The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2293: The body is very honest and came over to hold candle night with Li Yifu...

At this time, Xu Jingzong, who had also mixed into the crowd, also had a look of surprise on his face.

Li Ke's expression also became very strange. It seemed that he was so naive that he thought that Brother Chubi would not be offensive.

Li Yifu couldn't help showing a slightly bitter smile on his face, and bowed to Cheng Saburo.

"Cheng Luoyang's talent is so high that the lower officials are ashamed. It is really wonderful to be able to use such a wonderful metaphor to insinuate in such a short period of time."

"Especially, 'Yang Hua Yu Jia has no talent, but can only understand the sky and make snow fly.' These last two sentences are simply a stroke of genius..."

"..." Several imperial censors who had read poetry and books admired the poetry with envy and envy from the beginning, but at this moment, they all woke up.

At this moment, Cheng Da looked at this seven-character quatrain with a bewildered expression, and couldn't help but arched his elbow over the talented Deng Chengxin beside him.

"What does this mean, why can't I see it?"

Deng Chengxin saw that most of the fat and strong Cheng family members around him were confused, and that Li Yifu was too obscure, so Deng Chengxin deliberately said loudly. .

"The meaning of the last two poems is to pity that Yang Huayu Qian, there is no gorgeous appearance.

Even the wild flowers on the side of the road are not comparable, but they are still flying around with pride, flying everywhere..."

As soon as Deng Chengxin's explanation came out, hey hey hey laughter, one after another, a pair of eyes full of malice all fell on the censor.

Isn't it obvious? It's just that I despise these gang of censors for their lack of ability, and they are blind and chaotic.

At this moment, Cheng Fa suddenly let out a light hum, picked up a bunch of elm money from the ground, and swayed it in his hands, his expression was very serious.

Seeing this move, Li De on the side couldn't help asking curiously. "What are you doing?"

"You didn't see it, this string of elm money is so big, so white, and a lot better."

As soon as Cheng Fa's words came out, Li Ke couldn't help but let out a small snort. He always felt that these words were very familiar and seemed to be heard often.

I heard Li Min muttering in a low voice there. "Why does this sound so familiar?"

"Nonsense..." Li De glared at the old brother with hatred. "If you want to listen again, you can go to Si Gongfang."

Pfft... Cheng Chubi couldn't hold back and almost burst out laughing, turned his head to look at Li Ke, and sure enough, the royal prodigal had a black line on his face instantly.

If it weren't for the crowded eyes now, I'm afraid that His Royal Highness King Wu really wanted to grab the soles of his shoes and jump over to let the two confidant guards know why the flowers are so red.

Fortunately, the imperial censor did not notice the strangeness over there at this moment. At this moment, their faces were indeed blue, red, purple, and green amid the jeers.

#####Cheng Chubi smiled bleakly. "Do you think it's a good thing, but I'm still so unhappy?"

"Just because this printing shop is too powerful, and now His Majesty is pressing, I don't want to let the printing shop print the four books and five classics for the time being. I want to wait for the storm to pass."

"In this way, wouldn't the printing shop be unable to make any money?" Wu Meiniang looked at Cheng Sanlang, who looked a little desolate and lonely, with a look of sympathy.

When he mentioned this, Cheng Chubi almost burst into tears.

"Hehe, not only can't make money, but now I'm still carrying a whole **** of debt."

Homeopathy and Wu Meiniang complained about the use of the 1.4 million books, and they still owe a cost for the hard work.

Seeing Cheng Saburo's appearance, the distressed Wu Meiniang wanted to raise her hand to smoothen his frown.

As an excellent and intelligent woman, Wu Meiniang began to think about how to make the bookstore that cannot print the Four Books and Five Classics run as soon as possible and make money.

In order to ease Cheng Saburo's sorrow, Wu Meiniang's eyes suddenly lit up as her thoughts twitched.

"Actually, I think it's okay if you don't print books, third brother, you can actually print some other things..."

"something else?"

"Yes, during this time, the day of the imperial examination is getting closer and closer. Even in the palace, everyone is talking about the imperial examination, and the concubines and concubines are all talking about the poems or articles of the past students... …”

"Mei Niang thought, since third brother, your bookstore can arrange text at will, why not start with those scholars who have gathered from all over the world?"

"Specially prints some pamphlets, and collects the articles and poems of those who have been among the best in the imperial examinations. In addition, there is third brother, your "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which can actually be printed out..."

Cheng Chubi stared blankly at this charming and charming girl, watching her confidently speaking in a coherent manner.

Darling, this is another historical time and space, Her Majesty, this brain is really not comparable to ordinary people.

After Wu Meiniang talked about her idea incessantly, she looked up and saw Cheng Sanlang staring straight at her.

Those eyes were as sharp as two big scorching hands, making Wu Meiniang feel ashamed, and she couldn't help saying angrily. "Third brother, what are you staring at?"

"We'll have to wait another three years..." Cheng Chubi couldn't help looking at the charming and charming girl in front of him with a bit of melancholy, and muttered.

The next second, Cheng Chubi saw Wu Meiniang subconsciously pick up the wooden inkstone on the table.

But she still blushed pretty face, she put it back reservedly, gave Cheng Saburo a shy and boundless look, and walked away quickly.

Looking at Wu Meiniang's arrogant back, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but glance at the inkstone. Could it be that this girl is also looking forward to the passing of three years?


I have to say what Wu Meiniang just said was like opening a window for Cheng Sanlang.

The point of view she provided made Cheng Chubi think of the newspapers and magazines of later generations before the prosperity of online media.

Don't these things rely on timeliness and copy hot topics? Think about that master of martial arts, Mr. Jin, who supported Ming Pao with a pen.

In fact, he can also run a newspaper, even if he does not have the talent of Teacher Jin, but he can use a similar method.

For example, divide the book "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" into each chapter, and then add all kinds of news about the imperial examinations that are most concerned by those who are studying in Chang'an.

Naturally, it is also indispensable. You can also talk about the various government affairs of the Tang Dynasty and tout it for the court...

Or, the huge sensation caused by the prince's entry into the city was written into a reportage-like thing.

The more Cheng Chubi thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, so he simply picked up a quill and began to record his thoughts and ideas one by one.

Seeing that the third son was there while hehe hehe while writing a book, I thought of the girl just now with red cheeks and flushed cheeks.

Tsk tsk... Nine times out of ten, what Third Young Master is writing won't be too serious.

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