The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1292: Why didn't you smile?

"I used to think that the real immortal was so powerful, but I didn't expect it to be a bunch of existence here." Liu Yidao said as he moved forward.

Although there were a lot of masters in the middle three days at the beginning, there were no real true immortals, and the great emperor Xuanyu was only a half immortal, but now here, true immortals are just like a big road. The gap is too great. Big.

"There is a vision of whatever realm there is. When we become stronger in the future, the true immortal may be nothing more than an ant." Wang Feng responded.

"Friend Qiu Dao." Just as Wang Feng was talking with Liu Yidao, the people from Yandang Palace had already walked towards the group of people.

Even in the past, the elder Qi of Yandang Palace still greeted an old man in the crowd. The two should be old acquaintances.

"Have you found here too?" Seeing the people in Yandang Palace, the called old man was surprised.

"Fortunately, I learned the news. Listening to what you mean, it seems that I shouldn't be here anymore?" Originally, Elder Qi and the surname Qiu were quite friendly, only when he heard this sentence from the other person. After speaking, the distance between the two of them was invisibly opened.

In the face of interests, friendship is just a joke.

It's not a real push-to-heart. Believing in others at this time is looking for death. The person who was killed in Yandang Palace is an example.

If you let you go, just go, this kind of person deserves to die.

Why don't you let you eat shit?

"Hehe, what's the point? Since we are all here, then everyone should work together to open the door of the treasure." The old man surnamed Qiu smiled slightly, not knowing what abacus was in his heart.

Hearing his words, Wang Feng raised his gaze, and through these figures, Wang Feng saw a mountain that had been cut in half.

This mountain was originally very high, hundreds of meters long, but now this mountain has been split by the sword from top to bottom.

And just in the center of this mountain peak appeared a stone gate, it was a stone gate full of the atmosphere of quaint years, the stone gate was about 30 meters high and looked extremely domineering.

The stone gate is covered with densely packed runes, these runes look messy on the surface, more like being scribbled randomly.

But when you watch it carefully, you will find that the runes on it are actually full of weirdness, which is like a large net covering the door completely.

This is something with extremely powerful sealing ability, and it's no wonder that these people can't open it, because these runes are really too esoteric, and the people present basically can't understand it.

If they could understand it, they would have opened the stone door and rushed in.

It's not that they haven't done a powerful method of breaking the door, but this method has not worked at all, even if they beat this mountain into a lot of holes, this stone gate is still not moving.

So although there are many people around here, they have been studying how to open this stone gate.

"So many people can't open a stone gate?" Elder Qi asked in shock.

"Don't think that it is an ordinary door, this door is full of weirdness, even if all of us present together can't shake this door." The old man surnamed Qiu said, with the same surprised expression.

The treasure of the sun **** is right in front of them, and they naturally want to go in, but there is this stone door blocking here, and none of them can go in.

This is a very distressing thing. It is like a golden mountain and a silver mountain right in front of your eyes, but there is a bottomless abyss in front of you. That kind of unattainable pain is the most painful. Uncomfortable.

So many people couldn't break this stone gate together, which shows that it is not ordinary difficult to get in.

"This rune is from the last era," said the tortoise shell in Wang Feng's left arm.

"Do you know this thing?

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page Wang Feng asked in surprise when he heard what he said.

"Of course I do." Tortoise Shell responded, and then continued: "Each era has a different cultivation system for each era. In the last era, almost all the powers cultivated runes. It was an era of runes shaking the world, above this stone gate. The rune should be the product of the last era."

"Then the Shimen might not be the treasure of the sun god?"

"Are you a pig?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell ridiculed mercilessly. There have been many masters in the last era. Do you think that the Great Destruction can kill all the creatures?

"You mean someone has survived?" Wang Feng asked in shock.

"Yes, not only that, but it is estimated that there are many people who have survived. The seal on this stone gate should be left by the strong of the last era."

"You said so much, do you have any way to unlock this seal?" Wang Feng asked straight to the subject.

"I don't know much about runes, and trying to crack this thing is not as simple as I imagined. Any step of processing may involve runes into the body, and ultimately endanger life.

"Even if you are a shit, you have no life."

"But I will use your body to unlock this rune."

"Day." Upon hearing this, Wang Feng cursed in a low voice, and said: "That's not good. Why is the person taking the risk? I am the one who has so many people here. Just get one of them."

"If you can catch it, I can do as you wish."

"This problem shouldn't be a big deal." Wang Feng said after thinking about it.

This treasure of the sun **** will be opened sooner or later, and blind consumption is of no effect at all. Moreover, Wang Feng doesn't want to stay here for too long, because he has to return to middle school for three days.

"Everyone, don't you know if you want to enter the treasure of the sun god?" Wang Feng exclaimed at this moment, amplifying his voice.

Almost at the moment he spoke, he became the focus of the audience's attention, and everyone turned their attention to him.

It's just that when they swept away Wang Feng's only second stage of the Holy Realm, they all sneered.

If a master said something like that, it might be a little credible, but a junior in the late stage of the holy realm actually said such words to all of them, which is simply sensational.

"Boy, did you take the wrong medicine?" At this moment, a one-star immortal couldn't help but laughed teasingly.

"I think he is just to win everyone's concern, just jump the clown."

"Dare to speak up here in the later stages of the sacred realm. I really do not know how to live or die."

In almost an instant, there were almost twenty or thirty people mocking Wang Feng, and they didn't put Wang Feng in their eyes at all.

In their eyes, Wang Feng is just like a joke.

Of course, they didn't care about the mounts under Wang Feng's feet either, because where could a mount in the late stage of the Holy Realm be so strong?

Big size and low strength, good ass. ,

"Laugh, I can't make you laugh." Seeing these people mocking himself, Wang Feng's palm moved forward, and in an instant, more than three one-star immortals galloped toward him uncontrollably.

The golden runes filled Wang Feng's hands. At this moment, he used the Primordial Runes to instantly seal the power of these three people.

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

Seeing this scene, all the three people screamed.

They didn't expect that Wang Feng would dare to make such an open move, especially those who laughed at Wang Feng now had their expressions frozen on their faces.

Three true immortals could be imprisoned in a sacred stage late stage, but there was a big problem among them.


He didn't even pay attention to the shouts of those people. Wang Feng slapped a real fairy on the face and said, "Laugh, why don't you keep laughing?"

Wang Feng's voice

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) It is very big, and it makes many people's faces changed.

They all thought that Wang Feng was just a little monk in the late stage of the Holy Realm, but now it seems that this guy is completely pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and a one-star fairy is slapped by him in front of so many people. Why does this make others feel so embarrassed?

"There are two of you." Wang Feng moved his palm again while speaking, and slapped the three faces one after another.

The strength of Wang Feng's hands was not light, so when his palms were retracted, the faces of these three people almost swelled up, like pig heads.

"Yes, that's how they killed them." In Wang Feng's dantian, Liu Yidao laughed very freely at this moment.

He likes Wang Feng's way of doing things, and will do it if he doesn't agree.

"The three of you show me a smile." Looking at the three, Wang Feng said in a cold tone.

But at this time the power of the three of them has been sealed, how can they still laugh?

At this moment, they can even feel the killing intent passed from Wang Feng, as long as they dare to say a word, they are afraid that they will be separated immediately.

"Give you three breaths of time to laugh, whoever laughs the most brilliantly, I will let him go. There is only one end that can't laugh, and that is the food for my mount." Wang Feng said, making many people's complexions change.

Does he really dare to kill in front of so many people?

"Ha ha."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the three people in front of him really all laughed, but their laughter looked so ugly, the laughter was completely uglier than the crying.

If an unsuspecting person sees their expressions, they might think that his family is dead.

The sound of dry laughter continued to permeate here, and no one was afraid of death. The same was true for these three people and one star immortal. They had no other choice when they fell into Wang Feng's hands at this moment.

"Is this the smile you just made?" Wang Feng actually wanted to laugh when he saw their expressions, but what he thought in his heart was absolutely different from what he expressed on his face.

These people laughed at him so much just now. If they didn't kill the chicken and curse the monkey, then everyone thought he was a good bully.

"One is uglier than the one smiling. In that case, all three of you can go to death."

While talking, Wang Feng's power exploded, and he shot a one-star immortal's head with one palm.

"you dare!"

Seeing this scene, an old man yelled, and he took off instantly, deceiving himself to kill Wang Feng.

"Why don't I dare?"

Looking at the flying old man, Wang Feng stomped Yingru under his feet. Then, in the face of everyone's incomparable horror, Yingru had grown up with a mouthful of blood and swallowed the old man into his abdomen in one bite.

The old man actually wanted to escape, but it was a pity that the huge swallowing force emanating from Yingru's mouth was pulling him, and he had no chance to escape.


The sound of bone being crushed sounded, and at this moment in Yingru's mouth, the old man was crushed alive.

Seeing this scene The many true immortals present were all cold from head to toe. That was a master at the level of three-star immortals, and was eaten by a mount like this.

No one thought that Wang Feng should have such a terrifying mount, especially the face of the person who laughed at him just now, their realm is not as good as the person who was swallowed by the infant, if the young man on the beast’s head let The monster swallowed them, afraid that they didn't even have the power to resist.


Yingru had already swallowed a three-star elder, and at this moment, Wang Feng had successively photographed the three one-star celestials around him into a blood mist.

A black mist spread out from his left arm, and the blood mist was squeezed into the air in an instant.

From the time Wang Feng arrested people to the time he killed them, only ten breaths of time passed.

Thanks to the big head leader for the red once again, today four more!

(End of this chapter)


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