The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3482: Red liquid into the body

Chapter 3482: Red liquid enters the body

"Wang Feng, how are you doing?" Seeing that all the lower half of Wang Feng's body was wrapped in red liquid, they couldn't help showing a worried look because none of them knew what was going on.

"Don't worry about me, stay away from me." Wang Feng's mouth made a low drinking sound, and then Wang Feng exploded all his cultivation power.

It's just that it's useless, because the weight of his whole body has exceeded his imagination, and he can't move at all.

Even if all his cultivation bases broke out, he felt that his cultivation bases seemed to be locked in a closed bottle, completely unable to show them.

"Wang Feng, is there anything we can help?" Ye Zun also asked at this time.

You must know that Wang Feng is their backbone. If anything goes wrong with Wang Feng, how can they survive in this world?

"You don't have to do anything, let me do it myself." Wang Feng's mouth made a sound, not allowing them to approach at all, because their cultivation base is low, and the temperature around Wang Feng is terribly high now, even if they are now Standing outside this doorway, Wang Feng was still worried about them.

So how could he let them help him? Wang Feng would rather bear these changes alone.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, how could Emperor Xuanyu and the others feel relieved, all their hearts were hanging.

Seeing these red liquids continuously covering his upper body, Wang Feng couldn't move at all, so he simply did nothing. He wanted to see what the red liquid would do to him.

"Why is it not hot at all?"

When these red liquids covered most of Wang Feng's body, Wang Feng discovered a strange problem, that is, these red liquids were originally extremely hot, even if he touched them with his hands, he would have to pay a huge amount. cost.

But now these red hot liquids didn't even feel hot at all. Wang Feng was only shocked before, and he didn't consider this at all.

"Why is this?" Wang Feng muttered to himself, and then he began to think about what was going on.

It was just after thinking for a while that Wang Feng didn't come up with a reason. It was the first time he encountered such a situation, how could he know what was going on.

After about three breaths, the red liquid attached to Wang Feng's body completely wrapped Wang Feng, and his body and his head were completely covered.

It was like a protective film formed on Wang Feng's body surface, completely enclosing Wang Feng in it.

Wang Feng couldn't see the outside anymore, even with the eyes of the sky, he couldn't see the outside scene.

"Couldn't these things keep trapping me like this?" A big question mark appeared in Wang Feng's heart.

It's just that Wang Feng obviously thinks too much, because this thing will definitely not keep him trapped. When Wang Feng is completely covered by less than two breaths, suddenly Wang Feng begins to pass the extreme pain all over his body.

It was as if countless knives were cutting Wang Feng's body at the same time, making Wang Feng miserable.

Wang Feng wanted to make a yelling sound, but it was a pity that he was so wrapped in these red liquids that he couldn't make any noise at all, so he could only endure it like this.

"It feels like peeling cramps, isn't it?" Wang Feng muttered to himself. He really didn't expect this red liquid to be so domineering and rushed to himself.

"Couldn't this thing be a parasite?" At this time, Wang Feng suddenly thought of some possibility, and his expression suddenly changed.

Because the red liquid climbed onto him by himself, if the red liquid was dead, then how could Wang Feng believe it.

Just thinking like this in his heart, Wang Feng has no choice but to take these red liquids now, because they are so weird that they have bound Wang Feng tightly here.

No matter what Wang Feng asked now, he couldn't get the answer, because no one would answer him here.

"You still want to get into my body?" Wang Feng's mouth made a loud shout, and then his cultivation was running, and he wanted to prevent these things from entering his body.

The red liquid exists inside a skeleton. Right now, the red liquid wants to enter Wang Feng's body. Wang Feng has reason to believe that the red liquid wants to invade his bones.

Although the temperature of this thing is high, Wang Feng is not sure whether this thing enters the bones is a good thing or a bad thing, so he is completely holding a rejection mentality.

Because of this thing, the skeletal bone sitting here turned into a dead bone and sat here. Before he figured out the red liquid, Wang Feng would not let the red liquid enter his bones.

If this red liquid is a good thing, that's all, but if it is something that can kill people, isn't Wang Feng a big loss?

Therefore, under such uncertain factors, Wang Feng would definitely refuse this thing to enter his bones.

It's just that some things are not as simple as Wang Feng imagined. He wants to refuse this thing to enter his body, but he can't break out his own cultivation level at all now, let alone stop these red colors The liquid quickly penetrated into Wang Feng’s flesh and blood, and his physical defenses did not play much role at all. At the beginning, the scorching sensation was only on the surface of Wang Feng’s skin, but as time passed, Wang Feng’s flesh and blood began to be inside. This feeling came, and he had a feeling that he would be burned alive.

After about a few breaths, Wang Feng suddenly felt that his whole body had become cold. He wouldn't have felt this way before, but now the red liquid is close to Wang Feng's bones.

Just as Wang Feng thought, the red liquid really wanted to penetrate into Wang Feng's bones.

"Fuck me all!"

Wang Feng wanted to make such a voice, but the voice of the words was also heard by Wang Feng, because he said it entirely in his own heart.


There was a screaming scream in his mouth. Wang Feng's bone hardness was far from comparable to his own flesh and blood. Since his flesh and blood couldn't stop the invasion of this red liquid, how long could his bones resist?

Wang Feng originally thought that his cells could play a role and absorbed all the red liquid, but unfortunately when his bones were broken by the red liquid, his cells did not play a role either.

Originally, the red liquid was still attached to Wang Feng’s surface, but when Wang Feng’s bone defense was breached, the red liquid wrapped around his body poured into his body almost instantaneously, perhaps in the blink of an eye, Wang Feng All the red liquid on the body surface penetrated into Wang Feng's body and into his bones.

Outside the door, seeing the red liquid on the surface of Wang Feng's body disappeared instantly, the tortoise shells and their faces couldn't help showing surprise, their eyes widened.

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