The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 952: Zhenguan furnace is so comfortable, it just makes it easy...

It suddenly occurred to Niu Jinda that his son Niu Wei Tuo greeted him a few days ago.

With the order of General Chai, I am afraid it will take about ten days to go home.

I got to Chai Shao to inquire about it, and it turned out that his son is the host of this new-style military ration experiment.

"Thank you General Chai for supporting Dogzi." Niu Jinda saluted Chai Shao, thankfully.

"It doesn't have to be this way, the nephew Wei Tuo is careful and careful in doing things, administering the army rigorously, strict in law, and like a general.

This important task is perfect for him..."

When Chai Shao said this, the corners of his mouth raised.

Besides, Nephew Wei Tuo was originally a good brother of Cheng Saburo, so he entrusted this important task to his nephew Wei Tuo.

Niu Wei Tuo will definitely do his best to complete this task.

The news that Cheng Saburo actually came up with compressed dry food that is both light and full, soon spread among the military officials.

Everyone couldn't restrain their excitement and talked in low voices, after all, they were all veterans.

Everyone knows that fighting is logistics, and logistics is not enough. No matter how brave soldiers are, there is something for them.

Only when they are full and well eaten, can the soldiers have enough strength to march and fight.

While talking, His Majesty Li Shimin, Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, finally stepped into the hall, and all the important court officials all took their place.

The moment Li Shimin stepped into the main hall, he had already taken off the thick fur coat on his body and walked quickly to the front of the imperial case.

He didn't have the kind of hand-heating stove in his hand, which made Li Shimin feel more comfortable.

Standing there satisfactorily, when the salutes of the hundred officials were completed, with Li Shimin's full-fledged voice, a new day of work officially began.


The meeting time lasted for almost two hours, and during these two hours, Li Shimin drove like sweat and rain, and the days were like years.

He didn't expect that this iron stove would actually be so hot, and he didn't know if it was the reason that the two Zhenguan stoves were too close to him.

It made Li Shimin feel that he was about to sweat on his cheeks, until the **** suppressed the fire of the two stoves, which made him feel a little more comfortable.

Although the courtiers felt very warm, it was because of the high temperature that the courtiers at the court meeting frequently signaled the eunuchs to serve tea.

There are still some old ministers who got up too early, and this meeting was too warm, and they actually started to doze...

But this is better than the past, when the ministers and workers held a meeting one by one, their mouths were shaking, and they felt that their nose would flow out at any time.

At this moment, in the Lizheng Hall, the Queen of Longsun was wearing only a thin dress with a beautiful face, leaning comfortably on the couch, admiring a book.

The princess of Jinyang, Li Mingda, also didn't wear much, sitting beside her carefully practicing calligraphy.

From time to time, he turned his head to look at his nephew Li Xiang, who was sleeping in the cot in front of him.

Seeing Li Xiang's mouth moved, Li Mingda ran to the mother's side as if he had discovered the new world.

Then he reached the ears of the mother's eldest grandson, and whispered.

"Mother, my little nephew, his mouth was moving just now, is he hungry?"

Empress Changsun looked at this extremely energetic girl, shook her head dumbly, and replied softly.

"Your nephew just drank milk, he is not hungry."

Li Mingda couldn't help but glanced back at the small bed with disappointment.

"Oh... well, mother, I'm going to practice calligraphy, and if my nephew has something, I'll report to my mother again."

"Well, do you want my mother to accompany you to practice together?"

"No, mother, you just took care of my nephew. You must be exhausted. Take a good rest and I will practice seriously."

Seeing that this well-behaved and sensible girl returned to Yanji and sat down, she began to practice calligraphy seriously.

Empress Changsun showed a soft smile on her face, then lay back and yawned lazily.

With this Zhenguan furnace, it is so comfortable, it is easy to sleep...

Wu Meiniang, who had just returned from the Imperial Medical Office from school, said goodbye to her companion, wrapped her cloak tightly, and walked towards her room quickly.

Pushing open the door, a warm feeling rushed toward his face, looking at the kettle with hot water on the small iron stove in the house.

Wu Meiniang's eyes lit up, she hurried to the stove and poured the boiling water into the basin.

After washing my face with hot water, I finally felt that the whole person was more comfortable, and then I flushed myself a bowl of hot water.

When I came to the bed, I opened the box. There were two oil paper bags inside. These were the compressed dry food and a bag of pork floss that Cheng Saburo personally sent to himself from the Imperial Medical Office.

It is said that this thing is very resistant to hunger, and it tastes good.

Thinking of that day, when Cheng Saburo sent it to himself, he looked up and down with his eyes.

She also repeatedly confessed that she wanted to eat more, and how it looked like a long meat.

Wu Meiniang couldn't help her pretty face blushing, and then she took out a small dish of pork floss and a small half of compressed dry food.

Sitting in front of the warm little iron stove, with hot water, he was enjoying a hearty snack happily.

The day before yesterday, Cheng Chubi and Li Ke jumped into the palace again, under the pretext that they offered a Zhenguan furnace to the princess.

But considering that the Queen Empress is the mother of the country, the female officials around her must have worked very hard.

Therefore, I specially donated a dozen delicate Zhenguan furnaces to the empress.

The shrewd empress empress, how can she not understand what Cheng Sablang is making.

However, she accepted it largely, and gave it to the female officer next to her on the spot, and Wu naturally also got one.

Thinking of what Cheng Saburo did for herself, Wu Meiniang couldn't help smiling sweetly.

I took a small bite of a piece of compressed dry food, the rich flavor of milk, and the shredded meat, the taste is very fragrant.

After only a few bites, Wu Meiniang suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Sister Mei, are you there?"

Wu Meiniang shook her head helplessly, put down the compressed dry food in her hand, got up and opened the door of the room.

I saw two familiar companions squeezing in with pleasing smiles.

"Sister Mei, my room is too cold, I want to come to you to bake..."

"Hurry in, right, do you want something to eat?"

"Wow... Sister Mei, won't this also be given by Cheng Taichang? It smells sweet."

Facing the flattery of these two companions, the smile on Wu Meiniang's face couldn't help but be a little more charming.

Three young girls who were in their prime, in Wu Meiniang's warm-like little room, asked for cakes, and excitedly talked about today's interesting events.


Xue Wanche stood up calmly, thought for a while, and slightly nodded towards the female yellow crown who was packing up and was about to leave.

"Thanks for a long time."

Seeing this scene, Xue Wanjun, who was lying softly leaning on the couch and napping, was shocked and his eyes rounded.

Seeing the second brother's glaring gaze, Xue Wanche couldn't help turning into anger from irritation.

"Second brother, what is your expression? The female leader is treating the younger brother, what happened to the younger brother thanking others?"

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