The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1733: News from Guan Fu

"Asshole, let him go." Seeing his son screaming screamingly, the Miao family leader yelled.

At this moment, his eyes were a little red, and he was on the verge of exploding.

"You call me a bastard?" Hearing this middle-aged man's words, Wang Feng showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then he pressed his palm slightly, and suddenly an overbearing force rushed directly into this Miao Fan's body.

The screams stopped abruptly, this Miao Fan directly caused Wang Feng to completely abolish at this moment, and all the monks instantly vanished.

Compared with the methods he used when he killed Bi Fan, Wang Feng's punishment at this moment was undoubtedly more cruel, because for a monk, abolishing them is simply more unacceptable than killing them.

After all, it is not easy for their cultivation to improve, so the feeling of disappearing overnight, I believe that few people can accept it.

"Crazy man, I will kill you!"

Seeing his son’s breath quickly dissipating, the eyes of the Miao family suddenly turned red. As a monk at the king level, he naturally saw that Wang Feng had just abolished his son’s cultivation base. He did not expect By doing this, Wang Summit is simply doing things too far.

So if he can stand it at this moment, then he doesn't deserve to be Miao Fan's father, let alone the patriarch of the Miao family.

If the head of a family doesn't even have a bit of blood, then why should he guide the entire family.

"If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough." With a sneer, Wang Feng directly took this Miao Fan into custody, and he threw this person into his dantian.

Although Wang Feng had already abolished Miao Fan's cultivation base and made him a useless person, the person he had hurt was not Wang Feng after all, so Wang Feng had to hand him over to his apprentice.

Compared with Wang Feng, Bi Fan is the master of this incident.

"Smashing Star Fist!"

Seeing this middle-aged man rushing up, Wang Feng burst out Star Breaking Fist without even thinking about it.

Extensive fist strength spread out from his fingers. The Miao family leader basically hadn't realized what was happening, and then he let Wang Feng fly out.


Spouting a mouthful of blood, the head of the Miao family also showed a look of shock, because he didn't expect Wang Feng to be so powerful.

On the surface, he appears to be the cultivation base of the King’s First Heaven, but the true cultivation he now shows should be at least above the King’s Fourth Heaven. Moreover, looking at his unchanging appearance, he must still have Great room.

"What exactly did Miao Fan do to your apprentice so that you have to deal with him regardless of your status?" Just then a Miao family asked.

He is not Miao Fan’s father, nor is he close to Miao Fan, so he doesn’t want to be embarrassed with Wang Feng in his heart. If he has the strength to kill Wang Feng, he will not hesitate to take action, but based on the current situation, They might be very difficult to deal with Wang Feng, so he wanted to ask the reason before he did it.

Only when they understand the real reason can they choose the way to go next.

It's no good to follow the patriarch blindly, because they are living people and not puppets.

"I'm afraid I can't comment on this." Wang Feng sneered before saying: "To tell you the truth, if I want to destroy your Miao family, maybe it will be within half an hour. Now Miao Fan I have been caught, and I don't want to continue to embarrass you, so let me go."

Seeing that these kings seemed to have the intention to retreat, Wang Feng couldn't stop their retreat all at once. Anyway, he and these people were not hostile, and Wang Feng did not want to kill them together.

After all, Wang Feng killed too many people. He couldn't remember how much blood he had been contaminated, so if he could kill fewer people, he should try not to do it.

"Give it all to me. If someone kills him for me, whoever belongs to my patriarch."

Miao Fan's father saw that he couldn't get revenge on his own, so at this moment he could only use his huge profits to drive others to follow suit. As long as everyone worked together, Wang Feng would definitely be unable to help them with his own strength.

So at this moment he has started to become crazy for revenge.

He would rather not have his position, and he would not want to watch Wang Feng continue to be happy.

"Patriarch, is what you said is true or false?" Just then a Miao family king asked.

"Sentences are true, there is no lie. If the old man says nonsense, I would rather thunder and thunder." Miao Fan's father yelled from the sky.

"Do it!"

Seeing that he had already sworn a poisonous oath, the kings of the Miao family didn’t say much. At this moment, they directly chose to take action, because killing Wang Feng can win the position of patriarch. This is a shortcut. They can’t take it. ?

There is a greed in human nature. The word greed has killed many people. Whether it is coveting power or status or money beauty, in short, greed has killed many, many people, just like this.

Originally, Wang Feng didn't have any thoughts to deal with these Miao family kings, because this time the matter itself had little to do with them.

But what Wang Feng didn't expect was that these people would even take the initiative to attack him. Under such circumstances, if Wang Feng could still bear to fight back, then he would probably not be Wang Feng.

After only ten breaths of time passed, all these kings had Wang Feng cut under the sharp spear, because when dealing with them, Wang Feng used the magical power of the setting sun.

It didn't mean to be entangled with these people, so Wang Feng didn't bother to spend time with them anymore, he directly broke out super tricks to end the battle early.

If they didn't deal with himself, Wang Feng didn't want to deal with them either, but they actually wanted to kill himself for the position of the head of the Miao clan, so how could Wang Feng still accommodate them and kill them all together.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing that all the elders of the Miao family were all beheaded, the father of Miao Fan, the current Miao family, was dumbfounded. He originally wanted to use the hands of these people to kill Wang Feng, the enemy who abolished his son.

But what made him think was that Wang Feng was so powerful and terrifying, and all the kings went together and told him to fight back. Such strength is definitely not something normal young people can have.

"The next one is you." Looking at the current patriarch of the Miao family, Wang Feng just sneered, and then he grabbed the sharp spear and walked towards the middle-aged man in the third heaven of the king.

Compared with the kings just killed by Wang Feng, this Miao family leader is undoubtedly less courageous. Because of his long standing in a high position, he is already a little afraid of death. To be precise, he is afraid of losing, so watching Wang Feng come up, his A look of fear suddenly appeared on his face.

Almost without thinking much, he turned and left at the moment.

In the eyes of many Miao family members, their patriarchal realm was very powerful, but who could have imagined that when Wang Feng rushed forward, their patriarch turned and fled without hesitation.

"Is this still the patriarch?" Seeing this scene, all the Miao family's eyes widened, revealing an incredible color.

"If you want to escape, I'm afraid you are not qualified." Looking at the middle-aged man who turned and fled, Wang Feng's teleportation unfolded. When he appeared again, his sharp spear had quietly stabbed at the opponent. Past.


The monk's body is generally very strong, but Wang Feng's current combat power has far surpassed the middle-aged man, so no matter how thick his body's skin is, the sharp spear will penetrate him all at once.

Looking at the tip of the gun that popped out of his chest, the head of the Miao family showed an incredible color.


The formation in the fierce gun broke out, Wang Feng just twisted the spear, and then the body of the head of the Miao clan exploded directly in front of Wang Feng.


Seeing the soul of the head of the Miao clan fleeing, Wang Feng grabbed his palm towards the front. In an instant, a king-level soul was detained by Wang Feng.

With a slight force on the palm of his hand, the soul of the King's Triple Heaven was suddenly squeezed by Wang Feng.

It's a pity that the old immortal of the tortoise shell is not here, otherwise how could Wang Feng do this kind of thing himself.

The king class of the Miao family had all killed Wang Feng. As for the people below this realm, Wang Feng was too lazy to deal with it, because killing them was just a sweep for Wang Feng, and it was not a good thing for him to kill them in vain.

So all Wang Feng can do is let them go.

"Let's go."

When they came to the place where Yan Junyun and others were hiding in the void, Wang Feng said calmly.

"Master, are you too fierce?" Bi Fan said at this time with an excited expression on his face.

It was as if the person who had just shot was him instead of Wang Feng.

"Your master has always been fierce, don't you know?" Wang Feng replied stupidly, and then said, "You should tell me less about this. Let me talk about the situation at home first."

"it is good."

Bi Fan nodded, and then he and Wang Feng left here, and they walked to tell Wang Feng about the situation at home.

After being out for such a long time, it would be absolutely impossible for Wang Feng to miss Bei Yunxue and the others. At the beginning, he owed them decades of time. If Wang Feng is not good to them, then Wang Feng is really a pig and dog. Not as good.

"Wait, you said Guan Fu came out with you?" When Wang Feng and the others were only halfway back to the central city, Wang Feng stopped in the void.

At this moment, his expression was a bit irritated. Even if Bi Fan was fooling around himself, how come Guan Fu was also involved?

For Guan Fu this woman, although Wang Feng was not really with her, she had fought desperately for herself. Wang Feng still remembers these things clearly.

So how could Wang Feng not be surprised when he heard that she was coming out with Bi Fan.

With such a big Southern Territory and so many masters, what kind of incredible things will Guan Fu encounter?

"Since he came out with you, where is she now?" Wang Feng asked.

"I...I don't know." Bi Fan said bitterly.

He has gradually lost his memory since he killed that Miao Fan, so he can't tell where Guan Fu went in the end.

"Then where did you last parting place?" Originally, Wang Feng only wanted Bi Fan to talk about the situation at home, but who would have thought that Wang Feng had heard about Guan Fu.

Guan Fu was a good master when he was three days in middle school, but the situation in the last three days was not comparable to that in middle three days.

It can be said that Guan Fu's strength does not even want to move around in this southern region. She is now living alone in the southern region, how can Wang Feng's heart be relieved.

So at this moment he gave up the idea of ​​going back to Central City again, he was going to look for Guan Fu's message outside first.

After Bi Fan's explanation, Wang Feng gradually realized that the reason Guan Fu went out was because she felt that her realm was too low, so she discussed going out with Bi Fan.

Because she wasn't Wang Feng's woman, so if she insisted on leaving, Bei Yunxue and the others had no excuse to stay, naturally she could run out with Bi Fan.


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