The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2612: Let good brother Li Ke stand up and shoulder the heavy responsibility

Chapter 2619 Let the good brother Li Ke stand up and take on the heavy responsibility (please subscribe for tickets)

After all, Li Ke, a descendant of the royal family, is far more convincing than the Cheng family, who is the heir of poetry and books.

Only in this way can we conform to our old Cheng family's style of being a low-key person and doing things in a high-profile manner.

Of course, just to take revenge on this royal courtesan by the way.

Who made him dare to expose Lao Tzu's plagiarism of Zheng Guogong's comments, which made Cheng Xie embarrassed for several breaths of time.

If you don't take revenge, doesn't it seem that the first beautiful cub of the Cheng family is too incompetent?

Li Shimin saw Cheng Sanlang stepping into the hall, but he didn't see Ke'er, who was like a follower.

"Why are you here, son-in-law?"

Cheng Chubi saluted respectfully before answering. "My son-in-law has something. I forgot to say hello to my husband before."

"Today I heard that a Japanese envoy entered Luo, and then I remembered..."

"Tell me, what is it that has something to do with the Japanese envoy?" Li Shimin asked with some doubts.

"It's like this. Before, your husband, you entrusted your son-in-law to plan all affairs of the peninsula, and the son-in-law has already planned a lot of strategies."

"It's only now that I think that there is a lack of an official with a suitable identity and position around my son-in-law. After all, many of my son-in-law's strategies have a lot to do with foreign affairs."

Li Shimin looked at Cheng Sanlang and motioned him to continue.

Cheng Chubi very seriously stated his purpose of coming to see his father-in-law today.

"My son-in-law just wants to ask his father-in-law to grant His Royal Highness King Wu the official position of Honglu Temple in order to facilitate his actions."

"???" Li Shimin looked at Cheng Sanlang with a bewildered expression, and it took him a long time to react.

"Cheng Saburo, I heard right, you want Li Ke to join Honglu Temple? How is this possible."

"Don't worry, my husband, my son-in-law did not recommend His Royal Highness King Wu as the chief official of the Honglu Temple. In fact, my son-in-law just hoped that my husband would let His Royal Highness King Wu take charge of the affairs of the peninsula and the Japanese island."

"After all, the strategies that my son-in-law used to make profits have a lot to do with these four countries."

Looking at Cheng Sanlang, who spoke righteously in front of him, Li Shimin pointed to the boy in front of him with a bit of tears and laughter.

"I said, can you be more reliable, the old man means, he is His Royal Highness the dignified prince, and you actually let him join the Honglu Temple?"

"You might as well take the initiative to ask Ying, the old man is more reliable to teach you the minister of Honglu Temple."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi quickly waved his hand and said.

"Father-in-law, I can't say that. It's not that I don't want to, but I can't. After all, my son-in-law's notoriety in the eyes of the Tang Zhufans is no less than that of Wang Xuance."

"If the husband uses the son-in-law to be responsible, the son-in-law feels that it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble."

Li Shimin smacked his mouth and looked a little strangely at this good son-in-law who had tossed on the plateau until the whole plateau was tossed to smithereens, and even made the father and son of the Tubo country lord angry.

"Well... that's right, it seems that you are still a little self-aware."

"..." Cheng Chubi's face suddenly turned black. I always feel that the old man is burying himself...

But now is not the time to argue with this old man who doesn't talk about martial arts. Instead, we should fight for it according to the reasons, and let the good brother Li Ke stand up and bear the infamy, oh no... It's a heavy responsibility.

"Father-in-law, although His Royal Highness King Wu is the prince's honor, he is also a minister of the Tang Dynasty."

"As a son of man, you should share your worries for your father, as a minister, you should share your worries for your ruler..."

Seeing Cheng Sablang babbling and reasoning in front of him, Li Shimin also had a headache.

But having said that, having Li Kelai, who is already a member of Ying Guolei, serve as a staff officer like Honglu Siqing, it does seem a bit too child's play.

After all, although the kid is shrewd and capable, he has never exercised.

However, as Cheng Saburo said, it should be given to an official responsible for the affairs of the family.

After all, Ke'er and Cheng Sanlang are squatting together, and the words of the appointment and Ke'er...

Even if all the fans in the world knew that Ke'er came to serve as a foreign affairs officer, they would only think that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty wanted to let his own son exercise government affairs, and would not consider that he was covering up.

"Xian-in-law, what you said is not unreasonable, it's just Ke'er..."

"Could the husband be worried that His Royal Highness King Wu would not be willing to take the job? How is this possible, His Royal Highness King Wu is a very responsible prince, so how can he retreat in spite of difficulties."

"Today, the younger son-in-law came to the palace to ask to see the husband. Although His Highness was unable to enter the palace with the younger son-in-law, he has already made an agreement with the younger son-in-law."

Seeing the righteousness on Cheng Sanlang's face and his words, Li Shimin's heart warmed and softened.

Stop, stop, since Ke'er also has such a mind to share his father's worries, it's not impossible for him to take the responsibility.

When he saw that his father-in-law Li Shimin finally nodded his head and opened up Jinkou's personnel arrangement for Li Ke, Cheng Chubi couldn't help showing joy, and even claimed that his father-in-law was wise and talented.


After the serious talk, Cheng Chubi was about to get up to leave, but was stopped by Li Shimin.

"Xian-in-law, do you know that Xiao Sizi's grandfather is going north to Jinyang and her party."

"The old man is worried that he is so old, so I am going to accompany him on the excuse of visiting Monan in the north."

"Husband-in-law, you have to leave too. Is that to let His Royal Highness return to Beijing to stay behind?"

"It's not necessary. Chengqian has been away from Beijing for nearly a month. If he is allowed to return to Luo, it will be at least another month or two."

"At that time, the North is bitterly cold, and the Emperor Taishang wants to go on a tour. I'm afraid it will take another year."

"And the grandson is too young, the old man is not worried that he will stay in Luoyang and is going to take him north.

Therefore, after careful consideration, the old man decided to let the juveniles supervise the country, and the eldest grandson Wuji and Zhang Liang, two of the Qing family, served as political assistants. "

"...The Duke of Zhao and the Duke of Yun are the assistant governors of His Royal Highness the King of Jin?" Cheng Chubi looked at His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty in front of him with a bewildered expression.

What kind of combination is this? The eldest grandson Wuji has never dealt with him. As for the old man Zhang Liang, he and his own father are the defeated As for the Jin King Li Zhi, this A monster full of bad water is definitely not a good bird.

Of course, this is all from the perspective of Cheng Saburo. Anyway, I always feel that this old man's operation is like targeting himself.

Seeing Cheng Saburo's strange expression, Li Shimin patted the table a little unwillingly.

"What kind of expression did you have, the old man just greeted you, and let you be honest in the next days, and don't make trouble."

Cheng Chubi was of course embarrassed to say that those guys had never been able to see, and staying in Luoyang always felt a little dangerous, so he could only explain forcibly.

"My son-in-law is just worried about the body of the Emperor Taishang and the husband-in-law. After all, the son-in-law is really worried about going a thousand miles away."

"Otherwise, my son-in-law, let me accompany my husband to the north. After all, wouldn't it be better to be accompanied by an excellent doctor with both civil and military skills like my son-in-law?"


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