The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 924: Ha ha... don't want your salary for next year

More importantly, since it was Xue Wancheqing's family who was ill and needed to go there for treatment, it should be him.

Do you need these three little dolls to lead the way? After Li Shimin used the mental journey of the people who came over to help him.

His eyes swept across the three young people again.

"What kind of disease does Xue Wancheqing suffer from?"

Li Ke hurriedly grabbed the road. "Brother Chubi said it's called feminphobia."

"Fophobia?" Li Shimin took a deep breath, and his whole body was not well.

What a weird disease name is this special mother?

"Cheng Saburo, you'd better explain it clearly to the old man."

Hearing Li Shimin's brewing anger, Cheng Chubi naturally did not dare to neglect, and quickly explained.

"Uncle must also know that General Xue San is now in his early thirties, but he is still not married because he has this weird disease."

"So I am very unwilling to approach the opposite sex, and even dislike the opposite **** approaching him.

Not to mention, he is not willing to communicate with the opposite **** at all. "

"For this, General Xue Da introduced him a lot of family affairs, but General Xue San denied it."

"General Xue Da came over to ask his nephew a few days ago, and wanted him to give him an inspection.

Let’s see if General Xue San’s body has a dark illness that caused him to be unwilling to contact women..."

With Cheng Chubi’s explanation, it was not just Zhao Kun and Li Shimin who heard this story for the first time.

Even Li Ke and Fang Jun heard a lot of gossip about Xue Wanche that Brother Chu Bi did not disclose before.

Li Shimin's expression was no longer stiff and gloomy at this moment, and he heard such gossip about his subordinates.

It really made him almost amused. Before, he had taken heart to introduce Xue Wanche to a good relationship.

As a result, Xue Wanche politely rejected him on the grounds that he wanted to make great efforts on the battlefield, and he really had no time to take care of his family.

In the mansion of General Xue Meng, except for a few old mothers who were over fifty years old, there was no opposite **** under fifty.

Also, the murderous General Xue San on the battlefield would actually be afraid of those weak women.

As long as he meets a strange woman, he will definitely hide if he can, and hide if he can.

"It is for this reason that my nephew thought of a method called desensitization treatment to solve General Xue San's illness."

Although Li Shimin was so excited that he couldn't pull his face all at once, he still habitually raised his own doubts.

"Desensitization therapy, could it have something to do with an unscrupulous place like brothel?"

When Cheng Chubi heard Li Shimin's words, he almost screamed out aloud, you think it's not serious, why don't you order to shut down such a serious place?

Of course, just think about it. His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who is facing the gong, is not what his junior should do.

"Uncle, what you said is wrong. Since any kind of thing exists, it must have the value and reason for its existence."

"For example, the brothel, perhaps in the eyes of my uncle, is an improper place.

But in the eyes of some single dogs...well, in the eyes of bachelors, there is a treasure place for them to learn and understand how to get along with the opposite sex. "

Hearing Cheng Chubi's rebuttal, Li Shimin's face turned black again, and his tone was very unkind and authentic.

"Then the three of you will go there to learn and understand, experience it yourself, and go back and teach Xue Wanche, right?"

"No, no, absolutely not, after we went there.

Just to find someone who is experienced and knows how to deal with men.

A woman who knows what kind of man should be used to communicate "

Cheng Chubi finally didn't say the term female driver this time.

"Then, ask this woman to give General Xue Wanche a desensitization treatment."

"..." Li Shimin smacked his lips and looked at the serious Cheng Chubi before him. He always felt that this kid was talking nonsense.

Li Ke on the side saw his father's suspicious expression and gaze, and hurriedly interrupted.

"Father, the child can testify that the woman that Brother Chu Bi went to Goulan to find was indeed specifically treating General Xue San."

Li Shimin stroked his long beard, let's believe them for the time being, anyway, let people look back and find out if they lied.

"This matter, let's put it aside for now, and wait until the old man has asked Xue Qing's family. If you dare to talk nonsense, hehe..."

Cheng Chubi quickly declared.

"Uncle rest assured, how can a person such a real nephew dare to talk nonsense on serious matters."

"But uncle, don't ask General Xue San directly. He doesn't know his own illness."

"Okay, don't bother the old man with these **** little things."

Li Shimin waved his hand impatiently, and then he looked at the three little dolls who had vented himself.

"Today, the old man summoned the three of you, but it was not for this matter..."

"..." Cheng Chubi, Li Ke and Fang Jun looked at each other. What the **** does this mean?

Could it be that your Majesty called the three of him here not for this matter, what else could it be for?


Seeing the appearance of the three young men without a master, Li Shimin couldn't help but hesitate.

"Zhao Kun, bring the tortoise that has taken the golden core that can prolong life and prolong life, and make people emerge and elevate to immortality."

Inconvenient Kung a bright hollow bronze turtle with a passage of "Tao De Jing" inscribed on its back.

Zhao Kun was hugged by Zhao Kun with a smirk, and placed on the floor in front of the case.

The three young men, Cheng, Li, and Fang, looked at this familiar tortoise in a daze.

"Why don't you speak? Come on, tell me, what's going on here."

Li Shimin looked at Cheng Chubi with a smile on his face and asked.

"Uncle, this is a...turtle."

Cheng Chubi wiped the stinky sweat on his forehead and reluctantly said with a smile.

It seems that the Temple of Ganlu is really hot enough, otherwise how could I sweat.

"I heard that this tortoise was cited by the old Cheng family's family member that the third son of Lu Guogong's mansion was very curious about the tortoise."

"The tortoise that was mentioned by the former Sui and Sui Emperor Wen was taken away, but within a few days, the tortoise was sent back by Cheng Saburo.

He also told the Xuandu observant that the spirit turtle was in a turtle's breath state because of taking the golden core. The old man is right..."

When Cheng Chubi saw the grim smile on his Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, his heart suddenly became alarming.

He felt that he could be rescued, at least the words should be more gentle.

"That uncle, in fact, my nephew can explain this clearly."

"Okay, just explain to the old man how the spirit turtle turned into a bronze turtle.

With a good explanation, the old man not only rewarded you this bronze turtle, but also paid you up for the first half of the year. "

"If this can't be explained, hehe... don't want your salary next year."


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