The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1773: No news

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The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-three chapters have no news

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-three chapters have no news

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-three chapters have no news

"What about the people who came out to save you?"

"That's the city lord of the central city. Tomato☆"" Wang Feng said before saying: "The last time I asked you to ask for help, it was him."

"Why did he save you?"

"I have been searching for the answer to this question, but I didn't get it." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "This is the treasure house of the Lingyao Temple and some space rings. You can classify them yourself." Wang Feng said, and then he Directly throw a lot of space rings.

"Then don't you keep some for yourself?"

"No need." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "I want to recover now, no one will disturb me."

Because of this time, Wang Feng knew his insignificance. Perhaps his current combat power looked amazing, but the reason for all of this was the sword.

If he loses the war sword, can he still burst out such combat power?

Moreover, the overlord is really too strong, Wang Feng didn't even have the power to resist in front of them, so if he wants to survive, Wang Feng must improve his strength.

Not to mention becoming a master, at least he has to pass the hurdle of the king's heaven.

The longevity stone and many resources, Wang Feng, are already ready. Once he helps his family members to transform their qualifications, Wang Feng will be ready to ascend the kingdom of kings.

As a cradle base for geniuses, Wang Feng would definitely go there. It has been such a long delay, so it is time for him to visit Tianguan.

"Unexpectedly, a dominant collection is so rich.

Opening the spatial ring dominated by the old man, Wang Feng found that there were almost too many treasures in it. The treasures in this spatial ring alone were even more valuable than the entire treasure house of Lingyao Hall.

After all, this is the space ring that dominates. There are many high-end goods in it that are priceless. This time Wang Feng made a lot of money.

Before that, Wang Feng suffered a serious injury under the blow of the old man, so he wanted to reform Bei Yunxue and the others, so he had to recover. ,

It took a full two days for Wang Feng to recover, and two days later, what had happened before had already spread.

The head of the Lingyao Hall asked the master to do anything about Wang Feng at the end. Behind the family was the city master of the central city.

When hearing this news, those forces that did not make a move felt scared. Fortunately, they did not listen to the slander of the head of the Lingyao Temple, or they might be one of the forces that have been destroyed.

No wonder Wang Feng can threaten everyone, he does have that kind of capital.

Because of what happened in the Lingyao Palace, the forces around the Scarlet Flame Alliance knew that they could not stop the rise of the Scarlet Flame Alliance, and even the thought of revenge and resistance did not dare to rise.

Because Wang Feng's strength is simply not something they can resist.

"How is it? No other forces dare to resist, right?" Wang Feng asked when he saw Hou Zhentian.

"Yes." Hou Zhentian nodded, and then said: "We can destroy even the masters we invited. Who would dare to commit chaos?

"If this is the case, then we can take the opportunity to develop our power. You should know better than me what to do?"

"Don't worry, I have already spread the meaning of recruitment. In the past two days, many people have wanted to join our Red Flame League."

"In terms of income, we must strictly control the income. Anyone with impure minds should not accept it."

"Don't worry, I have managed the Red Flame League for so long, I still have the confidence to manage this."

"In that case, go and work, I also have my own business to do." After saying this, Wang Feng headed towards Bei Yunxue and the others' residence.

Because Wang Feng had already let Bei Yunxue start preparing, when Wang Feng came here, he could directly use the longevity stone to help them transform their aptitude.

And this process took Wang Feng almost a month.

"I feel that my whole body seems to have become a lot lighter." Bei Yunxue said with a look of surprise.

She did not expect that the inconspicuous little stone could have such a powerful effect. Although her realm has not improved yet, after this change, she feels that she should be able to make great progress in her realm soon. .

How much progress can be made, I believe it will be clear soon.

"Sister Xue, here are the training resources I have prepared for you. With the help of these things, I believe your strength can be improved faster." As he spoke, Wang Feng flipped his hand and took out a space ring. Tomato Novel □ Net ○

"Are you going out again?" Looking at Wang Feng, Bei Yunxue seemed to see through his mind and asked.

"It's not going out either." Wang Feng said, and then said: "Since you are all settled now, then I am going to enter the Heavenly Pass to improve my strength."

"Then you must be careful everywhere."

"Don't worry, I'm not a kid anymore. I've been in the cultivation world for such a long time. If I couldn't even guarantee my own safety, then I wouldn't choose the path of cultivation."

"No matter what you think, I still want to remind you that we will wait for you at home." Bei Yunxue said, and then she gently began to arrange Wang Feng's clothes.

The gentle appearance made Wang Feng a little obsessed with it all at once.

"Sister Xue, it's nice to have you."

"I've been an old husband and wife for decades, why do you still say such nasty things?" Bei Yunxue's face turned red when he heard Wang Feng's words.

It's just that the redder her face, the better Wang Feng feels. It is simply his great conviction to be able to win this woman in this life.

"Stay here and practice, I will come back from time to time." Wang Feng said, then he turned and left here.

The central city is not far from this place, which means that Wang Feng can come back at any time, so this difference can be said to be a difference or not a difference.

In short, for Wang Feng, he can come back whenever he wants. Fan ○ Jia ☆ Novel Network △▽△``````

By teleporting Wang Feng quickly came to the center city.

Instead of rushing to enter Tianguan, Wang Feng came to the city lord's mansion in the central city instead.

"See you, Lord City Lord." Wang Feng said to the man in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Then you are waiting here." Seeing that it was Wang Feng, the two guards did not dare to neglect, one of them quickly helped Wang Feng report.

"My Lord City Lord invites you in." About a minute or two later, the guard who entered ran out and said.

"Thank you."

"My Lord City Lord, I don't know the person I asked you to help find. Is there any news?" Wang Feng asked when he looked at Emperor Batian.

The last time Wang Feng asked him to help pay attention to the affairs of Emperor Xuan Yu, more than a month has passed. If he can really find Emperor Xuan Yu, there must be a result now.

"This Wang Feng, although I have some resources in my hands, I have also helped you find people, but..."

"Didn't you find it?" Hearing Di Batian's words, how could Wang Feng not understand, he must have found no one.

"Yes." Di Batian said, and then said: "Southern Territory is too big, and the person you asked me to find is not a celebrity. Even if I started all the relationships, I didn't get the slightest news."

"In that case, forget it."

Seeing Emperor Batian did not seem to be telling lies, Wang Feng did not blame him.

Because the fact that no one was found was in Wang Feng's expectation, if the Great Emperor Xuanyu was really there, he should have already appeared by now.

If he does not show up, there are basically only two results. One is that his realm is too low and he can't reach a higher level, and the other is that it is a little unacceptable.

That is, he has died three days after the ascent, so it is normal to not find him.

After all, a person who doesn't exist anymore, even a person who has the ability to pass the sky must not be able to find someone.

"Don't be discouraged, after all, it is still possible to find." Di Batian said.

"Forget it, I didn't intend to find him either. This time I would like to thank Lord City Lord for bothering." Wang Feng said, and then he bowed to Emperor Batian, then turned his hand and took out a space ring, saying: " There are one hundred sixteen-grade pill, which can be regarded as the life-saving reward to seniors last time."

People parachuted from the central city to save himself. If Wang Feng didn't repay this kindness, how could he be at ease.

Moreover, these pills themselves were found from the space ring dominated by the old man, so Wang Feng took out most of them and gave them to Di Batian, and he also kept a part of it himself, so he still earned it.

You can be ruthless, but you can't finish your life. People come to save yourself sincerely. If there is no sign of it, how can Wang Feng feel comfortable.

"Didn't I say that last time? All these things are supposed to be given to you. What are you doing for me?"

"You killed people. Originally, the space ring also belonged to you. This is only a part of it, and I have retained some of it myself. If you don't take it, how can I practice with peace of mind?"

"Although I didn't say that I won't suffer from food, but you don't want anything, how can I feel comfortable in my heart?"

"So you must give it away?"

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded firmly.

"If that's the case, then I will accept it." The pill is not a valuable thing to Emperor Batian. With his status, he almost wants everything, so whether the pill is for him. It has no effect at He is not bad at this.

"I'm going to go to the Celestial Pass to practice for a period of time. If the Lord City Lord has some spare time, he can help me take care of my Scarlet Flame Alliance. I would like to thank you first."

Speaking of the last Wang Feng bowed to Emperor Batian, of course, although he was worshiping, his sky eyes were always paying attention to the changes in the expression of Emperor Batian.

But it's a pity that this Emperor Batian has such an expression from beginning to end, Wang Feng can't tell at all, he can only curse the old fox secretly in his heart.

It would be even harder to get news from him than to get to the sky.

Finally, Wang Feng left the City Lord's Mansion and entered the Heavenly Pass.

As usual, after entering the Heavenly Pass, Wang Feng went straight to the Red Flame League in the Nirvana Realm. Although Wang Feng was planning to enter the King Realm for cultivation this time, he still wanted to come and see the Red Flame League in the Nirvana Realm. .

When Wang Feng appeared in the Red Flame League, it was said to have caused a lot of repercussions. Some people who had just been taken in just looked at him as if they saw a star with a fanatical expression.

It can be seen that the Red Flame League in the Nirvana Realm is almost on the right track. Even if Wang Feng is not here, no one will dare to fight the Red Flame League.

Because everyone knows that once someone targets the Red Flame Alliance, their ending is likely to be death.

Wang Feng's servant is really too cruel, and he is basically destroyed when he is provoked, so under such circumstances, who dares to mess around.

Wang Feng's ruthlessness had already spread throughout Tianguan, and many people were afraid of him.

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The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-three chapters have no news

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