang Dan was handed over to Liu Yidao: "Although I cannot guarantee that this Ghost King Pill will enable you to advance to the Holy Realm 100%, but with the help of this pill, I think you can It's a lot easier."

"Thank you." Taking the ghost Wang Dan from Wang Feng's hand, Liu Yidao only said these two words.

Because the last time he was in the Xuantian Great Formation, he saw Wang Feng take out this pill with his own eyes. If it hadn't happened to appear at that time, the Ghost King Pill might have been taken by Wang Feng.

In fact, Wang Feng could completely take this pill back then, but in the end he hesitated for a moment and put it away again. What was the reason for this, Liu Yidao knew in his heart.

"You and I don't have to see each other so much." After patted Liu Yidao on the shoulder, Wang Feng said: "Let's go, I guess some people are waiting for us in a hurry."

About an hour later, Wang Feng and Liu found Damu Supreme and Yin Yang Ming with one sword.

The two one-star immortals were too eye-catching, so Wang Feng found out where they were both after asking someone at random.

Because both of them were specialized in dealing with Nileism, when their reputations were revealed, they gathered a lot of combat power in just half a month.

Among them, there are sea people as well as humans, and even some orphaned descendants of Yin-Yang Sect. Although Yin-Yang Sect suffered heavy casualties, some people still escaped.

After they escaped, they remained incognito for fear of being found by the Nile religion.

But now the leader of their Yin-Yang sect has returned again and has become a true immortal, so under this general trend, they did not hesitate to stand up.

The pain in the past prompted them to have revenge, or how chilling out those who died?

In the Nile Sea, almost all the sea races hate the Nile religion, because they have almost no status here. They are inferior to human beings, and even most of the coolie slaves are their sea races.

Now some people want to resist Nile's teaching of natural choice and stand up, because this is their chance to stand up.

Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. This is from a former leader of China. The Sea Clan has been oppressed for too long, so once their hatred erupts, it is like a volcanic eruption. During the time, many strongholds of the Nile religion were destroyed by them.

There are too many sea races, and nothing can be seen when they are scattered, but once they are gathered together, the number of sea races is terrifying.

Moreover, in the past two weeks, the group of people who left the Jueluo Sea area had almost arrived in the Nile Sea area, and they all responded to the orders of the Supreme Lord.

The Jueluo Sea was forced by the Nile Sea to evacuate all the members, so they had to avenge their hatred.

In addition to the Jueluo Sea and the local forces in the Nile Sea, many powerful people in other seas have also participated. They have all been persecuted by the Nile religion, and now they have come to seek revenge from the Nile religion.

When Wang Feng appeared at the place where they temporarily gathered, he saw the Sky Demon ancestor. Although the Sea Clan led by the Sky Demon ancestor was found and killed by the Nile Sect, the appeal of the Sky Demon ancestor was still in.

Therefore, the many sea races in the Nile Sea are basically acting under his call, and he is considered to be a side character.

Although Yin Yangming was once the strongest in the Nile Sea, he is a human being after all, so he is obviously not good at commanding the Sea Clan.

Even if he had the intention, the Hai Clan might not listen to his orders.

Because there are too many living beings gathered, a large scale of city has appeared in this void, and the city is completely floating.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) What floats in the void is like a city in the sky.

There are various formations around the city, and it is the existence of these formations that make this city float in the air like this.

With the ancestor of the sky demon, Wang Feng went to the place where Damu Supreme was. There are currently three strongest monks here. Wang Feng felt that he had something to discuss with them.

After all, he had comprehended the strength of the leader of the Nile cult. If he was alone, he would be difficult to match, so uniting with others is the general trend.

"Stop." Before he got close to Dam Supreme's residence, Wang Feng was stopped by several Sea Clan monks.

Although the purpose of the people here is to deal with Nileism, humans and sea races are two completely different races after all. There is a huge gap between the two races in terms of living habits and other aspects.

So now the camps of humans and sea races are completely separated, humans are controlled by Yin and Yang Ming, while sea races are temporarily managed by Damu Supreme and the ancestors of the sky monsters.

Wang Feng had never appeared here, so these sea people naturally didn't recognize him.

Even seeing Wang Feng's human deity, these sea races showed hostility.

"Are you talking to me?" Looking at the two sea races, Wang Feng asked calmly.

"You two get out of the way quickly." Just then the ancestor of the sky demon walked out behind Wang Feng and shouted loudly.

"But Damu has an order. During his retreat, no one will meet him."

"Let them in." At this moment, the voice of Dham Supreme came from the hall, and the door of the hall opened automatically.

"Huh." Looking at these two sea races, Wang Feng snorted coldly, and then he took the sky demon ancestor into Dam Supreme's residence.

"It's really difficult to see you." Looking at Damu Supreme, Wang Feng said in a weird manner.

"What are you talking about? The people below are ignorant, forgive me." Damu Zhizun smiled slightly, and then said: "I haven't seen you for half a month, my brother, your cultivation has improved a lot."

"I don't want to talk nonsense, let's talk about the current situation first." Wang Feng said, putting aside the topic directly, so that Damu Zhizun couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment on his face.

There is Damu Supreme, there are Yin and Yang Ming, plus Wang Feng and the ancestor of the sky demon, it is basically complete.

"The minions of the Nile religion have now stretched out into the clear sea area." A sea area map appeared in front of everyone while speaking, and it was Yin Yang Ming who was in charge of explaining.

Although he has been trapped in Jigokudani for more than 50,000 years, he has already adapted to life outside during the period he came out. Dealing with Nileism is not something that can be accomplished because of Nepal. The power of the Luo Sect is too great nowadays. In addition to a Nile Sect leader, they also have many elders.

Even in addition to the Nile Sea, there are people who were secretly cultivated by the Nile religion in other sea areas. If all these people are added together, the power of the Nile religion is unimaginable.

"It seems that the Nile Religion doesn't put us in the eyes at all." A glance at the sea area map revealed a sneer on Wang Feng's face.

Although the Nile Sect did not extend their minions to the land for the time being, if there is a chance to deal with them now, Wang Feng will not give up.

The cancer of the Nile religion has always to be removed. Instead of talking about it here, it is better to kill them immediately. They try to expand their territory, and then Wang Feng and others will continue to devour their territory.

Wang Feng didn't know why they hadn't moved for so long, but since Wang Feng came back, he would act according to his own will.

(End of this chapter)


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