The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 4012: Next stop

If the middle-aged man still has a very strong aura after Wang Feng took down the two light clusters above his head, then Wang Feng might really consider killing him. After all, his fighting power is very powerful, even more so. Borrow the power of this majestic world.

Once such a person offends, it can be a big trouble.

But this middle-aged man is now regarded as a tiger whose tooth was pulled out by Wang Feng, and his threatening power is not very great, so even if he comes to retaliate, what fear does Wang Feng have?

"Don't just talk about this person, let's talk about the change in the power of the great power, and you can honestly tell me whether this has something to do with you."

This divine fortune teller is now completely determined that this has something to do with Wang Feng, because the divine fortune teller knows in his heart that if it has nothing to do with Wang Feng, Wang Feng will not make a special trip to ask him.

"To be honest, I don't know." Wang Feng shook his head when he heard the words of the fortune teller.

You must know that the power of the Great Dao decreased on its own and finally disappeared completely. Wang Feng was only cultivating in that place and did nothing else. Therefore, Wang Feng felt that the root of this incident was not in him.

It’s just that the last time he went to the place where the great prince practiced, and the place he did was not swept down by the power of the great avenue, the two were connected to each other, and Wang Feng felt that this matter did have a certain relationship with him .

It's a pity that Wang Feng didn't understand what all of this was all about, so he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

"Then tell me what is going on, and I will help you analyze it."


Since the fortuneteller is willing to do this obedience, then Wang Feng might as well tell the fortuneteller about the strange things that happened to him.

At the moment, the realm of this **** fortune has also broken through to the early stage of the realm of Xianwu, maybe he is really possible to help Wang Feng solve his doubts.

The fortune teller was willing to listen, and Wang Feng wanted to speak, so at this moment, Wang Feng directly told the fortuneteller what he had encountered in the swamp.

After some recounting, Wang Feng could see that the face of the fortuneteller was also puzzled, because Wang Feng only did nothing but practice, and he didn't even dig the ground.

In this way, this matter seems to have nothing to do with Wang Feng.

It's just that if this matter has nothing to do with Wang Feng, it seems to be a bit unreasonable, because when Wang Feng doesn't go to this marshland to finish cultivating, the strength of this great path is still good, so the **** fortune teller is undoubtedly a little confused at this moment. , He also didn't know what was going on.

Wang Feng said that he didn't do anything, but the power of this great great power has disappeared. Is it possible that Wang Feng can still absorb the power of this great great power?

If you think about it, you know it's impossible, because this great power can even supply the entire star, and how could it be easily absorbed by Wang Feng alone? It's unlikely.

The only explanation that the fortune teller can think of now is that something went wrong with the power of the great power, and then it disappeared.

Otherwise, what else could it be?

"Don’t continue to waste time on this issue. Since you and I don’t know what’s going on, let him do so much. Since this star is not suitable for us to cultivate, it’s a big deal that we can change places. With so many stars in the empire, there must be other places that can hold us."

"That said, but after all, I lost a sacred place for cultivation."

The strength of the Dao in this marshland is very suitable for Wang Feng's cultivation, but now all the power of the Dao is gone, even if Wang Feng wants to cultivate, he can't do it, so he can only leave here.

"Don't worry, we can still find other places without this place. I believe that this huge empire will not have a place for us?"

"I'm leaving."

Since the fortune teller couldn't tell why he came, then Wang Feng didn't need to continue to pester him here, because he still had to continue to find the next place of cultivation.

This time, the benefits of practicing Wang Feng are not small. It not only proves the feasibility of the heart of the great path, but also touches the mystery of the mid-level of the immortal martial realm.

This was a very good start, so Wang Feng had to find the next holy place for cultivation.

Since he couldn't control the mysteries of the eldest prince and theirs in a short time, Wang Feng could only practice first in his own way.

Anyway, no matter what method is used in the end, as long as it can break through to the middle stage of Xianwu Realm, then this is a good method.

"Since you want to go, then you go first. There are still many potential customers of mine on this star. I have to bring these medicine pills."

"Since you are so caring, then you can slowly spend it on this star."

No matter what the center of the empire, as long as this place doesn't have what Wang Feng needs, then he doesn't need to stay here, so since this **** operator is unwilling to leave here, then Wang Feng naturally only has one person to leave here.

Wang Feng didn't want to go to Chuangshen Peak. According to the records on the Chuangshen Peak star map, Wang Feng couldn't afford it, and the benefits were very small, so Wang Feng still had to follow his own method.

Condensing the heart of the Dao Dao can allow his cultivation to break through to the middle stage of the Immortal Martial Realm. This is the experience that predecessors have already had.

But what about the star map?

Until now, I am afraid that no one has figured out what this star map is Feng has not practiced according to the record of this star map, but that consumes too much power of Dao Dao. .

Instead of consuming the power of the great avenue that he had obtained through hard work on this star map, Wang Feng might as well use the power of the great avenue to do something more useful, such as condensing the heart of the great avenue.

At least this road Wangfeng can still see hope. Unlike the star map, he doesn't know or understands anything. He doesn't even know whether there is a conspiracy behind the star map, so he just doesn't go here. Chuang Shenfeng, he had to take the path he decided to do.

"Go out, remember, you are descendants of God, messengers of the great road!"

Wang Feng was looking for a place suitable for his cultivation, and at this moment, in an extremely mysterious place, a man in a black robe was speaking to several people kneeling in front of him.

The figure of this person in black robe is slightly rickety. I am afraid that this height adds up to less than one meter and five. Such a height is definitely short in this cultivation world, but no one in the room dare to look down on this black. The people in the robe even treated him respectfully, because they all understood that if they offend him, they will all die.


Hearing the words of the black-robed man, all the kneeling people nodded, and then stood up.

"Go ahead."

Hearing the words of these people, the man in the black robe waved his big sleeve, and suddenly his figure disappeared from the place.

"The outside world will tremble because of our presence."

The black-robed man disappeared, and one of the people suddenly made a voice, his voice with incomparable confidence, as if he hadn't seen this day in his eyes.

Hearing what he said, several people around him couldn't help laughing.

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