The final gentleman

Chapter 66 Delivery

As a severe patient who is 'closer to the moon', Mr. Li on the hospital bed has already smelled the moon skin scent on the two of them.

He tried his best to suppress his inner desire and excitement,

Suppressing the yearning for freedom,

Try to maintain the solemnity and pressure of being the owner of the clinic as much as possible.

"Give me all the moon skins you collected. As long as there is nothing wrong with the goods, I will instruct the nurse to inject you with a sufficient dose of plague serum."

Yi Chen first made a standard gentleman's courtesy,

In front of Mr. Li, the doctor and the nurse, he began to take off his coat and vest, and unbuttoned his shirt.

Edmund beside him did exactly the same thing.

When the upper body covered with moon skin was fully exposed, there was also a strong smell of fuel...from the kerosene lamp fuel prepared in advance.

Yi Chen said with a smile:

"Mr. Li, you are no longer a "gentleman", so I have doubts about your honesty and character.

I ask that we be injected with the antidote first. Once the pathogen is eliminated, we will naturally fulfill our promise and offer all the moon skins.


If there are any problems,

We don't mind burning our bodies directly, burning up the last remaining moon skin in Vinal City... It's better to burn yourself to death than to surrender. "

The irony of Yi Chen's words made Mr. Li's face twitch, but he could only suppress the anger in his heart.

That's right,

He didn't dare to have an attack,

If the last remaining pieces of moonskin were destroyed, he might be trapped here forever.

"...I agree to your conditions."

As Mr. Li nodded,

The bandage nurse inserted the needle corresponding to the ring finger into the two people's necks.

Although it was an antidote, Yi Chen still asked Xiao Guo to help intercept and absorb it to avoid any adverse effects on the body.

Five minutes passed,

The white hair on Edmund's neck began to fall off, and his eyes became clear.

After confirming the effectiveness of the antidote.

The two of them tore off the [Moon Skin] covering their entire bodies one by one and stacked them together.

Mr. Li on the hospital bed was also very cautious. He did not let Yi Chen or Edmund hand it over to him directly, but asked the nurse on the side to do it for him.

When the stacked moon skins were brought to him,

Mr. Li no longer restrained the excitement in his body, ignored his body that was glued to the hospital bed, and forced himself to sit up... Hiss~ strips of flesh and blood on his back were torn and torn.


As Mr. Li inspected the lunar skin one by one, the excitement on his face slowly disappeared.

He raised his eyes like the most ferocious rat in the gutter, staring at the two people on the bed, "Twenty inferior skins, only one decent moon skin... I am not very satisfied with this amount."

"There is no way. By the time we arrived at the Old John Theater, most of the Moon People had already evacuated. But..."

Yi Chen deliberately prolonged his tone and waited for the other party to answer.

"But what?"

"However, in addition to killing a moon citizen in the sewer, we also met a very special being at the Old John Theater whose strength surpassed that of ordinary moon citizens.

It was precisely because of this moon citizen that we spent a full day and a lot of physical energy to barely complete the 'kill'... No, should it be considered alive? "

"Where's his skin? Why isn't it here?"

"This moon citizen is quite special, his moon seal happens to be located between the eyebrows.

We tried tearing off his entire dough, but found that it was extremely easy to damage, so we had to give up on removing the skin.

We finally chose to 'break down' this moon citizen, put it in two pockets, and brought it to the clinic for you to take in person. I believe that for such a special moon citizen, in addition to the moon skin being useful to you, his body may also be a good tonic. "

Hearing this,

Mr. Li immediately became interested.

"Oh! You actually caught one alive, why don't you bring it to me quickly? If it's as special as you said, I won't care about the lack of moon skin anymore."

Yi Chen said with some embarrassment:

“As you can see, both of us have exhausted our energy between battles.

The two large backpacks used to pack the 'Moon People' fell into the hands of our teammates... They are in relatively good condition and can better guard the decomposed Moon People to prevent the other party from escaping and regenerating.

Now they are sleeping with their backpacks on. Things can be sent over at any time as long as you allow them to come [inside]. "

Mr. Li did not respond immediately, but was thinking about something.

The reason why he only arranged to meet with two people was because he considered the possible risks after the entire team was assembled... Even if these little guys in front of him were just newcomers and gentlemen, he still needed to be vigilant.

If it weren't for this vigilance, he would have died long ago.

After some thought, Mr. Li made a decision,

"Your companions will come "here" in a moment, but they can only stay in the clinic. The backpack containing the body parts will be taken to the underground area by the nurse and delivered to me. "

Yi Chen pretended to be thoughtful and said:

"This is very risky!

My companion is proficient in "sealing" methods. He is responsible for sealing and monitoring the backpack containing the moon people... If it is handed over to the nurse here, the seal will be lifted.

Not to mention that the clinic is under the moonlight, and the moon dweller will gain strength from this, and will most likely kill the nurse and escape on the way.

Then there will be no chance to catch it back. "

Mr. Li nodded slightly and admitted that what Yi Chen said made sense, and he himself would never allow such a situation to occur.

"Let's do this, let the companion who is proficient in sealing come down, and the other one needs to stay up there.

If, as you say, you are a special, high-quality moon citizen who meets my needs, I will naturally let you go back to work and survive in Zion. "

Yi Chen bowed slightly and said respectfully: "It's absolutely okay, Mr. Li, you can make the arrangements."

Almost at the same time.

Dagbert and Anna woke up here from their sleep. This was the first time they came to the "same space".

Although I knew about the ‘internal graying’ in advance.

But when I saw the patrolling long-legged doctor and the bandage nurse, I was stunned for a while... The visual impact of abnormal patients was still relatively strong.

"Mr. Li said that the person among you who can only seal the backpack can go down with me, and the other person needs to wait above."

The two reacted quickly and immediately realized what the 'seal' meant.

Dagbert, who was always taciturn, took off his backpack and said first, "I'll stay up there."


Julianna didn’t say much,

He picked up two backpacks alone and stepped into the elevator with the bandage nurse.

The reason for this arrangement is simple.

The ward located deep underground has limited space. Once a fight breaks out and everyone is crowded together, Dagbert's physique and giant sword will be difficult to use and it will easily hurt his teammates.

stay on it,

It also happens to block the connection between the clinic and the underground area.

Dagbert stayed at the entrance of the elevator and stood up... Dang! The heavy sword was thrust straight in front of him, standing there like a door god.


As Juliana brings the ‘goods’,

Mr. Li on the hospital bed was shaking all over.

As a moon citizen, he could clearly feel that the 'companion' in the bag was extraordinary, and its value was probably higher than the other moon skins combined.

The previous dissatisfaction with Yi Chen disappeared instantly.

He didn't want to cause trouble at all, didn't want to make things troublesome.

Although it is true that he can choose to break his promise and kill several young people...but considering the freedom and bright future he is about to gain, Mr. Li is not willing to add additional variables.

“You newcomers are really good~ I am happy that Zion can cultivate young and promising gentlemen like you.

That's it, our deal ends here... Take this empty bottle of secret medicine and you can go back with peace of mind. "

"Thank you Mr. Li."

Yi Chen still maintained a kind smile and stepped forward to receive the secret medicine bottle.

The moment your finger touches the medicine bottle,



Three gunshots, plus a cutting sound.

Hiss~white smoke rising.

The "Spear and Sword Emblem" branded on Edmund's neck showed a hot red color, emitting white smoke like a branding iron.

The blood-stained dagger was held horizontally in his right hand, smoothly slicing open the female doctor's head on the metal frame.

The pistol, which was smoking white, was held in his left hand, and it had hit the eyebrows of three nurses just now.

Juliana did not take action;

Instead, he poured out the broken pieces of meat from his backpack immediately.

Under the influence of the complete moon seal, all the corpse pieces began to converge towards the head and were quickly assembled.


Mr. Li hasn't reacted yet.

A dog shadow flashed before his eyes and bit his head open.

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