The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1427: The old man must wash his eyes well, Cheng Sanlang's play...

Quan Wanji's fingers trembled, and his lips trembled.

"Old man, the old man is talking about the criteria for choosing a concubine, you... tell me this is the criteria for choosing a concubine?!"

"Why not?" Cheng Chubi stubbed his neck unwillingly, and poked his fingers on the paper.

"If you see this, your hair should be thick, soft, and elastic. Does it see this curl? It means that the hair is very elastic."

"There is this, round like a goose egg, isn't this an egg-shaped face? And this is double eyelids, and the eyes are bright, see the light around..."

Quan Wanji's face was getting darker and darker, his whole body getting more and more square, and he looked at the ghost stuff in Cheng Saburo's hand that was so spooky.

Quan Wanji couldn't wait to stretch out his hand and tore the ghost symbol directly from the eyeballs.

Cheng Chubi looked at Quan Wanji's expression vigilantly, hehe he immediately, and swiftly folded his own efforts into his arms.

"Thank you, Mr. Quan, for answering Cheng's doubts, so I won't interrupt Mr. Quan's rest and leave."

The least willing to deal with these old guys, one by one, whether they see their own calligraphy or paintings, they all like to put on an expression that people hate dogs.

It's as if they are all masters of art. If you have the ability, you can also draw a picture of Lao Tzu? I'm afraid it's not much better than Lao Tzu's.

Cheng Chubi turned his head without hesitation and left, leaving behind the dumbfounded master and servant of Quan Wanji.

Quan Wanji raised his hand, turned his head subconsciously, saw the dripping of the copper pot, and forcibly controlled himself.

"Quanzhong, go, fetch water for the old man to wash..."

On the way to wash, Quan Wanji's mind kept swaying the masterpiece of Cheng Saburo, which was like a ghost painting amulet.

I couldn't help asking myself whether I was not straightforward enough or because Te Niang's Cheng Saburo had a problem with his understanding.

After washing it again, Quan Wanji couldn't help but ordered another sentence. "Quanzhong, you go get a basin of water again."

The old man has to wash his eyes well, because he always thinks that Cheng Saburo's stuff is too bad for his eyes.

Just when Quan Wanji, the Master of the King of Wu, frantically complained in his heart, he was frantically washing his eyes.

Cheng Chubi finally swayed back to his residence. As a result, he saw Li Ke, a good brother, squatting here.

Holding a card in an unfavorable manner, and not throwing one for a long time, Cheng Jie was unwilling to start urging.

"His Royal Highness, will you blow it up?

"Fried, Brother Chubi, you are back..."

Just dropped the bomb and saw Brother Chu Bi stepping in, Li Ke dropped the card in his hand and stood up.

"How is it, what did you ask?"

Cheng Chubi smiled and patted his chest, feeling the thickness of the paper in his arms.

"Brother, I can't do it. But then again, your teacher's request is really not average."

"Come on, Brother Chubi quickly sit down and have a good rest, come on, my brother will pour you tea..."

Li Ke waited on this uncle Cheng doglegally, and then waited expectantly for Cheng Sanlang to reply.

As for the few pros and cons, all of them sneaked in sneakily, with gossips on their faces, and they all wanted to know what the concubine selection regulations were given by the old Quan.


Cheng Chubi sipped his tea and began to show it off, but the whole lot of content that Quan Wanji had crooked and crooked was a bit too much.

After Cheng Chubi talked about a part, he started to have trouble remembering the following content, but fortunately, good memory is not as good as bad writing.

Cheng Chubi copied the masterpiece from his arms, but he saw the gossip eyes of this group of guys.

Cheng Chubi glanced at these guys unhappily, and didn't open his work for the first time.

Instead, he stood up and said to the table with candlesticks beside him.

"You wait here, don't move around, I will look at the information before telling you."

"Data, what information?" Li Ke subconsciously wanted to reach out, how could Cheng Chubi let him succeed.

He directly pulled the hand of the bad prince aside and puffed up his eyes unwillingly.

"If you don't like to listen, then forget it, just stay here if you like."

Facing Brother Chu Bi who always behaves strangely, Li Ke rolls his eyes and can only stay in place and wait honestly.

"The third son of your family is making trouble again?" Li De couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

Cheng Jie took a breath of toothache. "I don't know, how can my third son's behavior be guessed by me."

Behind, Cheng Fa, Cheng Da and others also sneaked in sneakily and looked over there curiously.

I saw Cheng Saburo walk to the table with candlelights not far away and sit down. Then he took out a blank sheet of paper from his arms and spread it out.

Li Ke picked up the tea cup very gracefully, and just took a sip of the delicious tea just about to swallow it.

I saw the candlelight hitting the white paper, revealing a monster with spicy eyes that looked like a stickman in the past.

In an instant, a sip of tea was sprayed directly from the nose and eyes, and the kiss behind him fell over most of the time.

"??" Cheng Chubi just unfolded the drawing and re-examined what he had said before and those conditions that he didn't say.

I heard the movement not far away, and saw Li Ke wiping his mouth while coughing, and the guards who accompanied the guards, each with their faces bluish, red, purple and green, and then staggered out. .

Cheng Chubi glanced at the paper in his hand with a bewildered expression. No, he obviously didn't take it backwards.

Li Ke coughed and thumped the floor several times, finally controlling the situation. He cried and pointed to the blank paper road that had exposed Brother Chu Bi's unusual and hideous Fauvist style because of the light transmission.

"Brother Chubi...You are, are you painting for my teacher?"



Now that it has been exposed, Cheng Chubi smashed the jar and put the sketch drawn with a brush on the case table, sullenly and honestly.

"You think I'm happy, your teacher can only chat with me for three quarters of an hour."

"Speaking, it's fast and ill, like being pushed out by a ghost, what can I do, write it down one by one, I'm afraid that if you don't write a few questions, your teacher will see you off."

Li Ke leaned forward and saw the pattern drawn by Brother Chubi. With a puff, another dumb fart spurted out.

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