The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1476: Dreaming

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Wang Feng asked with some doubts looking at the surprised eyes of these people around him.

"Aren't you just here?" At this time, a student looked at Wang Feng suspiciously and said.

"Yeah, I don't even know Dream Missing Destiny, I don't think you are someone from outside who pretended to come in?" Another student said disdainfully.

Hearing what he said, Wang Feng was slightly startled. This guy did not expect to reveal his current identity in a word, but even though Wang Feng had pretended to come in, he absolutely couldn't admit it.

"I came in with you in batches, but I have been practicing in retreat recently, so I didn't know the news." Wang Feng casually found an excuse to explain.

"Meng Wuyuan worshipped the seventh elder of the academy as a teacher. If you want to find him, you have to go to the seventh elder." At this time, a person said kindly.

"Seven elders?" Wang Feng was stunned when he heard these words. He came here but didn't even know ghosts.

Originally, he thought that dream miss was easy to find, but now it seems that the chance of dream miss is not shallow.

When I first came to Longquan College, I was favored by an elder and accepted as a disciple. This kind of good luck is not common among people.

I was talking nonsense here for a while, and Wang Feng also lost the fun of continuing to talk with them.

Because they can't help him find the dream miss, Wang Feng doesn't bother to talk with you.

After leaving here, Wang Feng went to a place where there were many people in Longquan Academy.

But before this far, Wang Feng saw a person who surprised him.

Hua Qianyan, the former role woman, had her father held a huge martial arts contest for her to recruit relatives, but in the end she seemed to follow the dream and missed it.

When he first met them in the Nile Sea, Wang Feng still felt a little unbelievable that a woman would have such great perseverance.

It's just that from the current situation, Meng Wuyuan obviously accepted her, otherwise she would not appear here.

When he arrived not far from Huaqianyan, Wang Feng directly began to transmit his voice: "Fairy Flower, please come over and tell me."

Hearing Wang Feng's voice transmission, Hua Qianyan immediately cast her gaze here, but when she looked at it, she showed a look of doubt, because she did not know any of these people.

"Here." During the transmission, Wang Feng waved to Hua Qianyan.

Now it is not difficult for Hua Qianyan to distinguish the person who calls herself in the crowd, but she does not know Wang Feng, so she is still very puzzled.

But her name hasn't been told to anyone since she came to Longquan Academy. This person can call her name, maybe she really knows her.

With doubts, she walked towards Wang Feng.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go over there for a comment."

Wang Feng spoke in a low voice, and then he walked towards a place where no one was there.

"Who are you?" This is Longquan College, so Hua Qianyan was not afraid that Wang Summit would be bad for her, she followed.

"The Nile Sea." Wang Feng only said these four words.

The moment Hua Qianyan heard these four words in the Nile Sea, her expression was moved, because she was so familiar with these four words. She spent most of her life in the Nile Sea. , So suddenly I heard this strange and attributed place from Wang Feng's mouth, and the feeling of longing in her heart suddenly burst out.

She thought of the father who regarded herself as an interest-driven father. Although her father only wanted to use her identity in exchange for family benefits, he was the father who gave birth and raised her anyway. Now three days after coming here , She wants

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) It is almost impossible to return to the Nile Sea.

Because she has learned a lot in the last three days, if a person who has been in the third day wants to go to the third day, it will pay a lot of money, and given her current status and status, it is basically impossible for her to go back. thing.

Don't even mention her, even if the dream is missed, he can't go back.

"This is not a place to talk, please come with me." She led the way while talking, and Wang Feng followed behind.

Obviously, the four words of the Nile Sea had attracted the attention of Hua Qianyan, which was what Wang Fengle saw.

Not long after, under the leadership of Hua Qianyan, Wang Feng entered the fragrant boudoir she is currently living in. Girls’ fragrant boudoirs are usually filled with a unique fragrance of their body, and this is also true for the room of Hua Qianyan. .

It's just that now Wang Feng's attention is not on these smells, because he has more important things to ask.

"Who are you?" After Hua Qianyan closed the door, she immediately turned to Wang Feng and asked.

In her opinion, the person who can say the four words in the Nile Sea must be someone who knows her, but it is a pity that she can't find out when she saw the person in front of her when she searched through her memory. .

"Who I am, you can tell at a glance." Wang Feng's appearance changed rapidly while speaking, and he changed back to his original appearance.


Seeing Wang Feng's almost disguised change technique, Hua Qianyan grew her mouth, revealing an extremely surprised expression.

The last time Wang Feng killed Hua Wuyuan, she still thinks it is vivid in retrospect, but what she didn't expect at all is that Wang Feng is now boldly mixed into Longquan Academy. Is he really afraid of being caught by the Academy? Live?

"Don't be surprised, I just want to ask how you came here for three days. If this were not the case, I wouldn't risk coming in." Wang Feng said with a smile.

"We came through an ancient teleportation formation." Hua Qianyan's expression turned bitter when he heard Wang Feng's words.

She never thought that she would live for three days, if she could choose, she would rather be the place where she was born and raised.

Throughout the ages, there are countless people who want to come to the middle three days for three days, but she is not that kind of person. In her opinion, if she can live happily and freely, then all this is enough.

It's just that sometimes things don't look like what I thought. She didn't come for three days, but the ancient teleportation formation abruptly sent her and Meng.

She has never found a way back.

"Ancient Teleportation Array?" Hearing Hua Qianyan's explanation, Wang Feng's face was surprised.

It took him a lot of trouble to come for three days by himself. Even when he first came, he almost died. If he could also use the teleportation array to come here for three days, then nothing like that would happen. Up.

Through the old tortoise Wangfeng in his left arm, he knows that there are still many eras in their era. It is not impossible that some ancient teleportation formations can be preserved in the long river of history. They have been here for three days but they are much luckier than themselves. .

"I think his realm was only half-sacred when I first saw the dream missed, but now he is already in the Seventh Heaven, and time passes so quickly." Wang Feng said with emotion.

"Compared with him, your realm improves faster." Hua Qianyan responded at this time.

"Hurry?" Wang Feng lost his voice when he heard this.

The reason why his realm has improved rapidly is inseparable from his own chances, and at the same time it has something to do with those external pressures. If it were not for the rush of revenge, Wang Feng's realm might not have been improved so fast.

As the saying goes

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Pressure is the only motivation. This is not without reason.

"Meng Wuyuan didn't encounter any resistance after coming to this academy?" Originally, Wang Feng wanted to ask why Meng Wuyuan's realm could rise so quickly, but after thinking about it, he gave up and said this sentence.

Because everyone has different opportunities for everyone, just as Hua Qianyan said, since one's own realm can reach the immortal, why can't the realm of dreams not reach the real immortal?

"Nothing, no one knows that we know you."

"Since you are okay, then I'm relieved. I came here to see you. Since everyone is okay, then I will go out."

In any case, Longquan Academy is a place where masters are like clouds. Wang Feng has just killed Hua Wuyuan not long ago. If they are told to recognize themselves, then Wang Feng will be in trouble.

"Don't you wait to miss it?" Hua Qianyan stopped him when he watched Wang Feng leave.

"Didn't he be accepted as a disciple by those elders? Could he be coming back?"

"The elder just told him to pass on the exercises in the past, and he should be back in two days."

"OK then."

No matter how old people meet, it is a happy event. Wang Feng has never asked why the dream of missed destiny can reach so fast, this time I can ask carefully.

"Well, you will live with me temporarily. As long as you don't go out, no one will interrogate you."

"Then where do you live?"

"Of course I live here."

"It's up to you then."

Since others don't mind, what else does Wang Feng have to say, and he will not treat this Huaqianyan like that, naturally he is open-minded.

For the next two days, Wang Feng lived in Hua Qianyan's house. Just as Hua Qianyan said, Wang Feng stayed here and didn't meet anyone.

Until the third day, the dream did not return.

"Qianyan, I'm back." There was a dream of missing out from far away, but the moment he opened the door, he was stunned.

Because he actually saw a man in his wife's room.

It's just that this stupefied speed is so fast, he quickly reacted, and he rushed into the room as soon as his figure flashed, and he shut the door of the room.

"Why did you come here?"

Seeing Wang Feng, this dream missed suddenly a little worried.

"I'm here, can't it be done?" Wang Feng's originally closed eyes slowly opened when Meng missed the words.

"You can come and see me at any time, but don't you know that now the college is sending a large number of masters to look for you outside." Meng Wuyuan said anxiously.

"As long as they can find it, let them find it." Wang Feng said indifferently.

My own art of stealing the sky and changing the sun is very magical, and most people can’t see his true colors at I’m afraid even the people of Longquan College would not think that the person they are looking for is now in their academy. in.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, Meng Wuyuan's face showed a look of helplessness. It was not that he intended to drive Wang Feng away, but that Wang Feng's current situation was indeed not good.

However, when he thought that Wang Feng killed that Hua Wuyuan because of himself, what he wanted to say in the end could only be turned into a sigh.

When Wang Feng met him for the first time when he was in the Nile Sea, he also helped him, but now he also helped him when Wang Feng met him for the first time in the upper three days. He didn't know how to repay him. Wang Feng.

"Since the two of you are fine, then I'm relieved, and I'll cultivate here, I'm leaving."

"Wait." Seeing Wang Feng about to leave, the dream stopped him.

(End of this chapter)



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