The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1654: Forget it, let their father and daughter self-proclaim, look like...

Li Shimin still remembered the big box full of red ribbons, blue ribbons and yellow ribbons tied with sheep intestine condoms...

At that time, Li Shimin's whole body was about to split, and it was unexpected that the secret of physical contraception for his son was actually this thing, and it was still for men.

It's a good thing to get a condom in the intestines so that the prince and the prince can enjoy themselves without worrying about conception.

But why does this kid want to make such a spicy eye color? When I think of the fluttering ribbons under his own son, Li Shimin's mother really has both toothache and egg pain.

Li Chengqian also recounted Cheng Saburo's explanation with a red face that black is too high-end tones and can't be used in this thing.

After all, it was still black in ancient times, and the emperor's clothing color was set on the thing, and it seemed that the influence was not very good. Well, these are the original words of the **** boy Cheng Saburo.

As for the white color, it is unlucky in the eyes of the public, um...Unfortunately, Li Shimin didn't expect so many words without his reminding.

But after his explanation, Li Shimin had a black line on his face, and it was really hard to say anything.

In short, Cheng Saburo, who likes plausible nonsense the most, always has 10,000 reasons.

Finding footnotes for his weird behaviors, but it still makes people unable to refute.

Li Shimin wiped his face with a very complicated expression and sighed.

And Li Mingda, who was sitting on the side, bit her pink lips and turned her bright eyes around, forcibly resisting a smile, maintaining her cute and cute image.

She naturally knew that Dad's mood at the moment must be very complicated.

Well, Dad must have thought of the fun things made by Cheng San's brother again.

When Li Shimin finished his mental self-building, he finally didn't feel so entangled, he smelled the elegant fragrance of tea, and looked up.

I saw Li Mingda, a small cotton-padded jacket, handing himself a cup of freshly brewed tea with both hands.

"Daddy has worked hard, have some tea..."

Looking at the Qiaoxiao Yanran's face and the clear and bright eyes, Li Shimin instantly put all the messy thoughts behind his head, showing a relieved and doting smile.

"Well, good, thank you, my son."

He took a sip of the tea soup, and listened to the girl-girl about what she had seen and heard after arriving in the East Palace.

And the clumsy Li Xiang was chased by his father Li Chengqian with a small bamboo stick, and Li Shimin couldn't help laughing.

Empress Changsun also shook her head dumbly. "Cheng Qian, too, is so cautious and courteous on weekdays, why..."

"Haha... it's okay, it's up to their father and son, but looking back, the old man has to go and talk to Cheng Qian, the child is just scared and scared, how can I get started."

"Like an old man, he always persuades people with virtue, isn't he?"

"Yes, yes, daddy is the best." Li Mingda nodded vigorously and announced loudly.

Empress Changsun rolled her eyes concealedly, and let it go, letting their father and daughter advertise themselves and praise each other.

Li Sanlang, who is in Luoyang at this moment, must be the most aware of how he has an old father who convinces others with virtue...

Thinking about this, the Empress Changsun almost laughed and hurriedly covered up with a cough.


Cheng Saburo is now wearing a huge sunshade hat on his head and a gray-white gown on his body.

With his hand behind him, he stood proudly on a building similar to a sentry tower. By the violent wind, the clothes were blown fiercely.

Looking below, the construction workers are busy in a dense number. This is a construction site that has already begun.

By the side of Cheng Chubi, the young supervisor from the general supervisor was looking around him in shock.

"Master Cheng, let's go down, it's too high here."

"What anxious, wait for me to take a good look." Cheng Chubi squinted at the general who wished to lie on the top of the sentry tower as the superintendent of the king, and continued to look far away.

As construction teams from Luzhou entered the site one after another, this large area of ​​land has become a very noisy construction site.

However, according to Cheng Saburo's request, the palace wall was built directly in the construction of the palace.

In this way, all kinds of construction material villages and materials to be built for the palace can be transported in continuously.

In addition, the work sheds built for the Liaoren construction engineering team were built around the palace wall, and they were equivalent to free 24-hour guards.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the loss of robbery.

Under the urging of the Young Supervisor Wang, Cheng Chubi finally went down to the base of the sentry tower with the opponent.

After Wang Shao was under the supervision, he calmed down a bit and put forward his own opinions.

"Cheng Saburo, since your cultivator is an imperial palace, you should act in accordance with the law and follow..."

Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes and interjected impatiently.

"Wang Shaojin, please wait for a while. Cheng asked you to come over today. He asked you to look at the drawings and designs for me, not for you to find faults for me."

Originally, I was whispering to your majesty, hoping that your majesty could send the master master Yan Lideyan artist to help with the research.

Of course, Cheng Saburo hopes to wait until Yan Lide arrives and leave some more artistic works.

After all, he is the building of the palace, so those treasures will naturally fall into their pockets.

Well, at most, share some soup for that boy Li Ke.

As a result, I didn't expect that I was thinking about it day and night, and what I was looking forward to was not the famous artist Yan.

But there is only one person who doesn't even know how to paint, and the person responsible for quality supervision will be a minor supervisor.

Cheng Sanlang just wanted to graze and play rabbits, by the way, do some small welfare to enrich the painting and calligraphy art of Cheng's family.

The result is such a thing, which really makes Cheng Saburo feel bad.

But this Wang Shaojian is just like Te Niang's Kong Jing, here is not right with the palace regulations, and there is not in line with the construction level of the palace.

If it weren't for the fact that this product was personally assigned by your Chubi really wanted to kick this product back to Chang'an.

Considering that he is still Yan Artist's subordinate, and deliberately trying to bridge the small misunderstanding with Yan Da artist, Cheng Saburo, who is striving to make more money, can only ignore it.

But the problem is that in the past few days, this product has been squeaking and crooked. The palace walls were not built like this. Since ancient times, there has been no mention of using cement to build walls.

It's a pity that he met Cheng Saburo. If it were other palace builders, he would definitely not dare to offend the big man who will be in prison.

"I said Shao Jian Wang, can you stop bothering me, if you have energy, can you bother them?"

Listening to Wang Shaojin's endless chuckles, Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes unhappily and pointed at the craftsmen.

"San Gongzi Cheng, you are the construction of the palace, those suggestions, Wang will not tell you, do you tell them useful?"

Wang Shaojian had a black line on his face, and he was also very painful, and it was too hard to deal with the **** Cheng Sanlang.

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