The final gentleman

Chapter 1016: Rotten Meat, Man in the Gap

The overturned slit turned into an infinitely extending space in the wall along the three axes of x, y, and z.

There are various gaps here, corresponding to the gaps in walls, doors, clothing, and even gaps in some living people in the outside world.

The hair on the fourth disaster's body can quickly extend to every crevice,

The tips of the hairs have evolved into a human-like upper body, and there are even complete nerves between the hairs. You only need to move the hairs to the gaps to spy on the outside world.

What Yi Chen had just chopped off was just a section of hair at the top.

However, the ultimate decapitation effect was transmitted through the nerves between the hairs, causing the fourth disaster Garp to fall into a brief stagnation.

Looking along the hair, you can see the real body of Gap about a thousand meters away.

When I first looked at it, what I saw was a mass of rotten flesh tissue that almost filled the entire gap space. Subtle human-like features could be seen between the rotten flesh. It seemed that the body was seriously injured due to staying in the gap for a long time. Degenerated, and finally turned into such a piece of rotten flesh.

Furthermore, the rotten flesh itself continues to grow in size as it is surrounded and filled with endless vile malice. Even now, it continues to grow, as if it will only stop when all the gaps in the plane are filled.

This kind of enlargement does not increase the strength, it is just a pure accumulation of maliciousness, just like an infinite garbage dump.


This is just the picture that everyone sees in a blink of an eye, or it is the first feeling that the fourth disaster brings to everyone - "unlimited low-level malice."

When the vision becomes clear and the virtual image of infinite rotten flesh disappears,

There was only one man who was so hungry that he was all skin and bones and had not washed his body for who knows how long.

His hair had spread wildly because he had never cut it. If you put aside the human-like tissue at the top of his hair, the man in front of you really looked like a homeless man who was about to die.

Perhaps it was because William and others came to the gap, to his safe house, to a home that no one had ever set foot on.

His whole body curled up into a ball, shivering.

He had never stepped out of the gap, never had such unimpeded contact with others,

He didn't even dare to look up at the three people who came here, because he had never tried visual observation other than peeping.

"Don't come here, leave here quickly... Don't come here, leave here quickly..."

Garp kept repeating this sentence, as if he was on the verge of a mental breakdown.


Facing such a trembling tramp-like figure, whether it was William, Yi Chen or Leni, they all felt a strong sense of disobedience and a fatal feeling that they didn't know how to generate.

I can’t understand how such a fatal feeling came from,

Just when Yi Chen was about to test the opponent himself and try to behead him, William reached out to stop him,

"It's a bit strange. It's completely different from what I imagined. Let me try this guy first... Mr. Yi, you can just perform the final beheading."

As William spoke, he coughed up a bunch of disgusting malignant tumors from his mouth. The surface of the malignant tumors actually had a face similar to that of a priest, and there was a cross on his forehead.

With both hands, he rolled the malignant tumors into three bullets like glutinous rice balls, quickly loaded the gun and fired at the crouching and trembling fourth disaster.

One of the bullets was aimed at the forehead of the fourth disaster,

The other two deliberately missed their aim and shot to both sides of the target.

Bullets shot out,

Garp didn't dodge at all. The sarcoma bullet was shot into his head, and the other two bullets suddenly expanded when they were closest.


The explosion inside the skull occurred simultaneously with the external explosions on the left and right sides,

Naturally, the power is not as powerful as that of a professional bomber like Jin, but in addition to the damage caused by William's explosion, it also caused a serious malignant infection.

The result is very strange,

As the blood mist dissipated, Garp was still curled up there, completely unharmed. The eyebrow that was shot through before was still intact, and there was no protruding tumor anywhere on his body.

Infection failed,

This is the first time William has encountered it.

"It is worthy of being the fourth disaster... This kind of damage is not even scratching an itch for you, and the malignant cancer symptoms I carry are completely suppressed by you.

It's really useless, Mr. Art. "

William used the "Evil Sun Eye" between his eyebrows to see clearly what had just happened.

The bullet struck, the explosion took effect, and the infection spread,

But the quantity is far from enough.

It's almost infinite, and the rotten meat that represents inferior malice doesn't care about an explosion of this magnitude at all.

Infected malignant tumors need to absorb nutrients to divide and proliferate, but these rotten meats have almost no nutrients, making it difficult for the malignant tumors to spread.

Not only that, the malignant tumors that clung to the rotten flesh not only failed to proliferate successfully, but were also annihilated by some terrible energy.

"William, what do you say?" Yi Chen couldn't help it anymore.

"Mr. Yi, you go first. My malignant tumor infection is not effective against this person... I will carefully observe your duel and try to find opportunities."

Before he could finish speaking, Yi Chen had already taken steps.

He did not use [Instant] to quickly approach the target.

Since the fourth disaster was curled up in place without moving, Yi Chen adopted the most common killer action.

Taking the same normal steps as in the movie, you can even vaguely hear the oppressive songs playing in the current space, approaching the other party step by step.

Slowly approaching has another purpose. Once the other party has any changes, Yi Chen can avoid it in time.


The distance of a thousand meters was slowly closed by Yi Chen at the speed of ordinary people walking. During this period, nothing happened. He was not attacked by any of the fourth disasters, and he didn't even look at him.

On the contrary, the stranger Yi Chen's approach made the other person's trembling become more intense, and the repeated words in his mouth became more frequent.

Yi Chen also took off his shoes when he got close to 100 meters, and used his breathing and the experience of secret killing to make himself completely silent.

Every step was silent, trying to make the other party not aware of him as much as possible.

Sure enough, such concealment is useful.

The trembling of the fourth plague did not continue to intensify;


Yi Chen's bare feet were less than two meters away from the opponent, and his eyes had already been locked on the opponent's neck.

Even if the opponent's body is filled with endless amounts of inferior rotten meat, Yi Chen still has the confidence to behead him, because his killings are as vast and endless as death, let alone such an unimpeded beheading.

Hold the knife with both hands and raise it slowly.

This process also did not cause any environmental fluctuations.

Even William and Leni, who were far apart, held their breath at this moment.

Endless killing evil is condensed within the blade,

Yi Chen was in a breathless state and slashed with one knife.

Everything was so silent, but... as a voyeur, Garp, who had lived in the gaps since his birth, his world was originally silent.


He had an unprecedented feeling of death in his body,

He was not afraid of death, he was just afraid that he would no longer be able to peep. When he thought about not being able to peep into other people's lives, his soul and rotten flesh became impatient.

His repeated words now became, "I don't want to die..."


Yi Chen's decapitation was forced to stop in mid-air, and his eyes widened.

Because the target is gone,

Not only that, Yi Chen's flanks and the coat made of yellow skin were dug out, and the entire flanks, the kidneys and part of the intestines inside were all missing, as if they had been wiped out.

"What?! I can't see clearly!"

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