The First Saint of Alchemy

Chapter 664: Within seven days, Wenbu Linghuang!

"Okay!" Hearing that the failure was Tang Yan's fault, the two nodded immediately.

Tang Yan brought Wolong Fengchu to the counter and said politely to a woman in a white dress: "Senior sister, we are taking the D-level task to refine the ninth-level elixir."

The countertop, like the task machine, has a display effect.

The woman pressed the button on the side of the counter, and the countertop suddenly lit up, and the task bar appeared.

She called up the elixir section and said, "Which elixir do you want to get?"

"Tongyou Pill, five for each of them." Tang Yan said.

"You need to pay forty low-grade spirit stones as a deposit." The woman replied.

Tang Yan took out the spirit stone and asked again: "Junior brother Tang Yan, don't you know your name?"

The woman answered generously: "Yan Qingmei."

"Senior sister Yan, what kind of elixir is this?" Tang Yan took out the spoils seized yesterday and asked.

"Poyue Pill, treasure pill level, for cultivation. Junior brother doesn't know it, so where did he get it from?" Yan Qingmei was a little confused.

"I helped a senior brother a lot yesterday, and he generously gave it to me." Tang Yan's expression was calm, and he asked again: "Is there a task for this pill?"

"Yes, it's a Class C task, do you want to claim it, junior brother?"

"Credit!" Tang Yan nodded, and took out some more Po Yue Dan, making up 20 pills.

"Then just deliver the task! Here are the required medicinal materials and the reward of 20 low-grade spirit stones.

The task has been recorded, congratulations to junior brother for completing this month's task." Yan Qingmei handed over a pile of items and congratulated with a smile.

Tang Yan took the medicinal materials and spirit stones and thanked him again.

Take the two back to Tianqing Peak and come to his own yard. Tang Yan ordered: "Two senior brothers, let's make pills."

"Refine in the yard?" The two were a little confused.

"Well, refine it here, I'll see if there is any problem with your pill refining." Tang Yan said casually.

The two had no objection to this, took out the pill furnace and medicinal materials and started to refine the pill.

Tang Yan took out the "Beast King Atlas" and read it carefully, but occasionally raised his head and looked at the two senior brothers who were refining pills.

Xiangwan City, Qiantong Pavilion, fifth floor.

The hunched Xuantong was teasing a crow.

At this time, a Taoist boy came in and said respectfully: "Pavilion Master, the news about Master Feng Chenye has been found out."

Xuantong's eyes lit up, and he sat up slightly and ordered: "Tell me in detail."

The Taoist boy did not neglect and reported immediately: "Master Feng came from Beiling. Because his best friend Mengyao left without saying goodbye, he searched all over Beiling but couldn't find her, so he came to Linghuang to look for her.

When he first entered the Jiancheng City in Linghuang, he held Mengyao's portrait and asked people in the streets and alleys if they knew this girl.

During the period, he would also generously donate money to poor people.

Some people with ulterior motives would cheat Master Feng by playing the victim. Property.

Young Master Feng stayed in Jiancheng for a month, not only did he not find Mengyao's whereabouts, but he was also cheated of most of his money.

He went to Chenxiang City and stayed there for half a month, and most of his property was cheated away again.

After that, he came to Jincang City and started to be a storyteller in high-end restaurants and other places where people gathered.

He didn't charge money for telling stories, just to find Mengyao's whereabouts. If someone insisted on giving him money, he would also take the initiative to give alms to poor people when he met them.

When he arrived in Shenfeng City, he planned to give the book he wrote to the bookstore to print it into a book.

He didn't charge for the manuscript, but only needed to publish it at the last minute. On the last page, just print your missing person notice!

The bookstore asked why it was not printed on the title page. Feng Gongzi said that if the story could not impress the readers, the readers would not care even if the missing person notice was printed on the book cover.

If the story is exciting, the readers will take the missing person to heart after reading to the end.

It's a pity that Feng Gongzi is unknown, and the book needs to be re-promoted if it wants to sell well.

But he will not stay in the local area for long-term development. If the bookstore invests resources in publicity but has no subsequent works, it is equivalent to a waste of time. It will also affect the local literary circle, so Feng Gongzi was rejected.

Feng Gongzi With the last of his money, he printed 10,000 copies at his own expense. He was about to distribute them after dawn, but was mistaken for a wealthy family by several robbers and robbed in the middle of the night.

When he found that there were only books in the storage ring, the robbers burned all the books in anger.

Young Master Feng felt that he had no hope of publishing a book, so he devoted himself to being a storyteller.

Since he left Qiantong Pavilion and headed north, he has been telling stories all the time.

Young Master Feng compiled a total of five storybooks, the content of which was wonderful and amazing.

The disciple has compiled them into a book, please read it, Pavilion Master! "

After saying that, the Taoist boy took out five storybooks and handed them over.

Xuantong was very moved when he heard this.

Last time, I didn't ask Feng Chenye in detail about the purpose of looking for someone, but I didn't expect the experience behind it to be so tortuous.

This kid is young, but he has great character and is more like a scholar than the group of people in the academy!

He picked up the five books and looked at them. One of them was called "Gua Ding Qian Kun". When he opened it, it was indeed the story that Feng Chenye told him last time.

He changed the book and read it carefully.

After finishing one book, he would go to the next one.

After finishing all four books, Xuan Tong let out a long sigh.

They are all good stories!

The words are precise, and in just a few sentences, the characters can be vividly portrayed, which is in line with the character setting.

What is even more rare is that the story does not rely on filth and vulgarity to attract attention throughout the whole story.

The plots are all positive and give people strength.

This requires a big picture and a lot of effort to construct.

After a little hesitation, Xuan Tong took out three copper coins and threw them out.

He threw them six times in a row, counted according to the hexagram, and then his face changed slightly.

"Kun's situation is difficult to determine, water and fire are not yet in harmony, the sky is stained with ink, and disaster is coming!

Mr. Feng's sweetheart... may be in great trouble!"

Xuan Tong stood up and paced back and forth in the room for a long time. Finally, he made up his mind: "Mr. Feng is my Qiantong Pavilion's nobleman. When he is in trouble, how can we just stand by and watch!

Contact the bookstores in all the cities in Linghuang Realm to print these five books into a book and reprint them urgently!

All costs will be borne by Qiantong Pavilion!

Follow Mr. Feng's original intention and put the missing person notice on the last page.

Do it quickly!

See the results within seven days!"

The Taoist boy's face changed drastically when he heard this: "Pavilion Master, there are more than 100,000 people in Linghuang City? It will take a hundred times more resources to spread the books in seven days!

The foundation of Qiantong Pavilion will be shaken!

Pavilion Master, think twice!"

"It's just a thing outside of your body, do it!

Don't delay Mr. Feng's important event!" Xuan Tong said seriously.

"Yes!" The Taoist boy said no more, and immediately went to execute after retreating.


Dan League, Tianqing Peak.

Tang Yan's courtyard.

The second senior brother's alchemy level is higher. He refined a furnace of pills just after Shen Shi.

Unfortunately, it was only of medium quality and did not meet the requirements.

"My life is so miserable, I worked in vain! Woohoo!" Tong Banzhi leaned on the alchemy furnace and looked up at the sky in silence, looking pitiful.


Just as Tong Banzhi was considering whether to cry, there was a loud noise and a black shadow soared into the sky.

"Oh my god!" Tong Banzhi was shocked and held back his tears.

The three raised their heads and were shocked to find that the black shadow was the lid of the tripod.

Looking at the gradually disappearing lid of the tripod, Yan Biao cried with a sad face: "Master... Junior brother, my Ding Gai flew away."

"Look up and wait, remember to catch it." Tang Yan's expression remained unchanged and reminded him friendly.

Yan Biao kept looking up honestly, and sure enough, a small black dot in the sky became bigger and bigger, which was his Ding Gai.

"Junior brother, the Ding Gai is back." Yan Biao caught the Ding Gai and smiled.

"Congratulations." Tang Yan responded casually, took out a pen and paper, and wrote quickly on the paper.

After a while, he handed two pages of paper to the two brothers respectively, and instructed: "This is the problem of your alchemy.

While recalling the steps of alchemy just now, compare them with the questions on the paper and try to understand!

Refine the alchemy again in one hour!"

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