The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1789: Cheating

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The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine chapters cheating

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"Who will come first?" Ye Sheng asked at this moment.

"Me first!"

Almost as soon as Ye Sheng's words fell, Wang Feng spoke, and even at the moment he spoke, he rushed into the formation for the first time.


Seeing that Wang Feng had chosen to rush in the first time, they were afraid of missing some great opportunities in their lives, so even with the Eight Kings, they almost rushed into this formation for the first time.

Because for them, they don't want a newcomer like Wang Feng to take away all the benefits. If that's the case, then they will all be doing it for nothing.

It is precisely because they possess such a mentality that some people are fooled.

Just rushing into the formation, all of them saw the war sword, and saw the huge figure that was inserted into the body by the war sword. This figure was the Xuantian war demon.

"Go, go quickly!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Sheng spoke almost without hesitation. As a member of the giant family, he had already learned about the monsters in Zhanjian Town from his grandfather. He did not expect that he and others would accidentally A door of **** was opened, and almost every demon was suppressed by those predecessors in the past with great effort.

Now they actually released one. Fortunately, this Xuantian War Demon hasn't really regained consciousness. Once he wakes up, then these people in the room probably don't want to escape.

Hearing Ye Sheng's words, Wang Feng uncomprehensively activated the miniature formations he had set up. The effect of this formation was not great, it was just a change of the formation.

But with such a small change, some people will be trapped here.

"It's over, the formation is destroyed, and it's no longer possible to get in and out." Kong Shaoyuan said, his tone also panicked.


Hearing what he said, Wu Yang and the others all changed their faces and couldn't get in or out of the formation. What does this mean?

The monster suppressed by the war sword is definitely terrifying. Although the other party hasn't really woken up yet, but the majestic coercion swept over them, and any of them could feel the tremendous pressure.

As soon as this Xuantian War Demon wakes up, all of them will suffer catastrophe.

"How to do?"

"Joining hands to collapse the formation." At this time, Ji Ming said, his expression indifferent.

Even though he was arrogant and smart, he would never think that Wang Feng was involved in this.

"Everyone, slowly struggle in this, goodbye."

At this moment, Wang Feng made a sound, and then his palm fell on the shoulders of Kong Shaoyuan and Ye Sheng, and then the three of them instantly disappeared in front of Ji Ming and the others.

"What about people?"

Seeing the three of them disappear, the remaining four people all opened their eyes, showing incredible colors.

They didn't expect that they would leave as soon as they said they wanted to. They couldn't even see the human shadow, and they couldn't rush out of this formation. Why would Wang Feng do it?

"You leave first, this place will soon become a place of right and wrong."

Outside of this formation, Wang Feng's figure appeared, and he released Kong Shaoyuan and Ye Sheng.

The reason why I brought them out for the first time was because Wang Feng felt that this fat man, Kong Shaoyuan, was really not hostile to him, and Ye Sheng was the one who invited him here. There was no feud between him and himself. , So Wang Feng doesn't have to go to pit him.

"Thank you."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Ye Sheng turned around and left without saying anything, because as a descendant of a giant, he clearly understood how terrifying the Xuantian War Demon was, and that was definitely not something they could resist.

No one thought that they would encounter a demon who had been suppressed for so many years, if they knew this, they wouldn't have rushed in.

"What about you?" Kong Shaoyuan asked at this time.

"There are still people inside, I have to get them out." Wang Feng said, and then he rushed into the formation again.

"Two, come with me." One hand grabbed Dong Jun, while Wang Feng's other hand grabbed Wu Yang.

When he first caught Wu Yang, Wang Feng found that his resistance was very strong. It seemed that he was unwilling to let him take it away. However, when Wang Feng said he didn't want to die and told me, he had to let go and struggle.

Because no matter how strong he is, he cannot be sure to fight a demon. Once the demon awakens, he is likely to be in danger of death.

As for Dong Jun, he naturally didn't have a word of gossip, and now he is eager to leave here.

Under the gaze of Ji Ming and the Eight Kings, Wang Feng took the two men and left here again.

But when Wang Feng disappeared, the two wanted to rush out together, but when they both rushed up, they found that there was no exit at all in this place, and they didn’t understand how Wang Feng left here. .

In fact, there is still Wang Feng's operation in this, and the change of the formation is made by Wang Feng, so the control of this formation is naturally in Wang Feng's hands. He does not want these two people to come out, then they can't make it out.

Unless they blasted the formation down, otherwise this formation could completely stop them in it temporarily.


After stepping out of this formation, Wu Yang made a cold snort in his mouth, obviously he felt very uncomfortable with Wang Feng.

The formation was originally set by all of them, but why just now only Wang Feng was able to come and go freely, and none of them could do it?

So if there were no Wang Feng's tricks in it, he would definitely not believe him, so even if he was saved by Wang Feng, there was no slightest gratitude in his heart.

"Thank you brother Wang for saving his life." Dong Jun spoke at this time, and then he quickly turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky without waiting for Wang Feng to speak, because he knew that this place of right and wrong was no longer possible.

After he left, Wu Yang also left with him. He didn't say a word during the whole process, and he looked extremely cold.

The first four people had been sent away by Wang Feng, while the remaining two people were trapped in the formation. They were Ji Ming and the Eight Kings that Wang Feng wanted to deal with.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Wang Feng couldn't help but think of Ji Ming when he threatened him. Wasn't he very capable?

This time Wang Feng saw that he was able to do so, and there was a big gap between Wang Feng and him in the realm of fighting, but who was this Ji Ming more powerful than the master-level Xuantian War Demon?

"It's time for you to pay the price." A sneer was heard, and then Wang Feng walked into the formation again.

"court death!"

Seeing Wang Feng's appearance, Ji Ming's eyes were gloomy and cold, he hardly hesitated, and directly attacked Wang Feng.

He was able to hide for such a long time, which was enough to prove that he was a sinister and cunning person. Wang Feng saved two groups of people one after another, but they were not there, so he had every reason to believe that all this was Wang Feng did.

He wanted to use this formation to trap him and the Eight Kings here.

So when Wang Feng appeared again, he directly blasted him up, and he wanted to destroy Wang Feng here.

But although the idea is good, the reality will not develop as he thinks, Wang Feng just blasted out with a sword, and then Wang Feng's figure appeared in another place, which was a teleportation with the help of rules.

Moreover, the purpose of Wang Feng's coming in now is not to fight this Ji Ming, he came in to harm people.

Looking back at the huge war sword behind him and the Xuantian war demon that suppressed it, Wang Feng felt cruel in his heart, and then he raised the war sword in his hand and slashed directly at the Xuantian war demon.

A dazzling sword light swept out from the war sword, causing Ji Ming and the Eight Kings to open their eyes, revealing an incredible color.

A feeling of incomparable horror rose from their hearts, and the Xuantian War Demon woke up under Wang Feng's sword....

Originally, he might not wake up so quickly, because he was still in a state of being suppressed by the sword, and it was not so easy for him to get out of this state.

But under Wang Feng's sword, everything was advanced.

"Two people, enjoy the feast I will give you, we will be indefinitely." After leaving a word, Wang Feng left here in no time. What he has to do has been completed. Will Xuantian War Demon kill them?

Almost every monster suppressed by the war sword is an extremely terrifying creature, and it is because they were extremely bloodthirsty during their lives, so they were suppressed.

Therefore, Wang Feng felt that after the Xuantian War Demon came out, there should be a great possibility of killing both of them.

"Wang Feng, you will have to die!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Ji Ming only looked very ugly, but the eight kings directly cursed, because he knew that he might be damaged here today.

When fighting Wang Feng, he couldn't get the slightest advantage, and he was even completely downwind. He was a man who couldn't even beat Wang Feng, so why should he survive under the hands of a dominating monster.

Wang Feng didn't hear the words of the Eight Kings, and didn't want to listen, because he had been directly integrated into the void since he left the formation, because he knew that a good show was about to be performed.

This time Ji Ming and the Eight Kings are Daozi, and the other is a person who has a great relationship with the giant. It depends on who the Xuantian War Demon can kill, and it is best to kill both, so that Wang Feng will also avoid the worries.


Just after Wang Feng left this formation and about three breaths of time passed, suddenly a earth-shaking roar was transmitted from the formation, the Xuantian war demon really woke up!

"How many years have passed, my Xuantian is finally about to reappear the The rampant voice came from the ancient tomb, and then it was directly shaken by the mountains, under Wang Feng's eyes. , He saw with his own eyes that the eight kings directly swallowed the magic mist sprayed by the Xuantian War Demon.

This scene is almost the same as when the Song Dynasty song was swallowed.

Even though the Eight Kings, as Taoists, have the capital to attack the master, he is still fragile before he has fully grown up.

The Eight Kings are now in poor skills, but Ji Ming is different. Although he swallowed the magic mist like the Eight Kings, he burst out in the next second.

It's just that although the person rushed out of the magic mist alive, his face was abnormally pale, and it was obvious that the price he had just paid was huge.

"I don't know where the ants can run out?" Seeing Ji Ming who escaped, the voice of the Xuantian War Demon seemed a little surprised.

But after the surprise, he was filled with even stronger murderous intent.

Because in his time, his favorite food was such geniuses, because their meat was too delicious. For him, there was such a big meal waiting for him when he came out, so how could he let him Ji Ming left.

He has been trapped for countless years, and he will have a full meal today.

"I'm the descendant of the supreme Ji family, if you attack me, you will definitely die!" At this time, Ji Ming spoke and directly moved out his grandfather's name.

He knew that he was definitely not the opponent of this Xuantian War Demon, and if the elders in his family couldn't come today, then he would hardly have a chance to survive.


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The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine chapters cheating

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