The final gentleman

Chapter 74 Hippocrates Hospital

With the joint relationship between Professor Chamberson and Director Aggie, everyone was arranged to enter the first clinic in Zion, which is also an important place to evaluate the identity of doctors.

【Inspiration Clinic】

Also known as Major-Hospital-of-Hippocrates

Similar to OCA O'Farostick College, a special barrier (a special wall structure) completely separates the hospital from the street area.

The interior includes the inpatient department, enlightenment building and disease source center.

[Inpatient Department] A row building with white bricks and red roofs and a hip roof, located in a 'line' shape at the back of the hospital.

It is mainly open to gentlemen who have completed their tasks with difficulty and contributed to the organization. As long as they are admitted to the hospital and are approved by the organization, they can enjoy free treatment.

As long as the gentleman sent in is not completely dead or seriously ill (\u003e80% of the body's disease), he can basically come out alive.

【Enlightenment Building】

The special building you can see when you step into the hospital gate has a structure similar to a gymnasium.

Gentlemen who want to apply for a "doctor's certificate" will undergo a strength review here.

Some well-known old doctors will often receive invitations from the organization to serve as examiners here to ensure the quality of the selection of core members of the organization.

【Disease source center】

A huge, sealed white square building, next to the Enlightenment Building.

Made of expensive and special insulating materials, the airtightness is even several levels higher than that of the college's Wilstermann Teaching Building.

Some doctors who have just received certificates are even asked to become security guards here and be responsible for safety inspections for a period of time.

the reason is simple,

From the establishment of the organization to the present, all collected pathological information, different types of diseases, pathological studies conducted by gentleman doctors, important documents and reports, etc., are all collected in the form of books.

It can be regarded as a special library with the theme of [Disease].

When new symptoms are discovered by the outside world, they will be included here as soon as possible.

It would be a great honor if personal research literature on pathogenesis could be included in it.

Inpatient department

Yi Chen, who had plant characteristics and was in normal condition, was placed alone in a general ward.

After confirming that he does not carry any pathogens and is in good condition, the doctor will perform "left hand reconstruction surgery" on him.

A healing doctor wearing a white mask came to the ward and took off his gloves. A special blood-stamped ring was engraved on the back of his hand.

When the palm of the hand comes into contact with the broken part of the left wrist,

Threads of flesh and blood were immediately pulled out and intertwined under the guidance of the doctor to build bones, muscle tissue, blood vessels, etc... A brand new left hand was formed in just five minutes.

Observing the calluses formed by digging graves and the fixed arrangement of palm prints, Yi Chen was sure that this was the 'old buddy' he was most familiar with.

As soon as he said thank you, the doctor had already left the ward.

Although the left hand was completely repaired without any sequelae,

Since "lunar disease" is a rare new disease, and Yi Chen has had direct contact with the source of the disease, Yuehen, he still needs to stay in the hospital for a full week.

Every day requires different physical and mental examinations.

A few days ago, perhaps because the task process was too profound, whenever I encountered a night shift ward round, I would imagine a female doctor with a metal infusion stand, or a nurse wrapped in bandages walking into the ward to conduct special examinations on myself.

On the fourth day of hospitalization, Yi Chen received a notice of ward adjustment.

He, Dagbert and Edmund were moved to the same ward.

The actual situation was worse than expected.

Dagbert is in good condition and will have basically no sequelae, but he will not be able to carry out missions for at least two months.

Edmund looked quite weak;

Because the "plague converting agent" was forcibly injected into the carotid artery, although the pathogen was killed in advance using serum, the remaining impurities in the body could not be eliminated through metabolism, and special "bloodletting therapy" was still required.

In the past few days, I have basically been bleeding a lot, and then quickly replenishing the blood through nutritional supplements and drug stimulation, and the whole person has lost a lot of weight.


Edmund's left arm, which was injured in the final battle, was in terrible condition.

The wound on Mr. Li's arm was invaded by 'mouse hair'. The several hours of delay caused the mouse hair to take root on the surface of the bone, and even scraping the bone could not remove it completely.

The only way is to remove the entire arm and then reconstruct the part like Yi Chen did.


The reconstruction of the entire arm and the palm are two different things.

Moreover, Edmund does not have plant-type pathological characteristics like Yi Chen. The arm reconstructed with the help of external force is quite unfamiliar to him and requires a long period of adaptation and practice.

There is a certain probability that it will return to its original state, and there is also a probability that there will be lifelong impairment of use.

This is undoubtedly huge bad news for Edmund, who alternately fights with guns and swords, and his future may be ruined as a result.


After meeting his two teammates again, he was not at all negative. He had absolute confidence in this left arm that was completely unfamiliar to him and even had some stiff movements.

He was proud of himself for surviving such a difficult mission and killing the sick gentleman.

If Edmund was asked to choose again, he would still make the same choice.

The only thing that made him uneasy was Juliana's situation.

The hospital also kept Yuliana's treatment completely confidential and refused to disclose any information.

On the seventh day of admission.

The hospital finally brought the information.

Juliana is out of danger, but still needs to stay in the hospital for continued treatment and observation.

There is a high probability that it will leave sequelae, and you will not be able to engage in the gentleman's work of 'curing diseases' in the future.

When I heard this news,

Edmund stayed up almost all night, losing control of his emotions in front of his teammates for the first time in his life.

Yi Chen did not express too many emotions,

He was lying on the hospital bed just thinking about one thing. If he could become strong enough, he could avoid such things from happening in the future.

Even if it happens, he can use the healing properties of plants to provide immediate physical repair and put his teammates out of danger.

[One month] passed.

In front of the door on the first floor of the inpatient department.

Four people who had gone through discharge procedures walked out one after another.

Edmund's left arm is not equipped with any fixtures, and there is no sense of inconsistency when performing some basic movements.

The whole person also returned to his former sunny appearance, pushing Yulianna in the wheelchair at the front.

Juliana had long accepted her injury and had never been sad or regretful. Under such circumstances, she believed that it was the best outcome for everyone to come back alive.

She will need to undergo more than six months of follow-up training and regular review.

Recover like this,

Even if he cannot reach his previous state, he may still be able to participate in some more basic disease-relieving tasks... If he can break through the limit barrier, he may be able to fully recover.

As the four walked out of the front door of Hippocrates Hospital, they were talking and laughing.

Director Aggie, wearing a tall hat, was sitting in an exquisite carriage, waiting for a long time.

"Get in the car, the task settlement of [Secret Medicine Recovery] will be in a special mode that is not open to the outside world, and there will be the participation of senior members of the organization other than myself.

At that time, we will ask you for details about your mission experience, so be prepared. "

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