The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1725: Zhang Xuansu would be raging and beating rabbits, if Laohou and...

In addition to calling out Cheng Saburo's name, Zhang Xuansu, who was about to see Cheng Saburo's embarrassing appearance after he was caught on the spot, didn't expect Zhang Xuansu.


   This shameless **** thing, the speed of his mouth is so fast that it can't be added.


   directly from an unprofessional person who clearly wants to take the opportunity to fish and play cards.


   has become a stern boss who sincerely wants to test whether his subordinates are fish catchers.


   Even the special mother beats herself down...


   Several Donggong officials around Zhang Xuansu also had shocked faces with distorted expressions.


   This boy Teniang's mouth is also fast. Unprepared, Shao Zhan's matter has already fallen in the tongue.


   Yigan just looked at Zhang Xuansu's left inner rate with a shocked face, and a lion waved his head sharply and uniformly.


   His gaze fell on the plausible Cheng Saburo, who was flying across the sky.


   If you are not satisfied with the water and soil, you will serve Cheng Saburo. This not only eliminates the fight, but also beats the opponent's mouth. How many people can there be in the entire Chang'an City?


  No, no, no, I'm afraid that in the whole world, I can't find a few cheeky people who are as strong as Cheng Saburo.


   "You, you, you are spitting blood!" Zhang Xuansu's face was purplish with anger, and his lips tended to turn pale.


   Seeing Zhang Xuansu's irritated look, Cheng Chubi, who had gained momentum, felt that there was no need to put this undying Zhang Shaozhan to death.


   "Hmph, I'll care about you when I look back, Cheng has something big to do."


   shook his hand, patted his **** and went straight away, not to pay attention to this obnoxious old man, affecting Laozi's fishing law enforcement.


   "..." Zhang Xuansu stared blankly at Cheng Saburo, who had just taken a bite back, and suddenly twisted his **** and left.


  What's the situation with this special mother? It's not scientific at all. This kid has always been tit-for-tat with him from the end. Why is it so abnormal today?


   Could this kid have a ghost in his heart? No, even if he had a ghost in his heart, Cheng Saburo couldn't be so persuaded.


   "What happened to Zhang Shaozhan, Cheng Saburoan dared to speak such nonsense. He acted recklessly in the East Palace, and even dared to bite Shaozhan against you. This is unreasonable."


   "That's right, Shao Zhan matter, we must write a letter to impeach Your Majesty Cheng Saburo..."


   Just now, the Donggong subordinate officials who were like a vote of horrible chicken have been tempted, but now they are jumping fiercely one by one.


   "The official will naturally impeach him." Hearing Zhang Xuansu's ears humming, he could only snorted, and also pulled his face and walked away.


   Yi Qian Zuo Nei rate elite, and those Dong Gong officials all watched Cheng Saburo and Zhang Xuansu evacuate the battlefield with a bewildered expression.


   threw down their dry melon-eating people, and disappeared from sight.


   What the **** is this, what kind of operation. It's really hard to understand...




   Cheng Chubi was striding forward at the moment, because when he was fighting with that Zhang Xuansu, he suddenly thought that he was Zhang Xuansu's target.


   But this doesn't prevent Zhang Xuansu, an old guy, from scrabbling rabbits, and even doing a good job of impeachment.


   This made Cheng Chubi suddenly feel palpitations. Although His Royal Highness is the opponent's primary target, what if? What if the opponent wants to cover the attack?


   I don't know who the enemy in the left inner rate is, not to mention how many eyes of Wei Wang or Hou Junji will be in the entire East Palace.

   No one dared to say it, and it’s not easy to say. Compared with His Royal Highness, who has elite protection, Fang Jun led the army.


   The safety of the prince has been greatly guaranteed, but the prince, as well as the little prince Li Xiang, and Wu Meiniang, what about these old and weak women and children?


   Cheng Chubi walked swiftly all the way, heading straight towards Cheng'en Hall in the harem. After a short while, he rushed to the range of Cheng'en Hall, but saw that there were very few people in the front palace of Cheng'en Hall.


   Cheng Saburo rushed up the steps, glanced away, and saw that there was no one inside, and his face was directly green. He caught the **** standing by and asked in a low voice.


   "Where did the prince and martial girl go?"


   Seeing the fierce look of Cheng Saburo, the tall Yingwu, the **** was almost scared to pee, and he answered quickly and hurriedly.


   "The general on the return journey, the martial arts woman accompanied the princess to the Yichun Palace for activities, saying that the daily exercise volume of the princess should be guaranteed..."


   "Where is the little majesty?"


   "His Royal Highness, he also accompanied the prince."


   Hearing this, Cheng Chubi breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help being a little confused. After all, this bear kid is a little careless and doesn't know which hole will go to the young active species. How could it be so cute?


   But now is not the time to think about this, Cheng Chubi has to walk quickly towards Yichun Palace again.


   At this moment, the prince and his party have already left the east gate, and are continuing to look forward, along this main road, along the way, barren, crowded, and towering ancient trees.


   Let this stay in the East Palace all the time, and it is rare to leave the East Palace a few times a year. The Prince Li Chengqian, who was out of Chang'an even without even thinking about it, was full of fresh eyes and was amazed.


   is so desolate and even a little shabby, he absolutely saw Li Chengqian.


Seeing His Royal Highness looking around with bright eyes, and always feeling uncomfortable when wearing iron armor, Yu Zhining, who humiliated his graceful style, simply acted as an interpreter for His Royal Highness and explained why. Li Chengqian also listened to why the area outside the east gate was so desolate. He didn't expect this wasteland in the northern suburbs of Chang'an City to have such a source.


   While talking, I suddenly heard the Qianniu Beijian in front of him yelling. Hearing this yelling, Yu Zhining's heart stopped beating for a while, and he subconsciously craned his neck to look forward.


   And at this time, the Qianniu prepared his horse to return, and rushed to report to Li Chengqian.


   "His Royal Highness, someone robbed an ancient tree in front of him, and an ancient tree obstructing the road has not been cleared. Before, Chen Guogong and Ma Shilang had passed this fork to continue northbound."


   "These two are the subordinates of General Ning Lang of the Feiqi Camp, and I have entrusted Chen Guogong and Ma Shilang to wait for his Highness here to lead the way for his Highness."


   Hearing this, Yu Zhining, who was already very careful, was relieved and scared me.


   It seems that I have really gotten too close with Cheng Saburo these past two days, and I have become suspicious of him.


   Li Chengqian nodded suddenly, and said gently towards the two flying cavalry who had already bowed respectfully to salute.


   "If this is the case, then Lao Er will lead the way."


   "No!" After the two remaining path guides respectfully promised, they also turned over and jumped on their horses, leading the team, and turning to the side road next to the main road...


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