The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2077: Cheng Sanlang is not a human at all, he is not a human! ...

Then he saw standing in the circle, he raised his arm and made two gestures, and then threw the stick in his hand toward the fire that was dedicated to the gods.

Then, everyone saw Cheng Saburo, who had thrown out the magic weapon he was carrying, held his head in his hands, twisted his butt, and squatted down with his back facing the offering fire.

"Squat down!" After all, Cheng Chubi was a young man with a moral bottom line and high moral character, and he even yelled specifically.

And the first time he saw Brother Chubi showing such qualifications, Li Ke, His Royal Highness King Wu who had seen the power of Brother Chubi's precious treasure.

It also includes many guards and entourages who have seen the true skills of the process Saburo and raised their hands to cover their ears.

On the contrary, the Tubo guys are all staring at this side with full attention, wanting to see if Cheng Saburo's demon technique can be used.

Then, everyone suddenly felt their eyes light up. At this moment, on the already nearly dim plain, there seemed to be a fleeting white light.

The fire pile used to worship and worship the gods disintegrated in an instant, with countless burning wood.

Even the food that has been burnt to a charred color, as well as those unclear debris, all collapsed and flew around at a lightning speed.

A huge roar that could change the color of the world instantly swept across the open plain outside Tieqiao City...

After Cheng Saburo threw out the stick-shaped artifact, Master Gatso subconsciously took two steps because he wanted to see it clearly.

Then, after the white light in front of me, I felt black in front of my eyes.

And the two ears felt a tingling moment, and the whole person suddenly felt as if there was a strong force.

Pushing himself violently, Master Jiacuo fell straight to the rear, staring at the sky with dull eyes.

Except for the harsh and high-pitched scream, there was no other sound in his ears.

In Tiantian, he saw countless burning firewood, passing his eyes, and flew farther.

The sky thunder must be the sky thunder. Apart from the power of the sky thunder, Master Jiacuo couldn't imagine what else could have such power.


The moment the roar that could change the color of the heavens and the earth sounded, everyone couldn't help but curled up in their consciousness, trying to cover their ears. "Yeah, I'm just flattering the old man on this side. Isn't the construction of the palace going very smoothly, afraid that the old man will turn his face and find your fault?"

Cheng Chubi smiled a little shyly.

"The emperor, your old man is really wise and martial, and the minister stunned... well, there is indeed a little trouble, but please don't worry, the emperor."

"Now it has been much smoother, and the construction progress has begun to accelerate."

Li Mingda leaned in his grandfather's ear and whispered while grandfather was talking to Cheng Saburo.

Li Yuan couldn't help but feel great, and nodded with deep approval. "Well, well, you deserve to be the good granddaughter of the old man, this is a good suggestion."

"Cheng Saburo, um, these are trivial things, well, you are going to camp with the emperor today, right?"

"Exactly, I don't know what the emperor has ordered?"

Li Mingda leaned forward and his eyebrows were soothing.

"Brother Cheng San, my grandfather is tired of eating dried small fish these days, I think you will take me to catch Zhihou, and come to give my grandpa a drink."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi hesitated and slapped his chest.

"Since His Royal Highness is destined, of course there is no problem. The minister will grab more for the sake of His Royal Highness and the Emperor."

"Well, Brother Cheng San is the best..."


"Grandpa is the one who loves Xiao Si the most, right?"


Looking at this young and old, Cheng Waibi was also in a happy mood. I have to say that Li Mingda is really an infectious little cutie.

It is almost like a warm little sun, as if it can make people around you feel the warmth and sunshine in every possible way.


When the camp began, Cheng Chubi finally found out where his father was, and hurriedly went over to see him.

It's just that, except for the two eldest brothers and his father who followed his majesty to the eastern capital, the rest of the old Cheng family still stayed in Chang'an.

Because my fourth and fifth children are now studying in the Imperial College, while the sixth and seventh are still young.

They were not members of the squad, so they still stayed there.

There are a group of little dolls in the house, if they are not controlled by the elders, they would be fine, so my mother stayed in Chang'an.

General Cheng slapped his more and more promising son with comfort, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, not bad, when I arrived in Luoyang, I didn't shame my dad. This time I did a good job. Not only did I swept the Chinese language altar with a bunch of brothers."

"Let those guys look down on the guys from the East Acheng family even more, and they have learned our old Cheng family's poems and heirlooms."

The eldest brother Cheng Chu silently glanced at the triumphant younger brother next to him, and glanced at the third younger brother who was exaggerated and smiled in front of him.

After the father and the third child had finished telling him, the eldest brother kicked the second child aside on the grounds that he wanted to send his third brother away.

"My third brother, we are brothers, the kind that breaks the bones and connects the tendons.

This time, my eldest brother, I think the second child is pitiful, and he specially let him make a move so that he has the opportunity to go to Dongdu and make a name for himself. "

"When you have a chance next time, don't forget your eldest brother, I am."

Seeing his eldest brother's face that was distorted because of jealousy, Cheng Chubi's head blew quickly, patted his chest and blew nonsense.

"Big brother, don't worry, this time it is the second brother, the next time it will definitely be you.

In any case, even if I engage in black-box operations, my little brother, I have to protect my eldest brother from the sky and look down upon the talents of the world. "

My elder brother opened his eyes and smiled, and he was deeply relieved. "Good, good, worthy of being my good third brother."

When the two brothers were walking forward with their shoulders and backs, they saw that Zhao Kun, the head of your majesty's confidant of the guard, had already rode his horse.

Cheng Chubi could only say goodbye to his eldest brother in a hurry, and rushed to the Datang emperor connector who wanted to go to Dongdu to eat and Li Shimin asked in detail about Cheng Saburo’s experience in Luoyang. It's not about the progress of the palace construction, but also the reaction of those Central Plains families.

As well as the attitude of the local people in Luoyang about the palace, and even the influence of Cheng Sanlang's rate of sweeping the Chinese language altar.

Although Cheng Chubi didn't know what the Datang Emperor wanted to do, he still answered honestly one by one.

Time passed bit by bit, from the time when the sky was getting dark, the lights came on for the first time in the camp.

At this moment, Empress Changsun reluctantly lifted the curtain.

Behind him is naturally Li Mingda, a young and energetic little cutie, who cleverly followed his mother into the account.

Only at this time, Li Mingda was not wearing a long skirt, but in a crisp and neat Hu suit, with a top on his head.

The whole person is just like the woman who pretends to be a man in the costume film and television drama.

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