The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 913: Uncle Fu is a Cheng family who knows how to do things

The old craftsman looked at Cheng Chubi with horror, and then at his shopkeeper.

Seeing the expression of this old craftsman, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but wonder.

"I said this old man, what is your expression?"

"That's right, didn't you hear the question from Master Cheng? Hurry up and say..."

The old craftsman glanced at the two who were standing behind Cheng Gongzi who followed the door god, wiped the stinky sweat on his forehead, and barely smiled.

"The old man just thinks that the carved handwriting on the back is very delicate. Anyone who wants to write a book must...must be a master..."

When Cheng Chubi heard this, he couldn't help but sighed a little bit sighfully.

"Nonsense, not a master, can I make you customize exactly the same for me?"

Next, the old craftsman began to carefully stare at the ghost turtle, which was already a fart, and asked people to fetch a large pot of wet mud.

He began to carefully follow the spirit turtle's appearance next to him, and just pinched it.

Seeing this pile of wet mud, the outline gradually appeared under the dexterous hands of the old craftsman.

I could see Cheng Chubi's spirits flying, and he made a lot of noises. Sure enough, the master is in the folk, this is definitely not bragging.

Those yellow-brown wet mud, in the hands of the old master craftsman, from the initial outline to gradually become similar to that erf turtle.

In addition, he heard Cheng Chubi's words to make people feel that this bronze turtle looks like alive.

Then let the spirit turtle's head stick out slightly, it looked like that, as if the spirit turtle was poking out its head out of the water and breathing cautiously.

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but clap in praise.

"Okay, this is pretty good, old man, is your tortoise's head really alive?"

The old craftsman could only smile flatteringly, and the movements in his hands continued to outline the nail lines on the turtle's back.

"Thank you for your praise, the old man relies on craftsmanship for his food. Without this craftsmanship, where can he find food."

Finally, the old craftsman found ink and tribute paper, and rubbed the handwriting on the turtle back.

When this was done, the old craftsman called for help and carefully carried the carved mud turtle in.

After a brief exchange with the craftsman, the shopkeeper gave the time and of course the price.

Cheng Chubi stood up satisfactorily, did not bargain with the shopkeeper at all, and directly took out enough remuneration and put it on the case.

"In three days, yes, well, after three days, Cheng will come to pick it up in person. All you have to do is to do exactly the same for me."

Cheng Chubi felt that the old craftsman's craftsmanship was so good, so he decided to order two, one of which was of course thrown directly at the lotus pond of Xuandu Temple.

As for the other one, it will be placed next to the remains of this already-fucking spirit turtle, and it can be considered a bronze body.’s not impossible to get a golden body for it every day, but it’s fine if it’s pure gold, at most it can be brushed with gold powder or pasted with gold leaf.

"Cheng Ji, put it away quickly, don't let people watch it."

"Good third son."

Cheng Ji agreed, and quickly repacked the dead tortoise, and the three masters and servants left the iron shop.

The shopkeeper eagerly lifted this generous Young Master Cheng away and turned his head.

I saw the old craftsman who had just made great efforts, sneaking up to the door of the shop and looking outside with a sneaky look.

"I said Master Gu, what are you doing?"

"The boss, the boss... The old man feels a little uneasy, that turtle..."

"What's wrong with that turtle, isn't it just a dead turtle?"

The shopkeeper glanced at the fuss teacher and stepped into the shop.

"This dead tortoise seems to be the spiritual tortoise in Xuandu Temple..."

"Xuanduguan's tortoise?!" The shopkeeper's eyes suddenly bulged. "you sure?"

"This, the old man is not so sure, but it seems like no matter how you look at it, a few days ago, the old grandson was born safely, and he went to Xuandu to pay his wish."

"After that, in the lotus pond, I saw the tortoise basking on the shore, not afraid of living at all, so the old man took a closer look curiously.

I also heard those pilgrims talk about the origin of this turtle..."

The shopkeeper's face couldn't help becoming a little nervous, rubbing his hands, his eyes turned straight.

"No way, no way, let's go with the old man to Xuandu to take a look.

If the tortoise of the Xuan Du Temple was really stolen, we would just report it to the Taoists of Xuan Du Temple. "

"Shall we go now?"

"Yes, go now." The shopkeeper called the shop assistant to take good care of the store, and the two of them hurriedly left the shop with the old craftsman.

Just walk in the direction of Chongyefang, no matter what, it's not a ghost turtle of Xuan Duguan.

If it's a tortoise of Xuandu Temple, it's considered to have done some meritorious deeds.

Could it be that the three masters and servants just saw that the three masters and servants were tall and magnificent, so that the young man looked more delicate.

The two pros behind him looked at that hideous face and were definitely not kind.

Thinking about this, the shopkeeper's footsteps couldn't help but almost reached three points.


When Cheng Chubi returned to the mansion, he saw the housekeeper Fu uncle was panting and driving the three bear children's younger brothers passing by quickly called the housekeeper Fu uncle, and the two walked into the front hall. After that, Cheng Chubi put the dead turtle that had been taken over from Cheng Ji on the crime scene.

Very seriously, he began to ask the housekeeper, Uncle Fu, how he got the tortoise.

Uncle Fu, the housekeeper, looked at the tortoise that had completely lost his life, and couldn't help taking a breath, his face changed when he looked at his third son.

I'm afraid it must be a one-hundred-year-old spirit turtle. It only took a few days to get to the hands of the young master, and it would be a fart.

This made Uncle Fu, the housekeeper, couldn't help thinking of the tragic fate of Young Master One, Two and Three when he was a child, and his eyes were red.

"???" Cheng Chubi looked at the housekeeper Fu Uncle who suddenly blushed with a dazed expression, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"The rich uncle, I just want to ask how you got this turtle, no other meaning..."

Uncle Fu sniffed and told Cheng Chubi, but it was nothing, but he heard that the third son wanted to search for spiritual turtles.

So he personally led a fat and strong Cheng Fu Jia Ding to stroll to the various Buddhist temples and Taoist temples in Chang'an.

"After all, if you want a spiritual tortoise, it's nothing more than the dojo of the Buddhist and Taoist schools."

"After all, the animals in those places listened to the monks' squeaky and crooked mantras and chanting scriptures.

It must be easy to accumulate spirituality for many months of adulthood, isn’t it? "

Hearing what Uncle Fu said, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but nodded with approval.

"As expected of Uncle Fu, the analysis makes perfect sense, it is true."

I have to admit that Uncle Fu is a Cheng family who knows how to handle affairs.

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