The First Dragon of All Ages

Chapter 371: "Against the Dragon's Hidden Breath Method"!

Hum! ......

Coming out of the void, Long Qingchen was located above a prehistoric mountain.

"This time the transmission, there is not much deviation, not far from the ancient demon sect holy land, only more than three thousand miles."

He took out the map of the Ancient Demon Territory of the Ten Thousand Clan Continent, and found out the location by referring to the mountain trend of the prehistoric mountain.

"The ancient Mozong is like a cloud. If I find my identity, then I will be very dangerous and I must hide it."

He recalled the memory of the Nine Dragon Emperor, and found a secret method—the "Dragon Breathing Method", which he applied to himself to hide the breath of the dragon clan!

At the beginning, when he left the deserted ancient dragon region for the first time, the elder of the Qinglong clan, Longqingmen, imposed the "Zhenlong Seal" on him to help him hide the aura of the dragon clan. Unfortunately, the identity of the dragon clan was discovered by Tantai Qianer, and he followed Tantai Qianer fought against each other and used Long Power to make Zhenlong Seal invalid.

After that, he went to the Taoist Qiling, who used the "Thousand Illusion Secret Seal" to help him hide the dragon breath again.

Now, the "Hidden Breath of the Dragon" and "Thousand Magical Secret Seal" he used are a bit similar!

When he uses the dragon power or transforms into a dragon body, the "Inverse Dragon's Hidden Breath Method" will be invalidated, and the dragon breath will be exposed.

When he does not use the dragon's power and the dragon body, the "Dragon Recluse Method" will work again, concealing the dragon's breath.

Moreover, the "Nydragon Hidden Breathing Method" has one of the biggest advantages. No matter how much the opponent's cultivation base is higher than him, he cannot sense his dragon breath. That is to say, even if a fairy emperor stands in front of him, Undetectable!

"Thousand Magical Secret Seal" and "Zhenlong Seal" will not work, if the opponent's cultivation base exceeds him too much, it can be detected.

"The secret method that can be stored in the memory by the Nine Ni Dragon Emperor is really easy to use."

Long Qingchen was very satisfied, and flew in the direction of Ancient Demon Sect Holy Land.

After flying for hundreds of miles, suddenly, he stopped again.

"In the Sanctuary, when vying for the title of the supreme of the ten thousand races, the major forces of the ten thousand races continent are watching the battle. Many people know my face, and my face has to be changed."

I almost forgot about it!

If you go to the ancient demon sect holy land like this, others will recognize him at a glance, which is tantamount to throwing yourself into the net!

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak...

Changing the face is very simple. As long as the cultivator reaches the real martial level or above, he can control the bones and muscles of his body. For him, it is naturally not a difficult task. Control the bones and muscles on the face, adjust them, and transform them into one. Round face!

He shook out a piece of nine-color spiritual power, turned it into a mirror, and took a look, let alone a bit like Long Qinghu, but in the outside world, no one knew Long Qinghu, so it didn't matter.

To be on the safe side, he changed his body shape again, and changed his hair, immortal clothes, belt, battle boots, jade pendant...all with new ones.

"There are no flaws."


After carefully inspecting his whole body, he made sure that he hadn't overlooked anything, and then he continued to fly to the ancient demon sect holy ground at a rapid speed.

Not long after, I came to the ancient magic city, flew down at the gate of the city, followed the crowd, and entered the city.

In the center of the ancient magic city, there is a huge ancient magic tower, like a magic mountain, surrounded by dark magic energy.

Through the devil qi, it can be vaguely seen that the ancient demon tower has ninety-one floors, each of which is extremely wide, with many halls built, that is the holy land of the ancient demon sect.

Teleportation, before the Primordial Era, the ancient magic tower had a total of 100 floors. During the Primordial War, it was cut off by an alien powerhouse with nine floors, leaving the current ninety-one floor.

"In the future, when I become a peerless powerhouse, I will cut down the 90th floor of the ancient magic tower, leaving only one floor, so that everyone in the ancient magic sect can live in a one-story bungalow."

Long Qingchen sneered in his heart.

Go to a restaurant, a place like a restaurant is a mixed bag, and it's easiest to get some news.

"My son, please inside."

"Master, look at your face, come from outside, it's okay, come here, you'll be home, giggle."...

A group of guys in the restaurant greeted him enthusiastically.


Long Qingchen was puzzled, and felt something was wrong.

The guys in this restaurant are all women, and they all wear heavy makeup.

He exited the door, looked up at the signboard, sweated on his forehead, and fled. If Sister Xuan knew that he was in this restaurant, he would not be sent to the palace and become an eunuch.

I changed to a restaurant and walked in. This time, I felt better. In the lobby on the first floor, there were large round tables and guests sitting at six tables were eating. It was quite lively.

"My son, do you stay in the store or hit the top?"

A workman greeted him with quick steps.

Long Qingchen thought for a while, and didn't know when he could find the fairy king. It doesn't matter if you live here for a few days, "Let's stay in the store."


Workman yelled and walked upstairs, "Master, please come with me and show you the room. We are all clean upper rooms. Open the windows and you can see the Ancient Demon River."

"No hurry, eat first."

Long Qingchen's eyes flickered. The Ancient Demon Sect has been entrenched in the Ancient Demon Realm for countless years, with a deep heritage and solid foundation. Over time, people named many places as "Ancient Demon".

He walked to an empty table, deliberately selected the table closest to the six tables of guests, and ordered a green vegetable and a bowl of rice at random.

The corners of the man’s mouth twitched. Seeing that this young man was dressed in luxurious clothes, he thought he was a young man of a big family. Unexpectedly, so shabby, the key is that a vegetable and a bowl of rice occupy such a large table. Fortunately, it is There are many empty tables, and I didn't care about him.

Soon, the food was ready, and Long Qingchen slowly got up to eat, while listening to the conversation of the guests at the six tables.

At the first table closest to him, five big guys were talking some bad words, which was of no value.

The second, third... the guests at the fifth table talked about some trivial and trivial things about the parents, which was of no value.

On the contrary, the sixth table, the three guests at the table by the window, caught his attention. It was three young girls, all wearing the clothes of the disciples of the Ancient Demon Sect!

"I think we were selected into the Ancient Demon Sect together. Two years have passed. Now, Xiyue has become an inner disciple, and we are still an outer disciple."

"Tomorrow, at the 19th-year-old birthday dinner of the saint, what gift is Xiyue going to give? It is a pity that we outside disciples are not even qualified to participate."...

The two gray-clothed girls looked at the white-clothed girls enviously.

The white-clothed girl chuckled, "It hasn't been long since I was selected for the inner sect, and I don't know the saint. It's the same as I give it away. I think, don't care too much about this, you should focus on cultivation."

"You can't say that. If the gift you give is in line with the saint's heart and is appreciated by the saint, it will be more effective than ten years of hard practice, and you will be able to struggle for ten years."

"Yes, it is necessary to have a close relationship with the saint. You must know that the saint is the wife of the future suzerain, under one person, above tens of thousands."...

The two gray-clothed girls disagreed with her.

"It is precisely because you hold this kind of thinking and neglect to practice, that you can't enter the inner door."

The girl in white frowned, "Think about it carefully. Even if we are from a home of common people, even if we spend all our money and prepare gifts, it can't compare with the gifts given by those disciples who come from big families. Why waste this thought?"

" still don’t understand what we mean. The gifts you give are not necessarily expensive, but are mainly delicate and ingenious, and win with ingenuity!"

"As a saint, what precious gift hasn't been seen? She doesn't rare any precious gift, as long as it is delicate, it can touch her heart."...

The two gray-clothed girls disagreed. Obviously, they still felt that they should do everything possible to get closer to the saint.

The white-clothed girl was a little helpless, and didn't say anything more. Everyone had their own ambitions, and it was really difficult to change others' minds.

The saint’s birthday dinner?

I wonder if the elder Immortal King will go?

Long Qingchen's heart moved, and slowly stood up, and walked towards the three girl disciples, "I have a treasure that will definitely be liked by the saint, so that the saint will notice you."

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