The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1737: It’s him, it’s him, it’s him, our friend Cheng...

Speaking of this, Yuchi Baoqing, the young warrior, couldn't help but murmured with lingering fear.

"Te mother's, a certain family still thinks that kid is just fooling around. I really didn't expect that if it wasn't for the double armor, I'm afraid I would have to die here."

Li Chengqian, Ning Zhong, Fang Jun, and Yu Zhining, who were not far away, were removing their armour to heal their injuries.

Rows of moving subtitles popped up in my mind: it was him, it was him, it was him, our friend Xiaona... well, Cheng Xiaosan.

After watching that Yuchi Baoqing's outer armor was removed, it was true that an inner armor composed of a fine iron ring was exposed inside, and the defensive power of Mingguang's heavy armor was amazing.

There was such an inner armor in it again, as long as Yuchi Baoqing was not attacked to an unprotected place.

Not to mention twenty or thirty arrows, and another twenty or thirty arrows, presumably it will be the same.

Li Chengqian subconsciously raised his hand to touch the bamboo whistle still hanging on his chest, and his eyes fell on Fang Jun.

"Fang Qing, you are here, could it be..."

Fang Jun couldn't help recalling the excitement of Brother Chu Bi pointing fingers and feet in front of him yesterday, spitting stars flying wild.

Up to now, it seems that I still feel the spit stars falling over. After wiping his face subconsciously, Fang Jun nodded solemnly.

"His Royal Highness, Cheng Saburo came to look for ministers yesterday, suggesting that the ministers bring soldiers to drill here, saying that it is for precaution, if there is a police officer, they can come to help in time."

Li Chengqian nodded heavily, his eyes swept over this energetic soldier.

Yu Zhining, who is rare in his life to wear an iron armor, is now being helped by a liren soldier to remove his armor.

On this side road, the rags and grass clippings that were ignited by the explosion are still emitting a little green smoke at this moment.

Before a stick of incense, he and Yu Zhining were chattering comfortably among the crowd, a quarter of an hour later.

Almost half of the people died here, and nearly a hundred corpses of assassins also fell down here, Li Chengqian couldn't help sighing with a sigh of relief.

"If you don't have anyone, I am afraid..."

Hearing this made people warm in their hearts, and they all rushed to the Prince's Royal Highness to say that they dare not, but in everyone's mind, a thought came up.

If this sentence were changed to, if it weren't for Cheng Saburo, then maybe Fang Jun was already separated from the prince and everyone in the team at this moment.


"I don't know what happened to Cheng Saburo at the moment..." Li Chengqian couldn't help turning his head and looking towards the East Palace.

At this time, the heavy armor had been removed, and the pale-faced Yu Zhining was carried by the two medical soldiers on that kind of simple stretcher.

"Yu Qing, what are you going to do?" Li Chengqian hurried forward to meet him with concern.

"His Royal Highness, the most important thing now is, please go back to the East Palace immediately, and again, send an envoy to the north to report to Chen Guogong and Ma Shilang."

"His Royal Highness was attacked and was seriously injured. He has already returned to the palace. Please Chen Guogong and Ma Shilang come to the East Palace as soon as possible."

Hearing what Yu Zhining said, Ning Zhong, who was standing behind Li Chengqian and trying to tie up his loose hair, couldn't help saying.

"Yu Zhan, why don't you just go and catch it?"

Yu Zhining coughed lightly and felt a hot pain in his chest. He could only control his temper, and explained with patience.

"What are you catching? Ning Gonggong, don't forget. Chen Guogong is a minister appointed by your majesty and has the right to mobilize Chang'an soldiers and horses."

"If he is in the army and enters the barracks to arrest the ministers appointed by your majesty, do you have your majesty's mandate?"

"Therefore, you must not let Chen Guogong know that the matter has been revealed. When he leaves the barracks and arrives at the East Palace, his Highness will judge him."

Li Chengqian nodded heavily after hearing these words.

"Yu Qing's remarks, Old Shen is serious, yes, by the way, Fang Qing, please lead this soldier and horse to **** the lonely back to the East Palace."

"By the way, first clean up this battlefield, especially the corpses, take away all of them, don't let Guogong Chen see any flaws."

"The minister understands." Fang Jun nodded heavily and began to order people to continue cleaning up.

With a sigh of relief, Wang Xiuyi, who ran all the way directly at Yichun Palace, finally saw the Xuande Gate not far away when he was running with two eyes of gold stars.

At this moment, at Xuande Gate, which is the north gate where the prince left, more than a dozen soldiers of the Imperial Palace are still bragging freely there.

After all, this place is too remote, and the changes in the East Palace are mainly in the south, which has not affected this place at all.

Wang Xiuyi couldn't help hesitating a little, but he was a little relieved after seeing the Forbidden Army General who was guarding here.

Only then strode forward, seeing Wang Xiuyi appearing here, Liu Lang, the Forbidden Army guarding Xuande Gate, couldn't help being taken aback.

"Brother Wang, why are you here?"

"For the last time, see General Liu Lang. The East Palace is in chaos, and now the south side has been slaughtered. I don't know how many assassins and thugs broke into the palace forbidden."

"Cheng Saburo is protecting the little majesty at this moment, and he ordered Wang to see the prince, and ask the prince to come back as soon as possible."

"..." Liu Lang will be directly stunned by the crackling words from Wang Xiuyi's mouth and turned to However, under Wang Xiuyi's urging, Liu Lang will be the first. Time led to the horse, and ordered two soldiers to accompany Wang Xiuyi to find His Royal Highness.

And he, looking at the more than ten banned soldiers remaining here, couldn't help but feel a little painful.

An old man on the side hurriedly gave his immediate boss an idea. "General, let's guard this gate. It's not the right thing to let those dog thieves take down the Xuande gate."

"After all, Wang Xiuyi said, I don't know how many assassins and thugs are in it. I am afraid that this person will not help. If we lose the city gate, this is a serious crime."

"Well, you guys, immediately go up to the tower, take your bows, and watch them all. If there is any movement inside or outside the city gate, shout immediately."



In the cellar, there are three women, a bear child, and Wu Xiuyi who is holding the horizontal sword by his waist, standing under the steps of the closed secret door.

The noise outside, as well as Cheng Saburo's answer to those assassins and thugs, made all the people in the cellar listen to them.

Helan Chushi, Chen Guogong's son-in-law, has already rebelled. Needless to say, Chen Guogong must also be a rebel.

The prince Su clan held her son Li Xiang tightly. Li Xiang sensibly patted the back of Su clan's hand with her little hand, and then whispered and confidently.

"Mother, you don't need to be afraid. Uncle Cheng is here. Uncle Cheng is a great hero who is capable of opposing the Ten Thousand Army. Those assassins and thugs will definitely be defeated by him."

"..." Crown Princess Su, with the faint light coming through the crack in the secret door, looked at her self-confident and determined son Li Xiang.

Originally, I was worried about scaring this child, but it turned out to be better. This kid is actually more calm than himself.

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