The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1753: 0 Flower Saint

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Fantasy and Fantasy Chapter 1753: Saint of Hundred Flowers

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-three chapters

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"Congratulations." Wang Feng smiled, but his smile looked so fake, although Wang Feng knew that someday the witch would become another person.

But what he didn't expect was that this day would come so fast. The witch’s strength was improved, but the price was that the witch Wang Feng knew was gradually leaving him, looking at the witch in front of him, Wang Feng felt like looking at a stranger.

"You are not bad too." The witch's voice was still so plain, as if she was talking to a stranger, Wang Feng's heart kept sighing.

The familiar ones will eventually pass away, and Wang Feng has nothing to do.

"I take the liberty to ask, is the witch I know still there?" Wang Feng asked, looking at the witch.

"Although suppressed by me, she is still alive." Unlike the answer when asked last time, the witch finally admitted that she was not a witch.

A long time ago, Wang Feng had speculated that the witch might be the reincarnation of a great figure, because her level of improvement was too weird.

It can be said that in the extremely long history of cultivation, no one has ever climbed the realm like a witch, if she is not the reincarnation of a big figure, it is impossible for her to rise so rapidly.

Now that she confessed this fact in person, Wang Feng was still a little unbearable. After all, he and the witch had been in friendship for decades. Hearing that the witch's soul was suppressed, Wang Feng always felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

"Is the final outcome fusion or elimination?" Wang Feng asked again looking at the woman in black.

"Maybe it's fusion, maybe it's also swallowing." The witch's answer was very simple, and she didn't hide anything.

Because the strength reached her level, she had no need to hide anything. She was about to become one of the most terrifying people between heaven and earth, and she did not need to hide it.

"If possible, please keep her soul, okay?" Wang Feng's tone seemed to be pleading. He didn't want to see the witch's soul disappear.

In any case, she is also an old friend from above the earth, but it is a pity that Wang Feng is no longer the opponent of this black woman at all, otherwise Wang Feng will definitely make a move.

"I will think about it." The witch nodded, and then said, "Do you still need me to help you?"

"Since you are going to kill today, please kill them. Please help me destroy the two masters." Wang Feng opened his mouth, focusing on the He Family Patriarch and the opponents of Glenn Domination.

Both of these people have shown hostility to themselves, and Wang Feng has never been polite to this kind of person who wants to kill him.

Now that the witch intends to help him remove his troubles, Wang Feng doesn't mind using her hand.

Because Wang Feng himself understood that the witch might be the last time she helped herself, and once she became a giant, perhaps the witch's soul would really dissipate at that time.

At that time, she still knew whether she knew herself or not. It was still two different things. She wanted to save the witch but there was no way. Wang Feng could do nothing but beg.

At this moment, Wang Feng once again felt his own weakness. On the surface, he was quite beautiful. He was already famous at a young age and possessed not weak strength.

But once his strength that is not weak is compared with the master, it is really weak and cannot be weaker.

Even if he hadn't had a war sword in his hand, Wang Feng might not even be able to cope with many kings. Everything was a matter of strength. If he wanted to truly control everything, unless Wang Feng was astonishing.

It's just that the road to cultivation is endless. When Wang Feng is truly invincible, no one knows how long it will be.

"Okay, I can help you." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the witch just nodded calmly, and then she shot directly.

Originally the Lord of the Devil's Palace and Lord Glenn would not be weaker than their opponents. Now as the witch joins in, the battle suddenly presents a one-sided situation.

A witch who can kill the ruler in a very short time is really powerful. Her ability to step into the giant with half of her foot is like crushing.

As soon as the Eternal Seal came out, the ancestor of the He family directly vomited blood and retreated. At this moment, he hardly thought of resisting, so he turned and left.

A person who is about to become a giant can deal with him very easily, so he is willing to stay and wait for death at this time.

Even if the He family is destroyed, he doesn't want to lose his life here.

It's just that his idea of ​​wanting to leave is good, but the reality is cruel after all. Under the witch's shot, the ancestor of the He family who had just escaped into the void was directly forcibly blasted out.

The blood ran down from the corner of his mouth, and he had already suffered severe damage.

"Do you really want to kill them all?" Looking at the witch, the ancestor of the He family roared.

"You are looking for everything yourself." The witch's eternal seal broke out again while speaking.

Terrible coercion filled every corner of the void. No matter what kind of sky-reaching power the ancestor of the He family had, in front of the witch, he finally fell obediently like a chicken cub.

He fell after Nangong Yan.

Of course, he did a very vicious thing before he died. He used all his soul to transform into a curse mark, and he wanted to kill Wang Feng in this way.

For him, the reason why today's scene has become like this is Wang Feng's misfortune, so even if he is dead, he doesn't want to let Wang Feng go.

However, before such a vicious curse fell on Wang Feng's body, the witch used her world-killing flame to annihilate him directly, and Wang Feng had nothing to do.

Once the ancestor of the He family died, there was only one master left over there.

This master originally came to help at the request of the ancestors of the He family, but after seeing the tragic deaths of Nangongyan and the ancestors of the He family, he knew that he was also in a disaster today.

Regardless of whether he decides to escape or not, his ultimate fate is probably to die, so when he saw the witch coming forward, he did not resist, he was very calm.

"I only have one question I want to ask you before I die." Looking at the witch, the old man asked calmly.


"Who are you!"

Just like Nangong Yan's question, this person also wanted to figure out the identity of the witch.

Because the witch is so strange to them, they all swear that they have never seen a witch.

When did the heavens come out of her, who is about to enter the giant? They don't know each other.

"You can call me Saint of Hundred Flowers." The witch said, and said a name that made everyone very strange.

Wang Feng didn't know who the Saint of Hundred Flowers was, and he hadn't even heard of it. Even now that Wang Feng, the giant-level figure in the heavens, hadn't fully recognized him, how could he know the Saint of Hundred Flowers.

But since the witch has already spoken this way, there is definitely no falsehood.

Perhaps this is the title of the witch in her previous life.

"It turned out to be you." Hearing the words of the witch, the old man gave a tragic laugh, and he had already remembered who the Saint of Hundred Flowers was.

There have been many giants in the history of this era. It is almost impossible to make them die of old age, because no one knows how long these giants can survive in this world, because there has never been I heard that some giants have died of old age.

Most of the giants basically fell under the great turmoil, and some of them were obliterated by the rules of the road.

Because they wanted to hit a higher realm, they fell.

This is just like the sun **** at the beginning, he also wanted to make further progress in the cultivation of the giant, so he paid a heavy price, and the whole person fell directly.

Every giant-level figure has been recorded in the history of the heavens. The Saintess of Hundred Flowers was once one of the giants, and she was naturally registered. She was once a very powerful giant, and even some wild history said her body was A flower, but this rumor has not been confirmed.

And as time goes by, no one can figure out what happened, because the past is too long, too long, and almost all people who have reached that era have died.

Once a giant, the witch's current realm can be improved so quickly, because when she first appeared in the heavens, her soul was already gradually recovering.

In order to further the cultivation of the giant, the Saintess of Hundred Flowers killed the Dao directly with her physical body. Fortunately, her soul escaped at the last moment. At this point, she was much better than the Sun God, at least She survived.

After experiencing unknowingly many reincarnations, in Yunmeng's life, her soul finally began to wake up.

Therefore, the more her realm goes to the back, the more she is out of control. At the beginning, the witch said that Beijiang had feelings for her, but it was because the land where the Saintess of Hundred Flowers fell.

The body of the Saintess of Hundred Flowers is gone, but when she was a giant in the past, many things were left behind.

It is because of these things that the witch has the current cultivation base.

However, the cultivation base has come up, and the witch is afraid it will be difficult to return. The former witch has become the current Saint of Hundred Flowers, and this is the current identity of the witch.

It's no wonder that there is no bottleneck in her cultivation, because she is not called cultivation at all, it is just a kind of recovery, it is like the monk's power is used and then recovered.

"The question is over, you can go on the road." The witch said, and then she directly took the life of the master.

For many people, the master is powerful and uncontestable, but for the witch at this stage, the master is not incapable of killing.

Even after her cultivation level is restored to the giant level the ruler will become an ant-like existence in her eyes, she is destined to restore all the glory she had in the past.

There is her share of power in this world.

The three masters were all dead, and none of them escaped. They all died under the hands of the witch, which was really miserable.

The rain is getting heavier, and it makes people feel cold in their hearts, that is the master, but now they all die so easily.

Reaching out and touching the raindrops on his face, Wang Feng found that the color of the rain was already slightly red. Is this the world is bleeding and tearing?

The battle over the He family came to an end, and the He family went up and down collectively. No matter whether it was big or small, old or young, none of them were spared. This hatred Wangfeng was extremely thorough.

It's just that Guan Fu's grievance was avenged, but Wang Feng didn't have any joyful thoughts in his heart.

It is difficult for the dead to recover, and the witch that Wang Feng is familiar with is also leaving him. Everything is like a big rock on Wang Feng's chest, making him breathless.

"Cultivate well, I will wait for you at this level." Looking at Wang Feng, the witch said.

"Did you or she say this?" Wang Feng asked.

"You can treat it as me or her, you have this potential."

After speaking this sentence, the figure of the witch slowly dissipated directly in front of Wang Feng, and even Wang Feng did not see exactly how she left here.

However, it is normal to think about it. Now her realm is so powerful that it is unthinkable that Wang Feng can easily see through a person who is about to become a giant. Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

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