Su Yao had enough of the fear of her prey, so she waved her hand.

"Go down, pack up, and let Zheng Yu select 5,000 elite soldiers and return to Beijing secretly."

"Yes, I'll take my leave."

Xiaolian left as if she had been pardoned.

Su Yao looked at another letter at hand, and a smile appeared on her lips.

Send General Dingyuan to replace me?

Haha, Prime Minister Fu's eldest daughter, Fu Chenxi.

It seems that Shangguan Yuxue really dotes on Fu Chenyang.

Late at night, the cold wind whistled, and the leaves rustled.

On the top of the mountain, a woman in a blood-red dress stood with her hands behind her back.


Several men in black landed behind the woman as light as a swallow and knelt on one knee.

Su Yao turned around and looked at the people she had saved, and a smile appeared on her lips.

"Get up, seeing that you are serving the country like this now, your family can rest in peace."

Several people looked at Su Yao gratefully.

If it weren't for the general, how could they be here today.

"General, Ling'er is willing to pursue you to the death."

"So are we."

The others also spoke firmly.

She discovered these people after she came to the military camp, and she didn't expect that they all chose to join the army by coincidence.

She spent two years to transform them, and now they can stand on their own.

In the future, it will be most suitable for them to take charge of the border of Fengqi.

Su Yao sighed.

"The government is in turmoil now, and several princesses want to get that position."

"And the current queen is very afraid of me. Today, she has issued an order, ordering me to return to Beijing as soon as possible."

"Now the one who succeeded me is General Dingyuan, who is a playboy and relies on his sister to get his current position."

"It took me two years to build this army to what it is now. I will never allow others to ruin it."

"I will find a way to let Ling'er replace her."

"Then you will submit a memorial to arrange them in important positions in the army. This general hopes that you can protect our Fengqi."

"Yes, subordinates, obey your command."

After several people withdrew, Su Yao looked at the dark night sky.

A hint of sarcasm slowly appeared at the corner of her mouth.


That night a white dove flew out of the military camp.

In the tent, Su Yao looked at the white dove with cold eyes as it flew away.

Zheng Yu, you are really the most loyal dog.

Two days later.

A team of people is rushing to the border non-stop.

"General, when you arrive at the border this time, you will be truly second to none. You will be the boss at that time. You can't abandon me."

"Haha, don't worry."

Fu Chenxi put her hand into the clothes of the beautiful man in her arms.

"Oh, you are annoying, people outside will hear it."

The man gently patted his big hands wandering on his body.

"Haha, it's okay, don't worry, they are all deaf and dumb for the time being."

He turned over and pressed the man on the bed.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped abruptly.

"Damn, what's going on."

A woman's irritable voice came from the carriage.

"Reply... Reply to the general, there are several big rocks rolling down from the mountain ahead, we have to move them first."

A guard answered cautiously.

"Fuck, what a bummer! Move away quickly. If you delay this general from taking office, watch out for your skin."

After such a delay, her good mood was gone. She looked at the timid look of the man under her and became more and more irritated. She turned over and sat up, shouting.

"Get out of here, general."

After being scolded by her, the man trembled even more. He quickly put on his clothes and got off the carriage in a panic.

Fu Chenxi closed her eyes and calmed her irritability.

After a few minutes, the door curtain suddenly moved. Fu Chenxi thought that the man had returned and cursed:

"Bitch, without the order of this general, you dare..."

When she saw the person clearly, her pupils shrank sharply.

"You are so bold..."

Before she could finish her words, she was covered by the other party's mouth and nose. She widened her eyes and stared at her legs. The man's eyes turned cold and he exerted force on his hands.

"Crack..." With a sound, her neck was broken.

Fu Chenxi died with his eyes wide open on the carriage.

The head guard heard the sound and rushed forward to check.

"General, what happened?"

"Get lost, what can happen to this general?"

"Hurry up and move the stone away."

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, revealing a face exactly like Fu Chenxi, even the tone of voice and voice were the same.

The head guard was half-believing and half-doubting, she had just heard the sound of human body hitting the wooden board... But she looked at the guards beside the carriage again, all of them looked normal.

She shook her head, thinking that she was just suspicious, if there was really any sound, the guards around the carriage would not have heard it.

So, she turned around, continued to command, and moved the stone.

But she didn't know that the guards around had already been replaced...

At this time, the capital.

"The princess saw that her right and left arms were dead, and hurriedly ordered a retreat. The general stepped on the horse's back, flew into the air and drew his bow. Guess what, he took the princess's head from a thousand miles away..."

The storyteller in the teahouse told a wonderful story, snapped it, and the whole room cheered.

"Tomorrow, the fifth princess of the Western Barbarians will be defeated. Please look forward to it."

After saying that, he turned around and walked off the stage.

"Why are you leaving? Keep going."

"Yes, another part."

The people below shouted, and the storyteller walked out of the teahouse without looking back.

What a joke. If I don't whet your appetite, how can I, an old woman, make money?

"I heard that if there is no general guarding the country, the people of Fengqi will suffer. Maybe those barbarians will enter the capital."

"That's right. I heard that the generals sent by the court before were more cowardly than each other. They were beaten by the barbarians and dared not fight. The city was captured and the morale of the soldiers was low. If it weren't for the general guarding the country, the border would have been defeated by now."

"He took the enemy's head from thousands of miles away. Not only did he take back the city, but he also beat those barbarians to tears. When they heard the words "our general guarding the country", their legs were shaking."

"Such a person is worthy of being our general guarding the country."

"Yes, general guarding the country, we only recognize Su Yao."

The people were excited and became more and more excited.

Shangguan Yuxue, who was wearing a moon-white brocade robe outside the teahouse, had a terrible gloomy face.

Turned around and strode towards the Seventh Princess's Mansion.

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