The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 963: Don’t influence His Royal Highness and His Majesty’s father and son because of the Pri

Niu Weituo and Zuo Wei's elite soldiers all watched the cart tilting its buttocks and slowly sliding towards the river.

And the two big baskets on the truck fell directly into the river, and after splashing the huge splash, they gradually sank into the water.

Niu Wei Tuo was shocked and quickly jumped off the mount and shouted loudly.

Fortunately, some soldiers carried the kind of claws used for climbing, and along with several claws, they were accurately thrown to the drop position of the two big baskets.

Finally, the two baskets did not sink to the bottom of the river.

Everyone began to hurriedly pull the claw hooks toward the bank of the river, even some soldiers did not care about the cold water of the river.

He rushed into the river in large strides, grabbed the edge of the basket and dragged it to the shore, still screaming.

"These are all our rations, ours, brethren, come on, otherwise we won't have to eat..."

After all these days, the elite Zuo Wei, who have been accustomed to compressing their rations, moved forward bravely, squeezing their heads to the shore and cheering together.

Finally, these two big baskets were dragged ashore.

Niu Wei Tuo panted heavily, looking at the dripping basket, his heart felt a little heavier.

He raised his head and glanced at the sunlight that was approaching noon and shouted loudly.

"They were still stunned, and quickly crossed the river, and camped on the spot after crossing the river."

After crossing the bridge, after camping in grass and grass, the stove started to ignite, and Niu Wei Tuo picked up a wet compressed dry food and shook the water outside the oil paper bag.

After opening the cover, you can see the compressed dry food inside. Apart from the moist surface, there is no trace of being softened by the foam at all.

Seeing this scene, Niu Wei Tuo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly asked the soldiers to take apart the compressed dry food to dry the surface water.

"Hey, this thing has just been soaked in the water to get a stick of incense, but it's just the surface soaking wet..."

"Just now I was worried that this thing would be gone as soon as it was washed by the river, and it turned out to be so strong." [@@爱奇文学! ¥The novel is better and updated faster]

"I'll try it first, um... It's still the same taste, scent, and I don't think there is anything wrong at all, come here, quickly give me a bowl of hot soup..."

Seeing that the gang of foodies, after seeing that there was no loss in compressed dry food, they were so heartless to start the meal by the way.

Niu Wei Tuo was really dumbfounded, but he didn't forget what was going on, so he quickly asked Niu Bajin to bring paper and carbon pens.

Write down another characteristic of this compressed dry food, that is, even if it encounters heavy rain or flooding, the shape is not damaged by external forces.

After two quarters of an hour, only the surface will be wet and will not affect the taste and taste of the compressed dry food.


Li Tai is staying with several scholars at this moment and is reviewing this newly compiled historical evolution of Jinzhou.

Are there any errors or omissions in the place, the name, the mountains, the cities, the historical sites, the myths and legends, and the major historical events.

In front of them, there are similar series of books such as "Hanshu*Geography" and "Yudizhi".

There are also many information about Jinju collected by the Jinju local government.

Almost ten people, after comparing and reviewing the work for a full day, confirmed that there was no problem.

Li Tai also let out a sigh of relief, stretched his arms, and stood up.

Looking at the lard cake left in the plate in front of him, he reached out and picked up another piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

Enjoy the sweetness and crispness of the lard cake.

I saw the housekeeper, Grandpa Li, who did not know when he appeared outside the house.

Li Tai swallowed the lard cake in his mouth and stood up and walked outside the house.

The housekeeper, Grandpa Li, got to Li Tai's ear and muttered a few words.

Li Tai's face became extremely ugly, and his voice suddenly increased by at least an octave.

"Can you confirm the news?!"

Mr. Lee nodded cautiously.

"His Majesty, what the slave maidservant said is definitely not a false statement. It was the steward sent by Zhao Guogong who personally informed the slave maid."

Jiang Yaqing, who was sorting the books inside, heard the conversation coming from outside the house, raised his brows, put down the booklet in his hand, and hurried to the house.


For Li Tai, the emperor's father issued an edict and ordered the prince to preside over the compilation of "The Pharmacopoeia of the Tang Dynasty".

As for the five thousand pieces of silk and five thousand catties of gold, what does this mean? Is this making up for yourself because of guilt?

Li Tai's fat face, which should have been ruddy, was pale at the moment, and he was sitting on the couch panting.

This is not only because he walked back to the palace on foot in a rage, but also angered by the bad news.

At this moment, there are only Li Tai and Jiang Yaqing in the house.

Jiang Yaqing also reported the injustices for His Royal Highness King Wei.

"The prince is already the crown prince of the country. For such things, your majesty asked the prince to come forward. It is really..."

Wei Wang Li Tai patted his thigh vigorously, and couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"The emperor doesn't even give his uncle's face, so he is so partial and persistent, so he's not afraid of comments from his officials?"

"His Royal Highness, the minister thought that his Majesty must have been helpless. After all, the prince has a very deep mind and has made a lot of preparations."

"Even after the "Kan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia" has been compiled, it was only then entered the court."

"I just want to stop the courtiers from striving for merit, and your majesty is generous, and the prince is his eldest son..."

Following Jiang Yaqing's analysis, Li Tai's full of hatred fell on the prince who he wanted to replace.


"Mr. Jiang...Is this okay?" When Jiang Yaqing left the room, Grandpa Li could not help but ask in a low voice.

Jiang Yaqing stroked her short beard, paused in his footsteps, and swept his gaze over the empty surroundings before lowering his voice.

"Grandpa Li, His Royal Highness's greatest opponent is the Prince, not His Majesty."

"If His Majesty has resentment towards His Majesty, how can His Majesty be filial to His Majesty with all his heart, and how can His Majesty be loved?"

Li Gonggong looked at him couldn't help but convincingly bowed to this scheming Jiang Yaqing.

"Thanks to Mr. for the point, indeed, my Royal Highness has always been favored by the emperor.

How could it be because of the instigation of the prince to affect the family relationship between his majesty and his majesty. "

"It is this truth, Grandpa Li, you are at your side, and you must persuade your Highness.

Get close to your Majesty a lot, and you must never lose your emperor's favor. This is the most important thing..."

"As for the prince, his majesty only needs patience. After all, his majesty is very young, and it will last forever. If the prince makes any mistakes, then..."

"But our family is worried that the prince will not make mistakes. Isn't it in vain?"

"Gong Li's remarks are wrong, the prince does not make mistakes, as long as I wait for a detailed arrangement..."

After listening for a long time, Grandpa Li suddenly woke up and couldn't help but bow to Jiang Yaqing, who was full of water.

"Our family understands."

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