The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3461: intermediary?

There was not much distance ahead, Wang Feng had already seen a star of life. There were not many masters on this star. Wang Feng could see through the strength of this star at a glance.

There is no need for such a weak star Wangfeng to descend, because what is the use after he descends? It's not that you have to come back after a visit.

Having changed his appearance and breath, Wang Feng is like an ordinary interstellar traveler, walking aimlessly in the starry sky.

Anyway, he doesn’t have his own home in this place. It doesn’t matter where he goes. What’s more important is that Wang Feng doesn’t know what’s going on in the empire, so he has to be cautious, or he’s caught. , Then he is finished.

"It doesn't look like it's dangerous."

Entering another star of life, Wang Feng descended, because this star is a little more advanced than the one just now, and there are a lot more monks with high cultivation bases. There are not many masters in this place anyway, and it will not cause Wang Feng’s safety. Danger.

"The absence of danger does not mean that there must be no danger. You have killed so many people. Who knows what the palace will do to chase and kill you, it is better to be careful. As the saying goes, be careful to sail the ship for thousands of years."

"A weak star."

Upon entering this star, Wang Feng found that the aura of this place was not strong, and could even be described as weak. The monks living here might not have a good life.

I randomly found a monk and asked about the situation. They didn’t know anything. They didn’t even know what had happened to the palace. It seemed that they wanted to get information useful to Wang Feng on this star. It's possible.


To find out about the news from the imperial palace, Wang Feng might have to go farther.

"If you really can't find it, then forget it. There is no need to forcibly inquire about the news. Don't expose yourself by inquiring about the news at that time." In Wang Feng's Dantian, Emperor Xuanyu said.

Knowing the situation can really give them a bottom line, but sometimes rushing to inquire about the news can only expose themselves. That way, the gain is not worth the loss.


After leaving this star, Wang Feng soon came to another larger star. On this star, Wang Feng had already discovered several powerful breaths before he descended.

Even Wang Feng felt that it was a powerful aura, the masters of these auras were naturally extremely powerful, and they possessed a higher realm than Wang Feng's cultivation base.

It's just that Wang Feng felt surprised that this star is not that kind of particularly big, and even its aura is not very strong. Why does this place have several strong cultivation bases at the same time?

This is really unreasonable.

"It looks like you have to be careful."

This star, Wang Feng, has never known anything from the future, so when Wang Feng was about to descend, he directly lowered his breath, acting as if he was in the middle of the Blood Saint Realm.

It’s just that Wang Feng is obviously too careful. Even if the strength of his current cultivation is the late stage of the Blood Saint Realm, I am afraid that these powerhouses on this star will not put him in the eyes because of their cultivation. Therefore, they can completely take Wang Feng improperly.

"All the masters on the stars are gathered in a city, which is kind of interesting."

Slightly feeling the direction of these breaths, Wang Feng found that the owners of these breaths were not far away from him, and they seemed to be in a city.

"Would you like to go and take a look?" The turtle shell asked at this moment.

"Anyway, I've already come, and I won't lose anything." Wang Feng's heart moved as he spoke, and he also released the tortoise shell.

"What are you asking me to do?"

Looking at Wang Feng next to him, the face of the tortoise shell showed a look of doubt. How comfortable he lived in Wang Feng's dantian, this Wang Feng even let him out. It was so dangerous outside that he didn't want to come out. Net debut

"Don't you want to try the axe you got from me?"

"It seems to make sense." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell suddenly couldn't help but shine.

Although he got an axe from Wang Feng's hand, if he had stayed in Wang Feng's dantian, he had no chance to use this axe, so it would be better to come out.

"Let's go, let's go into town now."

Anyway, Wang Feng and the others don't have a specific place to live. They can go wherever they want, so since a slightly weird city has appeared in front of them, the two of them can get together to have a look.

There are no special restrictions on entering the city, no inspections, and no entry fees. This place is a free-entry city, and any of them can enter.

As soon as he entered the city, Wang Feng suddenly felt a sense of excitement. There are probably no less than hundreds of thousands of people living in this city, and it is a large city.

"Seclusion is a kind of life, and these places are also a kind of life." Looking at the crowds on the street, Wang Feng couldn't help but utter a muttering voice. The reason why he said this is completely. Because of the feeling he got after living in seclusion with Jiang Yihuan.

This is like life. A rich life is a lifetime, and a poor life is also a lifetime. When a person comes to the world, the essence is the same at birth and the same at death, but the process is different.

Coming barely, leaving barely, there are thousands of roads and different paths, and Wang Feng's heart can't help but feel a lot of emotion when he thinks of this.

"You two, do you want to come here to find work? We have something most suitable for both of you." Just as Wang Feng and Turtle Shell stood here with emotion, a voice suddenly passed into Wang Feng's ears, and they looked up. Look, Wang Feng and Turtle Shell just saw a person walking towards them two with a smile.

The speaker is a woman, she seems to have a good foundation, and her appearance is also excellent, but what she said made Wang Feng and the turtle shell very surprised. Do they look like they are looking for something to do? ?

This woman looks pretty good, but she doesn't even have this eye power, which really makes Wang Feng and the turtle shell speechless.

However, she was a beautiful woman anyway, and Wang Feng couldn't say anything badly. So after a moment of indulgence, Wang Feng asked, "Then what do you have to do for us?"

"We have mining and treasure hunting work to do, and we can also work part-time to protect others and get huge rewards." When this woman saw Wang Feng's question, her face suddenly showed joy, and she quickly introduced Wang Feng.

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