The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1727: Extremely difficult

Originally, Wang Feng thought that as long as he gathered a lot of power, he could attack the realm of kings.

But when he left his **** city at this moment, he realized that his current soul state was really weak. It was like the root of a duckweed, with no sense of reality.

In this state, it is extremely difficult to attack the king, and Wang Feng was a bit too optimistic before.

It's no wonder that so many Divine City monks can only wait for death in the end, this is not without reason.

Because wanting to become a king from a **** city monk, this requires not only strength, but also courage.

Because Wang Feng didn't know exactly what the cultivator of God City was all about, he now chose to attack the king so arrogantly.

If he knew the impact was so difficult, then maybe he wouldn't be so impulsive.

Now he has no choice but to quit, he can only bite the bullet and attack the realm of kings.

When he had a physical body, Wang Feng felt that it was not too difficult to attack the realm of the king. If it weren't for the trouble of the heavens at the last moment, perhaps he was already the king now.

Now in the state of God City, the difficulty he wants to break through has increased by at least several times, which is a very thorny problem.

But the world has no regrets about selling drugs, even if the chance of failure is high, Wang Feng will rush.

Holding a war sword in one hand, Wang Feng was frantically absorbing the power of his own **** city. In a place where others could not see, a tall illusory door appeared in the void.

The height of this gate is about tens of meters high. It is really small for Wang Feng to stand in front of such a gate. This is the gate of the king, and it is an obstacle to organize all Nirvana monks to advance.

As long as this door is opened or broken, the monk can enter the realm of kings in one fell swoop.

Just wanting to open this door is not easy for the cultivators of God City, how many people have spent their entire lives unable to open this door.

Although Wang Feng is different from ordinary people, if he wants to open this door today, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

"Drive me!"

After mobilizing all the power in his God City, Wang Feng bombarded the huge King's Gate in the void with his soul state.

"What is he doing?" Watching Wang Feng actually attacked the void, many people were talking in whispers.

"I heard that a gate of the void will appear when the cultivator of the **** city hits the realm of the king. Maybe he is attacking that gate at the moment." The cultivator with knowledge replied.

Although they couldn't see the existence of that door, since Wang Feng made a move, it means that he is now attacking the realm of kings.

"It must be successful!"

Seeing Wang Feng assaulting the realm of kings right in front of her, Yan Junyun couldn’t help but squeeze her fists. The last time Wang Feng’s breakthrough failed was also a spiritual shock to her, so he now truly hopes that Wang Feng Can rush into the realm of kings in one fell swoop.


It was like hitting a copper wall and an iron wall, Wang Feng's first blow did not affect the king's gate, and even this gate did not shake the slightest.

But Wang Feng was not discouraged, because the power in his God City was very sufficient. If it didn't work the first time, then do it again.

Even if it does not work again, Wang Feng can attack this void gate indefinitely until his power is completely exhausted.

If this door is not broken, then Wang Feng really has no choice.

The first attack failed, and soon Wang Feng began the second round of attack.

Compared with the beginning, Wang Feng has undoubtedly become a lot more fierce this time, because sometimes he wants to break such a door, all he needs is fierce strength, so Wang Feng would rather risk losing his strength, he also Go hit this door.

Here, Wang Feng is still madly exploding with power in order to break through the king, and outside his **** city, the guard of the dead emperor is also entangled the monk of the eighth heaven.

Although his realm is lower than the opponent by two levels, but after special training, this guard is completely not afraid of death.

If you punch me, then I will also punch you. Under such circumstances, the monk of the King's Eighth Heaven couldn't help being surprised.

Because he found that the person in front of him didn't seem to be afraid of death at all, and for a while, he couldn't help defending him at a high level.

Because he was afraid that the other party would die with him, based on his style of play, he felt that this person could completely do such a thing.


Just as the two kings were fighting with each other, in the void where Wang Feng was, that void gate finally made Wang Feng a crack. This was the result of Wang Feng attacking dozens of times.

Seeing that the city gate had broken marks, Wang Feng's offensive became more and more fierce. At this moment, he didn't care about the rapid flow of the power of his God City. After only a dozen shots, his power in the God City had at least been lost. Sixty percent, this shows how crazy Wang Feng is now.

Under Wang Feng's attention, the middle part of the city gate was sinking, which was already a sign of breaking.

However, when Wang Feng violently attacked the gate of the void, he suddenly noticed that a crisis was locked to him, and there was almost no hesitation. Wang Feng raised the sword in his hand and swung it down.

Under a sword, a screaming scream rang out from the void, and a figure fell out of the void. Of course, this person might be well hidden when he was hiding, but when his body fell out of the void, he But it was a remnant, because his body had already been divided by Wang Feng with a sword.

Seeing this scene, the few kings who hadn't done anything felt shocked in their hearts. When Wang Feng hit the realm of kings, he could easily kill the kings. Fortunately, they didn't rush forward before, otherwise it will change now. They may be the people who become dead.

Although Wang Feng looks powerful and unstoppable in the eyes of others, only Wang Feng himself understands that in order to wield the one just now, not only did he lose a large part of his strength, but his soul also became weaker.

Because the war sword needs more than just strength, it will draw people's vitality and blood.

When there is a physical body, this war sword can absorb human qi and blood to fight, but now Wang Feng has no real physical body other than God City, so this war sword now naturally absorbs his soul power.

Wang Feng himself was already very reluctant to hit the king's realm at this time, and now as his soul weakens, it is even more difficult for him to become a king.

However, Wang Feng is a person who refuses to give up. If he does not fight to the end, who knows what the scene will be, so let alone the soul is a little weaker, even if the soul is about to die, Wang Feng will never give up to attack this. The door of the king.

You must know that this is an opportunity for Wang Feng to get rid of the city of God. Once it is missed, Wang Feng may no longer have this opportunity.

Although his soul mark has always been on the power of rules, once Wang Feng fails here, who knows whether his dissipated soul will directly affect his soul hidden in the power of rules, so Wang Feng dare not gamble, nor can he bet Up.

So many **** city cultivators ended up stuck at this gate and died, Wang Feng didn't want to follow in their footsteps, so today he has to rush into the king's realm anyway, even if he pays a heavy price, he will not hesitate.

This step has been taken, Wang Feng has no turning back, he can only rush forward indefinitely.

"I don't know if he can get rid of God City today."

Looking at the Wang Feng who was performing alone in the void, many people couldn't help but talk. It is very difficult for a **** city monk to become a king, because too many **** city monks died when they attacked the king realm.

This **** city cultivator and human cultivator are completely different from attacking the king's realm. If human beings fail to attack, then they can completely transform into a **** city to get another chance, which is like an alternative rebirth.

But the **** city monks are different. They have already defeated once, so if they lose again, there is only one waiting for them, and that is death!

Therefore, as to whether Wang Feng can succeed, many people are also holding an attitude of onlookers. People like Wang Feng's previous legends are against the sky, so they all want to see Wang Feng can create miracles again today.

It seems that he is only a few months away from the time of the last failure, right? He was so anxious to hit the king's realm. In this way, Wang Feng was indeed too risky now.

But after all, Wang Feng is different from normal people. He used to be the Daozi of the Celestial Realm. He must have some hole cards in order to attack the King Realm.

Does Wang Feng really have a hole card?

That is obviously impossible. If there is a physical body, Wang Feng can still use various methods to bombard the gate of the king, but now he is in a state of soul. In addition to urging his own power to bombard this A door, he still has a way to fart.

If there is really a way, then probably only the fierceness in Wang Feng's bones is left.


Wang Feng's situation here is getting worse, and outside his **** city, the situation of the king's guard is also not good, because he has been pressed into the wind.

Seeing that Wang Feng might be about to break through to the king, the cultivator of the eighth heaven of king realm knew that he could not delay any longer.

Because once Wang Feng breaks through to the realm of kings, when Wang Feng reshapes his naked eyes, he may not be able to kill Wang Feng.

So the best way now is to take advantage of Wang Feng's critical moment of breakthrough to give a destructive blow. As long as Wang Feng cannot complete the breakthrough, then even if he is not used to kill, Wang Feng himself will die.

So now this king can be said to be fierce, he understands that if he does not act, there may be no chance.

He can't watch his own brother die in vain, so now he wants revenge.

A palm slapped the guard of the king away, and the monk of the king's eighth heaven rushed towards Wang Feng.

It's just that before he really got close to Wang Feng, he suddenly couldn't walk in mid-air, because one of his feet was hugged by a monk at this moment.

And that monk is exactly the guard of the dead guard given to Wang Feng by Emperor Batian.

"If you want to hurt the master, step on me first."

" Seeing this scene, the old man of the King’s Eighth Heaven was so angry that he was already close to Wang Feng, but who would have thought that his legs would be hugged by others? .

At this time, even if he wanted to move forward, there was no way he could do it.

"Break it for me!"

The king temporarily dragged the guard of the dead soldier, and at Wang Feng, Wang Feng also began to go crazy, because that door had become more and more tattered.

However, it was such a dilapidated door that Wang Feng did not smash it after several attempts.

Even when Wang Feng took the shot, his soul was gloomy for a while. At this moment, he had suffered a very serious injury. This is a soul injury, and it is not so easy to heal.

But even so, Wang Feng didn't think about letting it go. At this moment, his expression was extremely firm, and he had only one idea, which was to break this door and rush into the realm of watching.


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