The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1657: My Royal Highness knows very well what you want, Chen Guogong

"Brother Chubi, did that girl Wu miss you?" Li Ke took a sip of wine and poked his head curiously.

Cheng Saburo, who was reading the letter, gave the guy who was peeking at other people's letters unhappily.

"Your sister-in-law is happy, and it's still double happy."

Li Ke looked at Brother Chu Bi with a dumbfounded expression. "Huh? My sister-in-law, the crown prince has double happiness?"

"Yes, your sister-in-law is pregnant with twins, what else can it be if it's not a double happiness?"

Li Ke was immediately happy, picked up the banal drunk, and happily made another drink.

"Oh, my elder brother is really good at this, and he kills two birds with one stone?"

"Well, I'll write a letter to your elder brother when I look back, tell him, his third brother congratulates him with killing two birds with one stone."

With a puff, Li Ke choked off the wine that he had just swallowed in his throat, raised his finger and pointed at Cheng Saburo's trembling, coughing again and again.

"Why, not happy?" Cheng Chubi looked at this ugly His Royal Highness King Wu, with an extravagant smile.

"Brother Chubi, can you do it well? I'm just for you, little brother. The door doesn't come out, and the second door doesn't move, okay?"

"Cheng Chengcheng, look at your courage." Cheng Chubi didn't bother to tease Li Ke any more, and continued to read the letter seriously.

The letter described the physical condition of the princess, and the worries of the emperor of Tang Dynasty and the empress about whether the princess could give birth to twins safely.

After reading this letter, Cheng Chubi smiled confidently. "It seems that I will come here for the sake of my brother, I'm afraid I will have to go back to Chang'an for a while."

"My sister-in-law was pregnant with twins, right?"

"Yes, your sister-in-law had an operation because of a dystocia when she had her first child. I didn't expect to be pregnant with both at once."

"If I don't go there and watch it in person, I really can't rest assured. After all, no matter what era, women's childbirth will be dangerous, let alone twins."

Speaking of this, Cheng Chubi asked Deng Chengxin to bring pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to write a reply to Wu Meiniang.

Li Ke also looked solemn. "Brother Chubi, you should have a way, right?"

"Don't worry, of course there is a way, but in order to be sure, it is best to prepare accordingly in advance."

"Your sister-in-law is of average physique, so from now on, she will have to strengthen her physique. The other thing is to control her diet to prevent the fetus from getting too big..."

Cheng Chubi was writing a letter here, and over there, Shaojian Wang, who was also full of food and drink, was also writing a letter.

No, he should be called a memorial, but he has always had a rigorous personality and has something to say about things, but he really doesn't know how to compliment memorials.

The main reason is that since I have been in contact with Cheng Saburo in the past few days, I have not had enough in-depth understanding, and I really don't know where to boast.

But considering that his mouth is short for eating people and his hands are short for holding people, I can't help but say a word or two for him, right?

After thinking hard for a long time, Wang Shaojian finally wrote down Cheng Saburo's original words on the memorial.

"The minister can see that Cheng Saburo worked very hard for the construction of the palace, even the skin color was darkened a lot..."

After writing this sentence, Liu Shaojian felt that something was not quite right. He always felt that it had nothing to do with hard work or not.

But the problem is that he is a solid technical official who does practical things. He has never worked as a censer of the deceased people, nor has he been a civil official who flattered all day long.

After thinking about it, he finally gave up the idea of ​​adding modifiers to the boy Cheng Saburo and continued to write memorials seriously.

At the same moment, the guard who had already returned to Zhengjiazhuang, staying in his house, had a dual identity.

I am also writing a letter. There are not many scenes that can impress me today. The most profound thing is that Cheng Saburo directly brazenly asked Shaojian Wang to write memorials and remember to praise his hard work, which caused his complexion to turn black.

When I wrote this, I suddenly heard the sound of playing cards, which came from the second floor, and the guard stunned his ears.

After confirming that he heard that the main participants in this leisure and entertainment chess and card game are Cheng Saburo and His Royal Highness Wu Wang, he wrote smoothly.

"It's the night, Cheng Saburo plays cards with His Royal Highness King Wu..."

After writing this, the guard stopped writing, put the secret letter back into his pocket, and waited a while to see when they could hit it, and then remembered it carefully so that he could restore the truth.


It is still the residence of Jiang Yaqing, who was in the palace of the Wei Dynasty, and there are a few more people in his study today than last time.

After a group of people reported to Jiang Yaqing about their preparations and progress during this period of time.

Jiang Yaqing nodded in satisfaction, stroking a long beard to tell the people present.

"Your Majesty is ready to lead the army of all guards and hundreds of civil and military officials to leave Chang'an for Luoyang at the end of June."

"Your Majesty leaves, the prince will definitely stay in the Chang'an Supervisory State just like last year. This is an excellent opportunity."

"You have to be cautious while waiting for this period of time, and you must not make any mistakes that will attract suspicion..."

A group of people bowed their heads and said yes, and waited until they left.

In the study, Jiang Yaqing repeatedly looked at the letter written by His Royal Highness King Wei, carefully studying it and finally gritted his teeth and stepped into the room and ordered.

"Come here, prepare a car, the old man is going to Chen Guogong's mansion."

At this time, he couldn't tolerate any more hesitation, and he had dealt with Hou Junji several times through these days.

The other party has also hinted at his dissatisfaction with His Majesty several times, and in the same way, Jiang Yaqing also expressed the attitude of her Majesty.

The temptation is almost there. Now, your Majesty has already begun to prepare for the Eastern Tour. At this time, if you don't want to show up, when will you wait?

Is it possible to wait for a few more years until the prince’s eldest son grows up?


Hou Junji played with a beautiful and exquisite colored glaze jade Ruyi, and his face was full of love.

"Mr. Jiang, you are too polite. Every time you come over, you always bring such generous gifts..."

Jiang Yaqing looked at Hou Junji, scanned the study room, and glanced at Hou Tao and Hou Lue standing there at the door.

"Why, is there anything inconvenient for Mr. Jiang to say today?"

Hou Junji didn't seem to even lift his eyelids, but he had a thorough investigation of Jiang Yaqing's actions.

"Don't worry, they have been Hou's confidants for many years, and Hou has never concealed anything from their brothers."

Jiang Yaqing heard Hou Junji's meaningful words, and bowed respectfully to Hou Junji.

"My Royal Highness doesn't value these external objects very much, and they can find a master who appreciates them. For them, that is also a good home."

"My Royal Highness understands Chen Guogong's fortunes, and he also knows what Chen Guogong wants..."

While speaking, Jiang Yaqing respectfully put the secret letter that had been on him for several days, and then handed it to Hou Junji.

Hou Junji looked at the letter and the beautiful calligraphy on it that said: Chen Guogong pro-qi.

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