The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1273: The secret of the dark abyss

Sixty-five kilometers.

Seventy thousand meters.

Eighty thousand meters.

In just a few breaths, Wang Feng's dive speed has exceeded 100,000 meters, but he still hasn't seen the seabed at such a depth.

It seems that this is like a bottomless pit, there is no bottom at all.

No wonder this place is called the Dark Abyss, but it is worthy of the name. It is deep and dark, and you can't find the bottom.

The patriarch of Jiaolong once said that a passage had appeared because of a big explosion, and Wang Feng felt that he had entered this passage now.

The surrounding water pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and the pressure makes Wang Feng's body shield creak.

Although Wang Feng's complexion changed slightly after seeing this scene, he did not panic, because this was just his body shield.

Even if his mask was broken, he still had the mask of the green glaze lotus tree.

Moreover, even without a mask, his physical body is sufficient to withstand the water pressure here.

After a few more breaths, Wang Feng has already dived to a depth of 100,000 meters. It can be said that he can barely see his fingers here, and it is dark. Even after arriving here, Wang Feng found that the difficulty of diving has increased many times. Because the strong water pressure has begun to affect him.

That is to say, he has a powerful realm. If he is replaced by a low-level monk here, this powerful water pressure is enough to instantly crush him into nothingness.

The sea was still shaking at this moment, and Qiongqi from behind chased it down.

"I don't believe I can't get rid of you." Qiongqi's body is very large, but this dark abyss obviously cannot accommodate his huge body.

It was just that as he dived, Wang Feng found that he hadn't got rid of the Qiongqi at all. The opponent seemed to be able to shrink his body and quickly pursue it.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. What kind of strength is Qiongqi, and it is natural to change his body.

With the sky eyes open, Wang Feng was able to see clearly about a kilometer nearby area, and as the depth continued to increase, the area he could see clearly also decreased.

call out!

Just when Wang Feng was tired of getting rid of this poor strangeness, he suddenly felt a black shadow in front of him, and the scene he saw in the past seemed to reappear again.

There is something unknown in this deep seabed.

This time Wang Feng saw clearly, and there was really a dark shadow rushing past his eyes.

The speed of this black shadow was very fast, and Wang Feng's eyes had never caught the other's impression.

If it were normal, Wang Feng would definitely slow down his speed at this moment, but Qiongqi behind him was chasing him, so even if he discovered this shadow, Wang Feng did not dare to hesitate.

There is no doubt that Qiongqi can kill him, so how dare Wang Feng hesitate?


Just after Wang Feng dived for several hundred meters, suddenly several black shadows passed in front of his eyes.

As if a cloud of black fog drifted by, Wang Feng still did not capture the trajectory of these dark shadows. Of course, he had never felt any crisis. It seemed that these dark shadows would not harm people.

But even so, Wang Feng kept an eye on it, because he didn't know what these shadows were.


There was a violent roar from behind, and Qiongqi rushed to catch up.

Although there is still some distance away, but a strong life and death crisis has enveloped Wang Feng.

Without hesitation, Wang Feng burst out of his limit speed in an instant and headed toward the deeper sea.

He can't remember how many meters he has dived now. In short, as he dives, his celestial eye ability has been severely compressed in an area of ​​500 meters.

The black shadow had dashed in front of his eyes several times, and even Wang Feng could feel the sea water accelerating at that moment.

But Wang Feng still has no choice

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) See exactly what those things are, they are like ghosts, fast and scary.

In this way, under the chase of the Qiongqi Giant Beast, Wang Feng could only continue to dive, since he has already come here, then he has no turning back.

"It seems there is light?" Just after ten breaths, Wang Feng seemed to perceive a faint light coming from under the deep seabed.

Although the light was faint, it still appeared very conspicuous on such a dark seabed.

"Is there a baby?" Wang Feng muttered to himself, and then he speeded up his dive.

His body protection mask had long been broken, and now he was using the mask of the colored green lotus tree.

The light shield of the colored glaze green lotus tree can defend against the attacks of monks who are higher than Wang Feng's realm, so the perverted defensive ability is naturally unnecessary.

As Wang Feng dived, he found that the light became more and more obvious. With this light, Wang Feng saw many dark shadows moving fast in the sea.

The speed of the shadow is moving too fast, it seems that the water pressure has no effect on them at all.

It's just that now is not the time to take care of these shadows, it is the business to get rid of the Qiongqi giant.

"That is?"

After about twenty breaths, Wang Feng was already very close to the light, and here Wang Feng could even see things emitting light.

Wang Feng's eyes widened as he saw the things on the bottom of the sea, revealing an incredible color.

Because he saw a magnificent palace, there will be a palace on the deep seabed, what is going on?

The light is emitted from this palace, and even with the light, Wang Feng can even see what those dark shadows are.

The black shadows are really just a cloud of black fog, this black fog has no life, and no realm fluctuations, they are like an irregular fog.

The things that flashed before Wang Feng's eyes should be these things.

A palace in the water, Wang Feng originally guessed that there should be some treasure or some ancient behemoth below, but what he didn't expect was that there would be a palace here.

The palace seems to have been standing here for a very long time, and those dark shadows are constantly surrounding the palace, like guards.

Without feeling any danger, Wang Feng slowly moved closer to the palace.

It was just at this moment that a strong life and death crisis appeared in Wang Feng's heart.

At this moment, Wang Feng stepped aside without hesitation, but no matter how fast he flashed, he still couldn't dodge the attacking power.


A crack appeared in the mask of the glass green lotus tree, and it almost shattered.

Looking back, Wang Feng suddenly showed shock, because it was the Qiongqi beast that had been chasing him.

After the changes, Qiongqi's body has become much smaller, and he seems to have learned to be smart, knowing that Qing has come to attack Wang Feng quietly.

If it hadn't been for Wang Feng to have a body shield, perhaps a single blow would be enough to cause huge damage to Wang Feng.

Even the light cover of the colored glaze green lotus tree was almost shattered, and you can imagine the power of this Qiongqi's claw.

One claw failed to kill Wang Feng, and this Qiongqi came with a second claw.

The vast power was transmitted from its body. Although Qiongqi was not physically big now, the power contained in his body was like the ocean.

Faced with such a beast, Wang Feng didn't even want to fight back, because he knew that he could not hurt the opponent even if he tried to fight back.

So there is only one way left for him, and that is to escape.

Right now they have reached the bottom of the sea, Wang Feng has no other way except to escape to the palace.

Exploding his speed to the limit, Wang Feng came to the gate of the palace in the blink of an eye.

along with

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) His arrival, suddenly all the black shadows surrounding the palace also rushed over.

Like a black cloud, Wang Feng was completely covered by the black mist in the blink of an eye.

Across the light shield of the colored glaze green lotus tree, all the black mist was attached to it.

Originally, the black mist did not present any danger to Wang Feng, but when the black mist was attached, Wang Feng was surprised to find that the mask of the glass green lotus tree was being petrified.

This discovery made Wang Feng's complexion drastically changed. These black mists still have this ability. Fortunately, he has a light shield to protect him. Otherwise, he must be the one who is petrified now.

"Fuck me all!"

The breath of the whole body erupted, Wang Feng wanted to shake all these dark shadows away, but no matter what he did, these dark shadows were firmly attached to his mask.

On the other hand, Qiongqi Giant Beast is much easier.

These black shadows couldn't stay on it at all, because when the black shadows attached, the world exterminators instantly wiped out all these black shadows.

"I can't manage that much." Qiongqi was behind him, so even though the mask had been petrified, Wang Feng still didn't stay at all. He burst out of his own power and went straight to the door of the hall. go with.


The power blasted above the door of the hall, and a roar suddenly broke out, but when the power dissipated, the door of the hall was still there, and there was no sign of opening.

A rich life and death crisis appeared in his heart, and at this moment Wang Feng turned his body sideways without hesitation.

A terrifying force followed Wang Feng's body and brushed past him. It was Qiongqi's claw.


As this power swept past, Wang Feng Petrochemical's mask appeared to be shattered.

If the mask is broken, these dark shadows must all be attached to Wang Feng's body.

"Come if you have the ability!"

Wang Feng, the door of the hall, could not be pushed open, but at this moment he suddenly yelled out.

Wang Feng couldn't push the gate of this hall, but this Qiongqi was possible.

So Wang Feng's figure appeared directly in front of this hall.


Hearing Wang Feng's voice, this Qiongqi let out a roar, and then his claws directly reached Wang Feng.

Several claw shadows flashed in the sea, and this strange claw contained infinite power.

Seeing this claw hit, Wang Feng exploded with an unprecedented speed limit, and he jumped out of his body almost instantly.


As Wang Feng stepped away, all the endless claws of Qiongqi fell on this palace door.

The palace door Wang Feng could not be pushed open, but when Qiongqi's power swept across, the palace door shattered directly in the sound of an explosion.

The tall door directly shattered into seven or eight pieces, making Wang Feng shocked.

The door that cannot be opened by himself can be completely This is the gap of strength.

Although Qiongqi is not a human being, its terrifying power is real. Fortunately, Wang Feng just hid quickly.


The palace door had just broken. Originally, Wang Feng wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to impact, but he hadn't waited until he took any action when suddenly a majestic force burst out from behind this door.

Because this Qiongqi was standing in front of the door, he was the first to accept the impact of this force.

It was like a meteorite hitting the earth. At this moment, Qiongqi was flew out at least several kilometers by this force, which made Wang Feng amazed, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Fortunately, he just didn't rush in, otherwise such power would fall on him, and he couldn't imagine how he would end up.

(End of this chapter)


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