The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1797: see a visitor out

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The first thousand seven hundred and ninety seven

The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven chapters

"I can't swallow this breath. I immediately sent a special envoy to the central city to meet with Xuanyuanlong, so that he would give up protecting the Scarlet Flame Alliance." At this time, Family Chief Ji spoke, causing the elders in the room to change their expressions.

Is the patriarch preparing to make a desperate move?

"Master Patriarch, you have to think carefully."

"What are you afraid of? Have our Ji clan ever suffered this kind of humiliation? Don’t forget that we are a giant family. Even if there is a big threat to kill Wang Feng, the ancestors can help us completely block it. At the time of the year, no one else was afraid of us anymore, so if we didn’t show our extraordinary strength this time, others thought our Ji family had fallen."

↘wan∝↘shu∝↘ba, w∷ww.w★ansh◎⌒m; His words made the people in the room a little startled, and then they followed and nodded.

That's right, even if there are people behind Wang Feng, their Ji family is not easy to provoke. There is also a giant-level ancestor in their family. Although the Hundred Flowers Lord is threatened, he has not yet become the supreme. She couldn't protect Wang Feng Zhouquan, so it was impossible to kill Wang Feng and his clan.

And what their patriarch said is correct. The Ji family has been silent for too long. Even second-rate masters like Xuanyuanlong dare to speak against them. If they do nothing, others will think it’s them. Afraid of that Xuanyuanlong.

"I agree with the patriarch's approach." At this time, an elder spoke and agreed to this approach.

"I agree."

In just a moment, the elders in the room almost agreed to this plan, and they found someone to negotiate with Xuanyuanlong, and then uprooted all Wang Feng's Red Flame Alliance.

As long as they have Wang Feng's people in their hands, are they still afraid that Wang Feng will not kneel down and beg for mercy?

Since the emergence of giants in the Ji family, they have become one of the most detached forces in the Southern Territory, and they will not be afraid of any force.

In this way, the plan was finalized, and they still did not give up dealing with Wang Feng.

Perhaps it is false to deal with Wang Feng. They want to declare that the people of the world are not easy to mess with the Ji family.

This is the time for them to declare their strength. After such a long period of silence, the people of the world should remember again that there is their detached Ji family on this piece of land in the Southern Territory.

The envoy was dispatched soon, they arrived in the central city soon, and another group of people also set off again, they were all people who went out to find Wang Feng.

The news of the deaths of the group of people who had pursued Wang Feng before was known to the Ji family, because those people had soul lamps in the family, especially the dead men.

Their soul lamps have all been extinguished now, so they should have all been extinguished.

The latest group of people who went out got different orders. They didn't have to deal with them after they found Wang Feng. They only needed to pass the message back to the Ji family, and then their task was completed. Naturally, someone else would do it for Wang Feng.

In addition to the Ji family, another group of people have also penetrated into the inland, and they are all under the rule of Ge Yue.

They were looking for it along the way, but they didn't get any news about Wang Feng, but after inquiring, they also knew about the Red Flame Alliance under Wang Feng.

The pioneer troops have been dispatched, but those who went out have not yet come back, and they don't know what happened.

After all, they are the Sea Clan, and the news is definitely not as well informed as the Ji family, and they don't even know if their people are dead.

"There is not much time left in a month now. If we keep on searching like this, we don't know when we will be heads. I don't want to fall into the hands of Lord Ge Yue." A sea clan monk said with a face. There was a hint of fear on it.

If they really become the male favorites dominated by Ge Yue, then they will definitely live better than dead.

"I think otherwise we will directly pass the news of the Red Flame Alliance back. Although we have not found anyone, as long as we guard the Red Flame Alliance, then Wang Feng will definitely go back one day." A Sea Clan monk suggested.

Hearing what he said, everyone had no objection, because Ge Yue ruler gave them only one month. If they can't bring people back for one month, they will all become his male favorites.

So these people can only think of this method of first using the Red Flame Alliance to top the tank.

Anyway, the Red Flame League belongs to Wang Feng and has a great relationship with Wang Feng. This should be considered extremely favorable news, right?

"Red Flame League...!"

Hearing the news coming back from the front, this master Ge Yue showed a sense of licentiousness. He was different from the normal master. He was a sea clan, and he didn't know much about the human world.

So he wouldn't be afraid of anything. When he heard that the Red Flame League was Wang Feng's, he immediately rushed to the landing site.

Wang Feng has been locked into his prey by him, and in order to get his prey, he can do anything at all costs, even if he ventures into human territory, he doesn't care.

Anyway, he didn't believe that the stupid human masters could keep him if the giants didn't take action, so now he was brazen and headed straight to the southern land.

In this way, within a short period of time, the Red Flame League suddenly entered the public eye, and Wang Feng himself did not know.

"My Lord Qi, there is a special envoy who claims to be the Ji family came." In the center city, Xuanyuanlong got a report from his subordinates.

"Special envoy?" When Xuanyuanlong's expression changed, he killed some of the Ji family's spies out of the Red Flame Alliance. Now they are sending special envoys. This is probably because the visitors are unkind.

However, as one of the most detached forces in this Southern Territory, the Ji Family still had to receive him no matter what.

If he doesn't see him behind closed doors, then his trouble will be great. It is possible for people to kill the Ji family directly, because for these big forces, sometimes face is more important than life.

"Let him in." Xuanyuanlong said.


Soon, under the guidance of a guard, the envoy was taken to Xuanyuanlong.

"I don't know what your Excellency is called?" Looking at the other party, Xuanyuanlong asked very politely.

"My name doesn't need to be said." After hearing Xuanyuanlong's words, the other party didn't buy it at all, which made Xuanyuanlong's complexion slightly sink.

The one who came is just a king, why should he be like a two-five-eighty thousand?

This is the central city, his territory, let alone the king, even if the head of the Ji family comes, don't even think about messing around here.

"Then talk about your intentions." Since the other party is not good, Xuanyuanlong has become indifferent. Anyway, the Red Flame Alliance must protect him, because this is his chance to become the city lord, how could he give up? .

Not to mention that it was a special envoy, even if the head of the Ji family came in person, he could not save face.

He had chosen the camp before, so what he needed to do now was to strengthen his position, because he felt that there were a lot of people around him who used to be Emperor Batian were paying attention to him.

Therefore, he knew that his words and deeds might be heard by Di Batian, so he naturally had to perform well now, this was his chance for the upper rank.

Once Emperor Batian abdicates, he will be the next master of the central city!

"It's very simple. Our Ji family wants you to give up the asylum of the Red Flame Alliance. I think this shouldn't be difficult for you to do?" The special envoy opened his mouth and stated his purpose straightforwardly.

"What are you talking about?" Xuanyuanlong wondered if there was a problem with his ears when he heard him.

Asking him to give up his asylum to the Red Flame Alliance, is this a joke?

His attitude has long since let go, what does this season mean?

"Our Ji family wants you to give up sheltering the Red Flame Alliance. Could it be that you haven't heard clearly?" Although facing a master, the special envoy of the Ji family is not afraid, because he knows that the entire Ji family is standing behind him, this Xuanyuan Long may not have the courage to do anything to him.

"Why?" Although Xuanyuanlong sneered in his heart, he calmed down on the surface.

Because he only treated it as a joke.

"It's just that our Ji family is a clan you can't resist." The special envoy said, his tone was arrogant and domineering.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful this Xuanyuanlong was, it was only an acting city lord, and he did not dare to embarrass the Ji family.

It's just that he underestimated Xuanyuanlong, and there was Di Batian's signal. Now even if he was asked to poke a hole in the sky, he would dare to do it, because after he did, Di Batian would naturally help him wipe his butt.

So this season's special envoy's threat is of no use to him.

"I can't resist it doesn't mean that others can't resist. Go back and tell your master that my attitude of Xuanyuanlong has already been let go. If you don't agree, you can send someone to attack my central city." Xuanyuanlong said directly, Brought to the center city.

You must know that the central city does not belong to him alone. There are many forces living here, and there are even many dominators. Even if the Ji family comes, I am afraid that there will be no bargains.

Because the central city has a long time ago, no matter who is here will be attacked by so as long as you don’t leave the central city, he doesn’t believe that this season’s family will dare to move Minions reached here.

And even if it is not a master of other forces, their City Lord Mansion is not so easy to provoke. After all, Emperor Batian has developed here for thousands of years. How can it be weak?

Really hit hard, no one knows what the final outcome will be when the giants do not take action.

"Have you really figured it out?" Hearing Xuanyuanlong's words, this special envoy of the Ji family was also very angry, because he did not expect Xuanyuanlong to be so arrogant, and even their Ji family would not take it seriously. It's **** behavior.

It seems that their Ji family has been silent for too long, and many people are no longer afraid of them.

"Send off guests." Without even looking at this king-level special envoy of the Ji family, Xuanyuanlong didn't even have any interest in continuing to talk to him, because he really couldn't bear it.

If it wasn't for the knowledge that he was dispatched by the Ji family, he would have already refined the opponent alive, and a king would speak such an arrogant tone to a master, wouldn't he have no sense of respect and inferiority?

"Good, good." Hearing Xuanyuanlong's words, the Ji family's envoy was trembling with anger. He didn't expect that he would get such a result. Xuanyuanlong refused them, and it seemed that he wanted to be with them. The Ji family got it right.

"Please remember your choice now, don't regret it." Looking at Xuanyuanlong, the Jijia envoy sneered, then he turned and left here.

"If I regret it, I won't be called Xuanyuanlong." Xuanyuanlong's voice passed through, making the Jijia envoy's complexion even more ugly. Please remember our website: Mission Impossible Novel Network, Mission Impossible Novel Network,

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The first thousand seven hundred and ninety seven

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