The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2652: Tomorrow 1 morning, I will listen to General Cheng's order to return to the nort

Prince Li Chengqian was walking along the canal at the moment, and behind him was a group of guards from the East Palace led by Yuchi Baoqing.

In a small and quiet courtyard about two miles away from the dock, it has become the temporary residence of the Tang prince in Yangzhou.

As for the Jiangdu Palace, hehe, I wouldn't be happy to be frightened again by killing this prince.

As for the inside of Yangzhou City, hehe, many of the officials in Yangzhou City had problems. For safety reasons, neither Yu Zhining nor Cheng Yaojin agreed with the Prince to live in the city.

Fortunately, there are quite a few houses in this Yangzhou Wharf, plus some wealthy households in the south of the Yangtze River who like the sentiment, and villages have also been built along the banks of the canal.

Therefore, Li Chengqian also lived outside the city of Yangzhou under the protection of heavy soldiers.

Just as he was walking in the Prince's Palace, he heard the sound of hooves coming from behind him. He turned his head to look, and saw dozens of horses galloping towards him.

The leader was the Zuotunwei general Cheng Yaojin and Yu Zhining, who came together on horseback.

As for Zhao Kun, it was decided that he should grow up in the Zuotunwei camp and blend in with General Cheng's personal soldiers.

At this moment, I was picking up a bronze mirror there, holding a razor in my hand, thinking about it, and finally clenched my teeth and chopped my feet, and went straight down.

Decided to change to a different, non-mainstream beard shape to avoid surprises that people can see at a glance.

"General Cheng, Yu Zhan has something to do, but I want to find an orphan?" Li Chengqian asked with a nod and a smile after standing still.

After General Cheng strode forward and gave a salute, he lowered his voice to report.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty has sent an envoy here, and I have something important to ask your Highness to know."

"What's the matter?" Li Chengqian asked subconsciously.

"Your Highness, what Your Majesty gave His Highness is a secret order, please choose a quiet place..."

"Understood, go there with Gu." Li Chengqian looked left and right, his eyes fell on a quiet and uninhabited water-viewing pavilion not far away, and he strode straight towards there.


Regardless of whether it was General Cheng's personal soldiers or Li Chengqian's bodyguards, they stayed thirty paces away, and there were only a few people in the pavilion.

Only then did the Qianniu prepare the body to take out the secret decree written by His Majesty in his arms, and present it with both hands respectfully.

Li Chengqian grabbed it with his hand, couldn't wait to open it, just glanced at it, and the face of the Tang prince immediately began to turn pale.

"How is this possible, the emperor's body has always been healthy, and after these years of recuperation, I dare not say that it is like that in the past, but I will never be bedridden in a fit of anger..."

At this moment, Li Chengqian, whose eyes were faintly red, roared.

"Brother Chubi, brother Chubi, isn't he in Luoyang? Why don't you hurry up and let him go to Jinyang?"

Seeing that His Royal Highness was so out of tune, Yu Zhining quickly stepped forward and whispered to comfort him.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, please calm down! Your Majesty is only seriously ill, and there is no fear of life. Moreover, Taibao Xiao Cheng is rushing to Jinyang on the starry night, and I am afraid that he will be able to arrive in a few days."

Cheng Yaojin nodded in agreement.

"Your Highness, you should trust Inuzi's medical skills. With that kid by His Majesty's side, His Majesty will be safe."

"At this moment, Your Majesty has ordered Your Majesty to move and return to the capital. I just hope that His Majesty can take charge of the overall situation in the capital during the period when His Majesty's illness has not recovered and can only stay in Jinyang."

With the comfort of Zhining and Cheng Yaojin, as well as the proof of the inner guard, Li Chengqian finally calmed down.

After spitting out the turbid air in his chest, Li Chengqian still asked urgently.

"General Cheng, when will we set off to return to Luoyang?"

"I know that His Highness's heart is like an arrow at the moment, but when the army moves, the food and grass will go first. Now, there are only less than ten days of food and grass support in the army."

Hearing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help feeling anxious.

"If you want to return to your apprenticeship as soon as possible, what should you do? You can't stay in Yangzhou all the time until you have enough food and grass before you set off, right?"

Cheng Yaojin, as the coach of this army, faced Li Chengqian's doubts, and he answered calmly as he was prepared.

"Old Cheng thought that we should first ask the prince to preach (the prince's order, called teaching in the Tang Dynasty.) The states and counties along the river ordered them to prepare food and grass for the army to support all the way."

"And the army will start tomorrow and look north. However, the matter in Yangzhou is not over yet. At the end of the day, we will leave a team behind to make sure everything is safe."

"Okay, let's start tomorrow, you'll have to work hard, General Cheng."

"Yu Zhan, ordered everyone in the East Palace to pack their bags and make sure that everyone is ready before midnight tonight, and tomorrow morning, listen to General Cheng's order to return north."

"I understand, I will make arrangements now." Yu Zhining nodded and obeyed.

And General Cheng also said goodbye and left. He had to rush back to the camp to arrange people to stay behind, and he had to arrange for people to rush to the prefectures and counties along the way to find enough supplies.

With the movement of the East Palace attaché and the Zuotunwei camp, it quickly spread to the inside and outside of Yangzhou City.

Those who have received the news will naturally pass on the news as soon as possible, and let people report to Even if they know that His Majesty's body should be fine, the problem is that His Majesty wants to act, and he and others will act. Supporting roles must always cooperate carefully.

In case anyone sees the flaws and ruins His Majesty's important affairs, Cheng Chubi felt that a big slap in the skin would not make the old man's hatred go away.

Therefore, after Cheng Sablang and Na Li Ke left Luoyang, they turned on the acceleration mode and galloped all the way.

Finally, at a speed that was not much worse than the 800-mile rush, he arrived at Jinyang, which was more than a thousand miles away.

As the youngest and most famous Chinese doctor in the Tang Dynasty, Cheng Sanlang was immediately introduced to Jinyang Palace after he arrived in Jinyang.

This news soon reached the ears of those who had been sending people to stare at the movements of the Jinyang Palace.

Hu Suiliang, who had previously passed the news to the eldest grandson Wuji in Luoyang.

He also learned from his confidants that Cheng Sanlang and Wu Wang Li Ke rushed to Jinyang together, and were quietly taken into Jinyang Palace at the first time.

Hu Suiliang hardly hesitated, and immediately after he wrote the secret letter, he started flying like a phoenix.

He also told his confidants to leave Jinyang quietly, and he must send the bottom to Luoyang in the shortest time, and send it to the hands of the eldest grandson Wuji.

At the same moment, Cheng Sanlang and Brother Li Ke were rubbing their legs with a grin, sitting in a palace in Jinyang Palace, waiting for the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

He felt his belly, which had lost a lot of weight, and his two hot thighs.

Li Ke, who hadn't worked so hard for many years, waited for a long time and didn't see his father appear, and was about to complain.

I heard footsteps coming from outside the temple gate, and then, the haggard-looking father emperor Li Shimin stepped into the temple.

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