The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1764: Hongmen Banquet

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Chapter 1764 Hongmen Banquet

Chapter 1764 Hongmen Banquet

"Please sit down. NokiaTXT◎,"

Looking at this person and the number of guards behind him, Wang Feng said very calmly.

"Thank you." He fisted at Wang Feng, and then the man sat aside.

As he sat down, the atmosphere suddenly became a little dull. Wang Feng did not speak, and he did not dare to speak rashly. Although he was sitting on a chair, he always felt like sitting on pins and needles.

Although Wang Feng didn't threaten him, the person was already sweating on his forehead as time passed, because in front of Wang Feng, he didn't have the slightest sense of security.

An invisible pressure is always hanging over his head, and it is strange that he can get better.

About half an hour later, the second king came here, he was the leader of another school.

Just like the previous person's treatment, Wang Feng invited him to the seat very politely. After thanking Wang Feng, this person also sat aside like the first person.

There were more than a dozen people in the huge hall, but no one spoke, so the atmosphere became more and more depressing and uncomfortable.

Even Hou Zhentian could feel the weird feeling of depression.

But watching Wang Feng didn't speak, he didn't dare to open his mouth, because he didn't know what Wang Feng wanted to do, so naturally he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"Two people have been here for such a long time, do I think the others don't want to come?" After about an hour, seeing that no third person came in, Wang Feng asked.

"It's not clear, maybe some forces may be delayed due to the long distance." Hou Zhentian thought for a while and said.

"Hehe, I started putting air on me before I met. It seems that some people just can't be treated well." Wang Feng said with a sneer.

Hearing what he said, the leaders of the two schools in the room felt more cold sweat on their foreheads. In their opinion, what Wang Feng said was exactly the same as what he said to them.

The atmosphere soon became dull again. About ten minutes later, several kings suddenly came in one after another. It seems that the reason why these people are late is because they have been together on the way.

Looking at them, the corner of Wang Feng's mouth moved slightly, and then he said: "I don't think you guys are such a big box."

"On the shelf, how could we have the Nine Kings, your shelf is big, you are a little bit shameful when you say this." A king said, his voice was slightly cold, and it seemed that Wang Feng was not in his eyes.

"I don't know what your school is called?" Looking at this person, Wang Feng asked.

"Pingyang Palace, is it that His Royal Highness the Nine Kings is going to attack my power?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person also sneered and said.

"I won't be able to attack you, but there is a good saying that death can be avoided. If you dare to confront me this time, it does not mean that you dare not send troops to deal with me next time. So I think I should use some methods against you. "

"Haha, what a laugh." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the man burst out laughing.

Because in his opinion, Wang Feng is simply defiant. You must know that today there are leaders of a dozen forces. If Wang Feng dared to attack him, what would other people think?

So he felt that Wang Feng's words were just to scare him. With so many forces here, is it possible that Wang Feng would dare to destroy them all?

"Really? I think it's funny, too." Wang Feng said, and then his palm moved towards the king.

Just like holding a little chicken cub, the king who was still laughing just now was put his head on the table by Wang Feng, making a loud impact.

Wang Feng's sudden uproar can be described as frightening everyone present, even those who had discussed before and prepared to put pressure on Wang Feng and now dare not speak.

Because they could all feel the terrifying aura permeating Wang Feng's body.

They believe that as long as anyone speaks at this time, the end will definitely not be any better than this person.

In terms of realm, they are all higher than Wang Feng, but their fighting power is far from Wang Feng. As long as Wang Feng wants to kill them, it is estimated that none of them can escape.

Because every record of Wang Feng's game is made public, who would dare to play with him?

So at this time those people can do nothing except change their color and stay silent.

As for everything that was deployed before, I am afraid that they cannot be used anymore, because the pressure they feel in this room is too great.

"You... what do you want to do?"

With Wang Feng's head pressed, this man also made a whimper in his mouth, and he realized that he couldn't even struggle at the moment.

"What do I want to do? It is very simple, hand over half of your martial arts resources, and then give up half of the territory." Wang Feng said, making everyone present changed their faces.

Because in their opinion, Wang Feng is simply a lion's mouth.

It takes half resources and half territory, so why not just talk about grabbing?

" are simply whimsical." Although Wang Feng held his head with his hands, the man still gritted his teeth.

In any case, he is also a leader of a sect. Wang Feng’s doing this is no different from killing him. It requires half of the resources and territory. As long as he gives it away, then his sect is very likely to exist in name, so how could he agree to Wang Feng .

"Since this road is not going, then your Pingyang Palace was only uprooted by me." Wang Feng said, the chill in his tone made all the people present feel like a fallen ice cellar.

They all saw that Wang Feng was not telling a joke. He wanted to destroy Pingyang Palace. He possessed such strength. Even the Nine Kings were captured by him. Could a Pingyang Palace be more powerful than the Nine Kings?

And they all knew that Wang Feng had a supreme weapon in his hand. As long as that sharp sword was out, who would be Wang Feng's opponent?

"You can kill me, I don't believe you can kill everyone." At this time, the palace lord of Pingyang Palace spoke, and he dragged everyone into the water with a single sentence.

"Do you think they will help you?" Upon hearing this person's words, Wang Feng's eyes swept away from those people, and said: "And do you think they will be as stupid as you?"

"Yeah, it's me, don't mess up us with your own business."

At this time, someone spoke and took the initiative to dismiss the relationship with the Pingyang Palace Master.

Everyone could tell that Wang Feng was about to perform an operation on Pingyang Palace. Under such circumstances, who would dare to continue to wade in the muddy water.

"You..." Hearing this person's words, the palace lord of Pingyang Palace was flushed with anger. He didn't expect that the friendship boat would turn over when it was turned over. Wasn't it a good discussion before? Why did he change his mind when he saw Wang Feng?

In fact, they couldn't help but change their divinations. When they didn't see Wang Feng, they felt that they could certainly put pressure on Wang Feng with the number of people.

It's just that who could have thought that Wang Feng was so fierce that he dared to make a move in front of so many people, but this bluffed those people.

"A word, yes or no?" Wang Feng whispered while pressing this person.

"Die the heart, I will never agree." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the palace owner of Pingyang Palace shouted.

"In that case, there is no need for your Pingyang Palace to survive anymore." As Wang Feng's palm pressed hard while speaking, a large head was immediately cut off by Wang Feng's palm.

The incision is neat and flat, and blood is still bleeding. Seeing this scene, those people can be said to be discoloring. Isn't Wang Feng crazy? He even dared to kill.

A black mist flew out from Wang Feng's left arm, but within a short time, the body of this person disappeared here, and he became the nourishment for the evil spirits in the tortoise shell.

"Okay, the little trouble is solved, I think we can talk happily." Wang Feng said, and then he sat back to his position.

Pleasant communication....

Hearing Wang Feng's words, all the people present were cursing in their hearts, because they all knew that Wang Feng killed the Pingyang Palace Lord just to give them a slap in the face.

But they had to accept this dismissal, because no one could provoke Wang Feng, the **** of death.

A palace lord said to kill and kill, and did not care about everyone's feelings. If anyone dares to show any rebellious meaning at this time, it may be that the palace lord of Pingyang is their end.

For the time being, Wang Feng, a fierce tiger, is still not annoyed. They all want to see what kind of moth Wang Feng wants to bring them together.

"There are still people who haven't come." Hou Zhentian whispered at this time.

"Don't worry about those who haven't come. When the time comes, I will directly ask them for half of the resources and territory. If I don't give them, I will destroy their morality by myself." Wang Feng's tone was very arrogant and domineering.

If you want to really take root here, it would be absolutely impossible if there is no iron and blood method. Anyway, the wicked Wang Feng is already used to it, and he doesn't mind threatening these people once.

Once and for all, compared with endless troubles, Wang Feng will definitely choose the former.

"Everyone, do you think it is unreasonable for me to do this?" At this time, Wang Feng glanced at the people here and asked.

"Ha ha."

Hearing what Wang Feng said, how could these people dare to talk to each other? At this moment, they are all laughing constantly, reasonable? This is simply the rhythm of the dead, is it reasonable?

They really didn't see where this is reasonable.

It is no different from robbing half of the resources and territory.

"Well, I don't want to say any more. The meeting can start now." Wang Feng said.

"I don't know why His Royal Highness the Nine Kings asked us to come?" At this time, a person asked.

They were indeed afraid that Wang Feng was right, but everyone had already arrived. They couldn't be a stuffy pot, so they still had to ask if they should ask.

Otherwise, let Wang Feng say it all alone I'm afraid they will end up being eaten without bones left.

"I heard that you people are very dissatisfied with the appearance of my Scarlet Flame League." Wang Feng said as if I were an uncle, tapping the table with his fingers slightly.

"His Royal Highness the Nine Kings just laughed. We have never been dissatisfied." At this time, a person replied.

"Really?" Wang Feng smiled slightly, and then said, "But how come I heard that you are all excluding our Scarlet Flame League, don't you want to see my Scarlet Flame League stand here?"

"This is nothing. We all expressed a very welcome attitude towards the emergence of the Red Flame Alliance. Everyone can testify." At this time, a leader of the school spoke, and everyone immediately agreed.

They understood the meaning of the Hongmen Banquet today, so at this time they didn't dare to argue with Wang Feng, because this person was not something they could provoke.

If you provoke him, you may be killed. Who would be so stupid to sing the opposite.

"You fart, last time I came to you to discuss things, you shut me out, is this what you call welcome?"

At this time, Hou Zhentian said with a sneer.

He has a lot of anger towards these people, and listening to them talking nonsense here naturally makes him somewhat unbearable.

Thanks to the friends in the book review area for reminding that the true **** has been modified to the true immortal, I remembered it wrong, sorry, and thank you every friend who rewarded it, it cost you money

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Chapter 1764 Hongmen Banquet

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