The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2096: The main force commanded by this general is only responsible for the back...

Therefore, the leaders of Qiang and Zhao all had the same idea and thought of a good way, that is, to select all the cavalry with the highest mobility.

Even if the combat effectiveness is not good, they can run fast. Whether it is the defeat of Datang or Tubo, the cavalry can withdraw more calmly, or chase.

Hearing this, Li Ke couldn't help but vomit.

"So, it seems that this king really underestimated the cleverness of the leaders."

However, this group of cheeky people who are greedy for life and fear of death only dared to smile honestly, and did not dare to speak indiscriminately.

Little Bailian Li Ke rolled his eyes unwillingly, and Cheng Saburo on the side began to stand up and sing red face.

"You can lead the elites of all races to come to help, that your Highness and I are very moved."

"However, it is really late for you to come here. Now, most of the cities in southern Tubo have been in the hands of my Datang."

"Originally, I thought that you could also follow my Datang, and make some meritorious deeds. When I look back, I can play for you and make some benefits for you."

"such a pity……"

Cheng Chubi's expression was very pitiful, making the leader of Yigan Qiangzhao gloomy, rather disheartened and discouraged.

Jiwobuji looked back and scanned the two thousand five hundred warriors he had brought. He was very frustrated. He had brought so many warriors. They are all here. Can't you really make a trip for nothing, right?

"His Royal Highness Wu is a wise man, and Cheng Xianchang is brave enough to fight against the Tubo barbarians on this plateau. This is the gospel of our races."

"Although I have not caught up with the war, I am waiting to get rid of the shackles of Tubo and return to Tang Dynasty again. This is a great happy event."

"It's just that now, the southern part of Tubo is undecided. Although I and the other ministries can't overcome the thorns and thorns for your Royal Highness, we are willing to do our best..."

Cheng Chubi looked at this beautifully spoken Hong Lang Qiang Da Qiang, and had to admit that he deserved to be promoted as a spokesperson by the tribes of the plateau.

At least this mouth is very slippery, and his brain is alive.

After Cheng Chubi exchanged glances with Li Ke, he hesitated.

"Since the first words of the Great Qiang have been said, it would be really inappropriate if you let your tribes stand on the sidelines."

"After all, now, those Tubo slave soldiers who have returned to my Datang, as well as the Subi tribes in the north, are fighting fiercely for my Datang."

"If you really don't do anything, tsk tsk..."

"Subi tribes?"

"Tubo slave soldiers?"

The leaders of Yigan Qiangzhao raised their heads together, and looked at Cheng Saburo in shock.

"The Subi tribes, haven't they just been suppressed by the Tubo leader led by a large army?"

"How dare they jump out?"

"Is it possible? I have heard that the former Tubo leader directly killed two of the tribes, and the other Subi tribes were also implicated..."

Listening to these Qiang and Zhao leaders babbled discussions.

Li Ke cleared his throat.

"It is precisely because of the violent and cruel methods of the Tubo master, that on the contrary, it aroused the resistance of the Subi tribes."

"What's more, my Great Master of the Tang Dynasty defeated Tubo and wanted to abolish the system of slavery within the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Yigan worked as a cattle and horse for Tubo, was exploited and pressed by Tubo, and lived a precarious life of the Subi tribes.

If we don’t help me, would we still help Tubo to be our enemy? "

Cheng Sanlang happily, scanning the gang of Ziqiang and Zhao leaders interjected. Wu Meiniang had already retreated outside the pavilion with Hu Shanggong very wittily.

Hearing Li Chengqian's eloquent remarks, Li Mingda cleverly poured another cup of tea for his eldest brother.

There seemed to be something to say, but in the end, I heard a soft cough from my mother behind me.

Li Mingda held back, did not say anything, sat there quietly and gently, comforting the eldest brother not to worry too much.

Li Chengqian was very relieved when he looked at the concerned girl.

She deserves to be her own good girl, and it is worthwhile to cover her and Brother Chu Bi frequently to inform her.

After Empress Changsun let Li Mingda appease her elder brother, she smiled softly.

"Mingda, you have to go back first, mother has some things, I want to talk to your eldest brother."

Li Mingda received her mother's order and saw the eyes cast by her mother. He stood up wittily, and then quickly agreed and walked away.

After Wu Meiniang saluted the pavilion, she followed Li Mingda's footsteps.

"Sister Wu, what do you think?" After more than ten steps, Li Mingda glanced back at the pavilion, and continued to travel without stopping, whispering.

Wu Meiniang's expression was very calm and indifferent.

"Unexpectedly, I just didn't expect that those people would use such methods, although despicable, they are quite effective."

Li Mingda nodded in agreement, at this moment, this lovely little picturesque brow.

It's still that kind of weird spirit, but the words that are spoken are calm and wise.

"Yeah, these methods of doing things are really vulgar. However, it is really possible to do it in the East Palace like a fence."

Mentioned the adjective Lili, both Wu Meiniang and Li Mingda couldn't help laughing out loud, and looked around at the same time, for fear of being heard.

The person who likes to use this adjective is the most beautiful cub of the old Cheng family.

The two continued to move forward slowly, Wu Meiniang glanced at Li Mingda who was relaxed and couldn't help but whisper.

"His Royal Highness is not worried?"

Li Mingda smiled sweetly, and continued to move forward with a light pace, his voice also seemed so bright.

"What is there to worry about? My elder brother's face that can't hide things, but writes everything on his face.

If there was a big problem with the "Datang Pharmacopoeia", he shouldn't have that expression. "

Wu Meiniang smiled, "His Royal Highness is wise."

"Sister Wu don't want to make fun of me, presumably Sister Wu has already guessed the clues, so she will be so calm."

"My mother asked us to leave first. She must have seen it too, and she is pointing my eldest brother out of all likelihood."

"My eldest brother is good at everything, but he is too honest and can't hide things..."

Two shrewd women whispered quietly while walking forward with them.


When Li Mingda, with his sleeves dancing like butterflies, drifted away, all the people in the pavilion also exited the pavilion.

Empress Changsun moved to sit next to Li Chengqian and looked at this filial son who is not good at acting and who is easier to show his true emotions, revealing a calm and kind smile.

"My mother doesn't know who did it, but it caught fire in the daytime, and it was in such a place. Mother didn't think it was an accident..."

Hearing what the mother said, Li Chengqian nodded with approval. "Mother, the child feels the same way, because things are too weird."

"The "Datang Pharmacopoeia" has now reached the final stage. Looking at the end of this year, it will be a big success."

"At this moment this happened, it is really..."

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