The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1743: Rescue soldiers

In fact, Wang Feng is already very grateful for helping him find someone. If he is allowed to act again, then Wang Feng will definitely owe him his favor. Wang Feng is the least fond of defaulting on such a thing, so if possible, Wang Feng just wants to Use your own strength.

"Have you really figured it out?" Lord Glenn asked again.

"I have already thought about it, there is no intention to look back." Wang Feng's voice was very firm.

"In that case, let me tell you."

Seeing that Wang Feng might really want revenge, in the end, Lord Glenn did not hide it. He told Wang Feng the name of the family.

"He family, great!"

Hearing the words of Lord Glenn, Wang Feng made an incomparable voice.

"Don't miss yourself impulsively." Looking at Wang Feng, this Glenn Dominant reminded him earnestly.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Wang Feng took a deep breath while speaking, and then said: "Senior, I will put you here first. There is no problem, right? I will take it away after the matter is completed. she was."

"This is a small problem, it's on my body." Lord Glenn said, and agreed very readily.

"In that case, the younger generation is leaving." With a fist at the Glenn Dominator, Wang Feng finally left here.

Wang Feng's speed was so fast, he arrived in the central city after about ten breaths.

"came back?"

Not long after he entered the city, Wang Feng met Emperor Batian, and his eyeliner must have reminded him of Wang Feng's return.

"I have seen the city lord." With a fist to Emperor Batian, Wang Feng said, "I'm really sorry. The guard you lent me may not be able to return."

"I already knew it." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Emperor Batian nodded slightly.

The dead man had a soul contract with him. When the dead man died, he had already felt it. At the time, he was still afraid of what danger Wang Summit would encounter, but it seems that Wang Feng lived very safely.

"Should I pay for this?"

"No need." Di Batian shook his head, and then said: "If you don't come back, you can't come back. It's just a king's guard, I haven't taken it to heart."

"But why is your complexion so ugly?" Seeing Wang Feng's emotions that might erupt at any time, the Emperor Batian asked with some confusion.

"Some things have happened, and I still have things to do, so I won't stay here for more."

"Do you need my help?" Di Batian said, perhaps after guessing that Wang Feng might be going to do some unseen murder.

"Not for the time being. If there is a need, I will definitely come to trouble Lord City Lord."

Although Wang Feng has not yet figured out why Emperor Batian treated him so special, the city lord of the center city dignified even asked if he needed help.

If you know that Wang Feng doesn't know this Emperor Batian at all, why should he help himself?

If it is said to help once or twice, it might still make sense, but now the attitude of Emperor Batian really makes Wang Feng unpredictable. What is his picture?

"Then I am welcome anytime."


After bidding farewell to the emperor overlord, Wang Feng entered directly into the heaven.

The reason why he wanted to enter the Heavenly Pass was because Wang Feng wanted to return to his Red Flame Alliance to rescue soldiers.

To destroy the He family, Wang Feng might not be able to do it on his own, because they are also a family with a face in Northern Xinjiang anyway, so Wang Feng is going to bring a group of people from the Red Flame Alliance to help him destroy the enemy.

The strong dragon can't beat the local snake. If Wang Feng doesn't have any preparation, then he may go there, besides hurting himself and falling into danger, what else can he do?

If it were before, Wang Feng might still make some preparations, at least inquire about the strength of the He family, right?

Just seeing Guan Fu end like that, how can Wang Feng wait?

He must rush to Northern Xinjiang as fast as he can, and he wants to make those He family people unable to survive more than a day.

It has been a long, long time since he was filled with murderous intent like he is now. Even if he did, it was probably the time when he was besieged when he had just come for three days.


When Wang Feng appeared in the Nirvana Realm Red Flame League in the form of a human, the two city guards of the Red Flame League were first taken aback, and then they showed incredible colors.

At this moment, they couldn't help rubbing their eyes with their hands, and they all wondered if they were mistaken.

Hasn't the leader already attacked the king and became a cultivator of God City? But now why is he back to the naked eye again?

"The two of you are still wondering what to do, don't let you go quickly."

At this moment, Yan Junyun next to Wang Feng spoke with a cold voice.

She was gentle with Wang Feng, it was only because she loved Wang Feng, she was willing to show her other side in front of him, but she was not so polite to others, don’t forget that she had the title of terrifying desperate killer back then people.

"Yes Yes Yes."

It was a little weird to look at the two guards at Wang Feng, thinking that they might have read it wrong, but after hearing what Yan Junyun said, they did not dare to question any more, because even the wife of the leader was following Wang Feng , Then this leader must be true.

In this Nirvana Realm, I am afraid that no one has dared to pretend to be Wang Feng and get into the Red Flame Alliance, because once they enter, they may go in vertically and come out horizontally.

"Hou Zhentian, come out for me!"

Ignoring the two guards at all, Wang Feng made a huge sound as soon as he entered the Red Flame League.

His voice was like thunder, and a wave swept out instantly, awakening Hou Zhentian who was practicing.

"Fuck the fuck, who is bothering my practice?" Hou Zhentian also felt very uncomfortable with a curse in his mouth.

Because he just happened to want to improve his strength recently, but who could have imagined that he was awakened by a discordant voice just shortly after entering the Dharma.

"When I catch you, I must fix you well." Hou Zhentian said fiercely, and couldn't practice anymore.

"Hou Zhentian, get out of here!"

Seeing that his first voice did not call out Hou Zhentian, Wang Feng's tone suddenly became nasty. At this time, he was an angry tiger, and anyone who touched his mold would have bad luck.

"Fuck, who is calling me anymore."

Hearing Wang Feng's voice again, Hou Zhentian became more and more unhappy. In this Red Flame League, is there anyone who dares to yell at himself? Don't they want to live anymore?

"Huh? This seems to be Wang Feng's voice."

But Hou Zhentian soon responded, because he felt that he was very familiar with this voice. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly remembered that the owner of this voice was not Wang Feng?

"Is he back?"

He muttered to himself, and then Hou Zhentian couldn’t stand anymore. Anyway, Wang Feng is now the leader of the Scarlet Flame Alliance, and he is the strongest in the Nirvana world, so if Wang Feng calls him, how dare he Neglect.

He hurriedly slipped out of the secret room, and he saw the gloomy Wang Feng at once, and he felt a little stunned. Hou Zhentian didn't dare to hesitate at all, because he could see that Wang Feng's condition at the moment seemed to be wrong.

"I'm really sorry, I was cultivating just now." Hou Zhentian said, not daring to confront Wang Feng, because Wang Feng is obviously just one point at a time, so how dare he talk nonsense.

"You didn't even hear the loud voice called you just now. Are your ears deaf?" Looking at Hou Zhentian, Wang Feng also lost his former peace, because his heart is now completely filled with murderous intent, and he has no time to come. Nostalgia.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian was very angry, because it was the first time that Wang Feng spoke to him in such a tone, and he still blamed him for these words.

Saying that you are not yours in front of so many people is too shameless, right?

But he knew that Wang Feng was not the kind of person who would get angry at will, so even if he was upset, he chose to bear it for the time being. He wanted to hear what Wang Feng told him to do.

"What's the matter with you?" Hou Zhentian asked.

"Immediately summon all the masters in the Red Flame Alliance, and all the monks above the seventh heaven of Nirvana will follow me." Wang Feng said, making Hou Zhentian's expression change.

To take all the masters away, what is he going to do?

"Could it be that what happened?" Hou Zhentian asked.

"I don't want to say it a second time. I will summon these monks to me immediately and I will give you one minute." Wang Feng said, no longer wanting to say more.

Because he was afraid that he would still be angry if he continued speaking.

"Okay, I'll call someone right now." Seeing that Wang Feng's complexion became more and more ugly, Hou Zhentian also understood that this was not the time when he asked the reason. The Red Flame Alliance has developed to this day under Wang Feng's protection. Hou Zhentian naturally didn't have any opinions when Wang Feng wanted to employ people.

It didn't take a minute, Hou Zhentian had gathered all the masters of the Red Flame Alliance, whether it was for further cultivation or no matter how busy things are, Hou Zhentian called to Wang Feng's front.

"I brought people." Hou Zhentian said, and then flashed aside.

Nodded slightly, and then Wang Feng set his gaze on the masters of the Red Flame Alliance.

"I need you to do something for me now. I don't know if you are willing?" Wang Feng said, causing the masters of the Scarlet Flame Alliance to whisper.

Because since they entered the Red Flame League, this is the first time they have seen Wang Feng do things that need help.

"I don't know what the leader told us to do?" At this moment, a person asked everyone the same doubts.


There was a low voice in the throat. Wang Feng's words shocked all these people. The leader should kill them? Who is this going to kill?

"Grandma, what happened?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Hou Zhentian's heart was also very surprised, so at this moment, he couldn't help hiding beside Yan Junyun and asked in a low voice.

He didn't dare to ask Wang Feng now, so he could only ask from the side.

"One of his favorite Xiang Xiaoyu has died, and he wants revenge." Yan Junyun said in a low voice, although she has not yet figured out the relationship between Wang Feng and Guan but she has changed from Wang Feng You can see something completely, because she is also a woman and a smart woman.

Although Wang Feng did not prove his relationship with Guan Fu, Yan Junyun can guess what she said, so she seems right to say so now.


Hearing Yan Junyun's words, Hou Zhentian's complexion changed drastically, but soon he realized that his exclamation was a bit loud, so he hurriedly hid behind Yan Junyun, not daring to look at Wang Feng.

"How could such a thing happen?"

"Don't worry about this. When we get to the place, you will naturally understand." Yan Junyun said. At this moment, she didn't dare to say anything to provoke Wang Feng, because Wang Feng is completely unprovoked now.


Happy Children's Day to all children's shoes. It's a brand new month, and the third shift will continue to walk. Those who have monthly tickets will be out, thank you!


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