The final gentleman

Chapter 995 Seat

Yi Chen didn't pay much attention to the moonlight, but focused more on the tall buildings in front of him.

It's just the surface with no end in sight. What's truly terrifying is the invisible aura of surveillance, oppression, and domination.

Just as he was about to step towards the main entrance of this tall building, the manager suddenly reached out and took Yi Chen's shoulder.

"Today is really rare. The attendance rate is so high. It seems that everyone is very interested in the new unknown disease.

In this case, it would be best for Miss Leni not to attend the meeting with you. "

Before Yi Chen could say anything, Leni took the initiative to retreat to the steps of the hotel behind her.

Yi Chen didn't ask the reason and nodded in affirmation.

The reason why he wanted to bring Leni with him was simply because he was optimistic about this half-goat girl, believing that she had the ability to reach a higher level, and took this opportunity to broaden his horizons.

Since there are potential risks, it is naturally better not to bring them.

"How many are here?"

"Except for the one imprisoned in the God's Realm, everyone is present. At present, the [Fourth Disaster] is still only an external projection present and not the actual person."


The two of them walked on the last street in front of the [high-rise building], and the manager also began to talk about matters related to the meeting.

"1. There will be someone to guide you before and after the meeting. Don't have any unnecessary curiosity. You only need to go back and forth from the gate on the ground floor to the conference hall. If you arrive in other areas of the building for personal reasons, you don't know what you will encounter.

2. The leader of the meeting is also the person in charge of the entire Evil City, with a strong desire to control and dominate. As the new representative of the Tenth Disaster, you will definitely attract his special attention. Therefore, you should avoid unnecessary actions or even unnecessary mood swings at the meeting. All actions in the meeting should be carried out according to his thoughts.

3. Your interaction with any participant may have a negative impact. Even just a glance may affect your mental state during the meeting, and then lead to bad situations, even during the meeting. He was caught by the host due to time violations.

Even the eye contact with me should be reduced, otherwise your brain will produce excess fatigue and you will fall asleep during the meeting.

Most of the people here are nasty and extreme, and they're happy to have fun with a newcomer like you.

4. This meeting may assign some killing tasks. Do not deny but sign directly, otherwise your existence will arouse suspicion and lead to extinction. "


After a brief explanation, Yi Chen followed the manager to the front door of the building.

On the smooth large-surface ceramic tiles, a circle-shaped projection representing the company's image can be vaguely seen, representing the mathematical Möbius strip.

When Yi Chen looked up again, a formal employee had already gone out to meet him.

"Welcome you two, please come with me! The meeting will start in ten minutes."

Yi Chen looked up at the employee in front of him. His appearance seemed to be mosaic and he couldn't see clearly. No information about his appearance could be obtained through breathing techniques or murderous intent sensing. It was as if this person had no concept of a face. .

But the strange thing is that as long as you focus your eyes elsewhere and use your peripheral vision, you can see a more delicate face.

Walk through the door,

The clerk did not lead the two of them to take the elevator to the conference room at the top. Instead, he invited them to sit on the sofa in the lobby and make them a cup of steaming coffee.

Yi Chen stared at the milk-scented coffee in front of him, feeling slightly wary and not drinking it directly.

The manager tasted the coffee carefully and said softly:

"There is no difference between drinking or not. From the moment we stepped into this high-rise building, saw the high-rise building, even when we had the idea of ​​entering the high-rise building, and received the notice of the meeting, we were already on the way to the conference room."

When the manager said this, Yi Chen did feel that there was something inconsistent along the way.

He still didn't drink coffee, but when his vision moved from the coffee to the table, everything changed.

The smooth marble square table in the hall has been transformed into a black all-metal table top that extends in an arc to both sides, forming a circular structure conference table.

Yi Chen obviously didn't feel anything, but he was already in the conference room.

The manager next to him also sat across from him and waved slightly to indicate that he and Yi Chen were acquainted.

At the same time, Yi Chen also felt the hostile eyes of the [Eighth Disaster] not far away from him.

The other party still looked like a 'mom' in a red sportswear. She was staring at Yi Chen with bulging eyeballs and a row of strange white teeth. She didn't seem to expect that he would attend the meeting on behalf of the Tenth Disaster.

Even though there were ten minutes left, there were still many people who didn't come.

Seats are arranged clockwise according to their respective numbers.

In other words, Yi Chen, who is the [Tenth Disaster], sits next to the unknown Ninth Disaster and the host of the meeting, the malicious ruler, the First Disaster.

Neither of them has arrived yet.

It is also worth noting that the design of each seat is consistent with the characteristics of disasters.

For example, Yi Chen's seat seems to be made of countless corpses, and the back of the chair is filled with various forms of killing tools, such as boning knives, hooks, hatchets, chainsaws, etc.

The seat itself exudes strong murderous intent.

Curiosity prompted Yi Chen to observe and collect data and intelligence on disasters in advance.

He didn't use his naked eyes to see, but used his breathing method to feel the more detailed contours.

The adjacent first disaster seat is consistent with the design style of the high-rise building. The black seat is made of pure geometry and has the Möbius strip that Yi Chen saw in front of the gate printed on the back of the chair.

The second disaster is the 'unknown' who is imprisoned at the bottom of the seventh-level heaven. Yi Chen doesn't know his name yet.

His seat is a modern leather chair. At first glance, it looks like a high-end high-end seat, but if you look closely, you will find that the entire style of the seat seems to be related to 'people'.

You can always see similarities with certain parts of the human body from some contours and folds. It seems to be made of the human body, and it happens to be a person, no more and no less.

The third disaster is the manager.

Its seats give people a feeling of hotel architecture, with reinforced concrete and red brick seat bottoms and seat backs of the front door structure.

The fourth disaster, a bloodless photographer has come to the meeting as a substitute for the original person.

The entire seat is made up of cameras from different eras and styles. Each lens on it can move automatically. Once someone looks at it, these lenses will focus on it.

The fifth disaster,

The seat is an exquisite seat found in a barber's shop in the late 19th century during the Victorian era. It is equipped with very sophisticated steam machinery and seems to have other functions besides adjusting the body position during the haircut.

A handsome man with black and white curly hair was sitting upright, arranging the barber box while waiting.

Yi Chen suddenly remembered the barber shop he accidentally ran into when he and Liu Xinzhi were walking on the streets in the Evil City for the first time.

The sixth disaster,

As soon as the breath controlled by Yi Chen moved from the barber's body, the tip of his nose smelled a rotten stench. This stench was different from the biological decay of the diseased world, but an unstoppable stench that transcended biological boundaries.

Even Yi Chen, who often dealt with corpses and had been friends with rats since he was a child, couldn't help but feel disgusted.

I originally thought that the Sixth Disaster would be an extremely corrupt person, but the outline I got was that of a noble lady with an Asian face. Both her skin and appearance seemed to be just over thirty, with a look similar to Tomie's. Such charm.

Strangely enough, the other party exuded the ultimate stench.

The seat was actually made of umbilical cord and rotten flesh, with a gestating fetus drawn on the back of the chair.

"No wonder the manager won't let Leni come over. Sure enough, she will get into trouble."

The Sixth Calamity also noticed this new young man. He seemed to smell the fresh breath remaining on him, and immediately gave him a wink, and even took the initiative to take off half of his clothes.

After she performed these actions, the rotten smell originally smelled by Yi Chen was immediately replaced by an alluring fragrance.

Yi Chen could only pretend not to see it and continued to feel the subsequent disaster seats with his breath.

The seventh plague,

I haven’t arrived at the meeting site yet,

The style of the seat is somewhat similar to that of Yi Chen, but instead of piles of corpses, various killing tools and modern firearms are pieced together on it.

All the murderous weapons are arranged in a circle around a gray eye in the center of the chair back.

The eighth plague,

The seat was made up of countless miniature human bodies that merged with each other. There was even an identical woman sitting upside down under the seat, both of whom were staring at Yi Chen at the same time.

The ninth plague,

A rotten biological chair that was constantly leaking green mucus. The back of the chair was coiled with circles of old intestines surrounding the shriveled brain in the center.

Yi Chen already had a rough guess as to who the owner of this chair was.

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