The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3441: Stupid and stupid

People outside said that Wang Feng grabbed the heavenly objects and it was impossible for Wang Feng to hear. So after using the khaki mist in the first iron pot, Wang Feng did not hesitate, he took out the contents of the other iron pot. used.

"He still has it?"

Seeing that after Wang Feng had used an iron can, he took out an exactly the same iron can, and the people outside couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

According to the method Wang Feng just used, I am afraid that the contents of this iron pot will also be disposed of by Wang Feng in an extremely wasteful manner.

When I think of this, the muscles on these people's faces can't help but tremble, it's completely heartache.

Obviously it is an extremely rare treasure, but he is so profligate, this is simply challenging everyone's optic nerves.

Just as they thought, Wang Feng used the same method as before to dispose of the contents of the iron pot.

After using two iron cans in succession, Wang Feng's physical body has naturally been greatly enhanced, and it is almost developing towards the point of a humanoid weapon.

"It looks like there are a lot of these iron pots in this place. If I can find more, wouldn't my physical strength be improved?" There was a muttering voice, and Wang Feng couldn't help it. Excited.

"Look, I said that the contents of these tins must be a chance. Now it seems that I guessed right."

"You scam, if the mist is highly toxic, won't I be hurt by you?"

"Let's just look at the present and let him pass the past. Anyway, you have also got real benefits, haven't you?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you more." While talking, Wang Feng turned around and left here. He was going to look for other people.

These royal family members are all rich and rich. How could Wang Feng miss this opportunity to make a fortune, and he will not stay in this place again, because he will continue to get more while killing these people. Tin can.

"It's you, a foreigner."

When Wang Feng appeared in front of the second member of the royal family, his performance was similar to that of the previous member of the royal family, and he treated Wang Feng with cynicism.

"Yes, it's me." Wang Feng nodded, but looked rather peaceful.

"I don't know what you are planning to do?" the royal family member said.

"What do you say I want to do? It's nothing more than wanting to get something from you. If you are interested, I might be able to let you go."

"Haha, are you joking?" Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the royal family member could not help laughing as if they had heard some big joke.

Outside of the ancestral realm, the father of the laughing royal family was naturally there. Seeing his son met by Wang Feng, he couldn't help changing his color, and he could even describe his face as gray.

He had seen Wang Feng's combat effectiveness before, and his son was only at the later stage of the Blood Saint Realm. If he really fought with Wang Feng, it would be more fortunate.

The person who died earlier is the best lesson for you.

Thinking that his son might be in an extremely dangerous situation, this man couldn't help clenching his fists, his knuckles were all white.

But he was outside of this ancestral realm, he couldn't do anything at all, even if his son was killed by Wang Feng, he could only watch.

"Do you think I am joking?" Seeing the other person laughing, Wang Feng couldn't help but shook his head. These people just died and didn't know what was going on.

It's great to think you are a member of the royal family?

On the outside, he might be able to call the wind and rain with his own status and status, but here, no one can help him, the only thing he can trust is his own strength.

But how can his strength be compared to Wang Feng? His fate is completely destined, and he only has one death.

The urinary Wang Feng of these royal family members really couldn't stand it, so Wang Feng didn't bother to talk to this person. He directly lifted his palm, and the strength of his cultivation gradually spread out.

"Just because you want to kill me?" Seeing that Wang Feng was about to do something, this member of the royal family didn't know what he would need to face next. On the contrary, he was still sneering, thinking that Wang Feng was just playing an axe at the door of the class.

"Do you know that a fool like you and a brain-dead, often die very early?"

"What did you say?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the royal family member couldn't help getting furious, because Wang Feng was completely insulting him.

He said that he was a fool and a brain-dead, but he was a noble royal blood, and his status and status were not known how much higher than Wang Feng. He actually said that. In his opinion, Wang Feng was talking about him.

"Forget it, for someone like you, it's a waste of time to say a word to you. You should go down with your royal is your final destination."

Wang Feng didn't hesitate while speaking, his raised palm finally fell.

Outside the ancestors, seeing Wang Feng's palm falling, the father of the royal family member could not help closing his eyes and turning his head away.

He had just been secretly praying that Wang Feng would not do anything with his son, because Wang Feng was really abnormal.

But now the scene he least wants to see still appeared. He couldn't directly look at the fall of his son, so he could only turn his head and try not to watch the scene of his son's fall.

These imperial clan brains show their superiority in the sky one by one, and Wang Feng would not be merciful when dealing with such a person. Therefore, when his palm fell, this person fell directly, and even his soul was wiped out in an instant. Die again.

During the whole process, he even ended up before the screams.

"This son is really strong."

Although Wang Feng's existence is now a threat to many members of the royal family in the ancestral realm, their parents still couldn't help being shocked outside.

It is clearly the cultivation base of the late Blood Saint Realm. Why can he kill an opponent of the same level with one fist?

These people are old monsters that have survived for a long time, and they have even seen many geniuses, but none of them have seen a perverted person like Wang Feng.

The members of the royal family in this ancestral realm are all those who are not weak in cultivation. In addition, what they have learned is also many times deeper than those outside. In this case, no matter how useless these royal members are, they are better than those outside. Those monks of that are stronger.

They can say that Wang Feng has never seen anyone before. When did this kind of abnormality appear? And more importantly, where did Jiang Yihuan find such a monster?

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