The First Strong

Chapter 1064: Second break!

It has already been fought, and this time it was time for Shen Lang to sit on the ground.

However, Shen Lang did not do this, but decided to cooperate with the Pope!

In the end, it is also a matter of interest. The earth's monks represented by the Pope are coming together. Even if there are plans and calculations, at least they still need to rely on Shen Lang to bring them back.

So in the end, the question is how much the benefits are divided. As the strongest two, even if the Pope does not suffer, he can completely give some contribution from others to Shen Lang.

The imperial gate is different. The earth monks are aggressors, or the invaders of the low-end world they look down on!

Once the Pope and hundreds of monks on the earth have been turned over, Wei Qingcheng and Huoshan may have let go of the waves?

It’s not going to be thundered!

Conscience, credibility or something, will they have a conscience for them as a beast?

At this point, Shen Lang wants to stand by and the other side will not let them go. Unless they are now, they will leave Yuxianmen and go to Tangcheng and other places.

However, since there is an opportunity to turn over Yuxianmen, Shen Lang does not mind trying it out.

"The Pope! You support it first, I will clean up their jealousy so that more people can help you!"

Shen Lang seems to be descending from the air to their battlefield, but it is directly transmitted to the Pope. At the same time, under the state of Weiqingcheng preparing for negotiations and attacks, a rapid turn was made.

what's the situation? Is Shen Lang going to help them?

Wei Qingcheng’s heart is a happy one. If this is the case, then of course it will be much easier.

Although it is a bit weird, but the time-conscious person is Junjie, obviously they are in the upper hand, and Shen Lang will want to help him to annihilate these fellow practitioners, and it is not impossible.

Pope Constantine V, this time is very depressed, can not wait to stink a few words.

This is to give him a pit!

Even he didn't want to drag Shen Lang into it and ran himself. Shen Lang actually let him continue to resist two super strong people, and ran to the weak!

However, he was depressed and depressed. He didn't even have time to sneak in. He had to keep his full attack, or he would have been turned over at any time.

Shen Lang has been rushing to do a relaxing life, he has to hold on, once he can't hold it, not to mention the whole picture, first of all he is in trouble.

Fortunately, just after the transfer of Qingcheng, he gave him a little more opportunity. Under the momentum, the power of the field immediately suppressed Huoshan’s elders.

The swells of the waves fall into the edge of a strong man of Yuxianmen. It is a master of predecessors and predecessors, and the strength is equivalent to the peak of the gods.

Such a strong, Yuxianmen is also one of the few. But in today's melee, there is absolute dominance, and in the earth's monks, there must be more than enough to hold him.

Although the earth has come to nearly three hundred people, but the end of the realm of the gods, the peaks are less than the Yuxianmen, can only rely on the number of piles, the multiple stages of the middle of the gods.

Yuxianmen’s lack of practical experience has been raided and prepared insufficiently. Otherwise, even if the Earth’s monks prepare weapons and weapons, they will not last long.

Now the emergence of Shen Lang, in the simplest and most rude way, directly grasped the head of the peak of the realm of the gods, and before he had time to react, he quickly took his mental power completely!

Seeing the emergence of Shen Lang, the earth monks could not help but call.

Originally, they also regarded Shenlang as a passer-by, but before on the spacecraft, through the contrast of Jingrufeng, they realized that the Shenlang was so powerful, and then recalled that he had previously hunted the troll's grace, and naturally had great expectations.

Just this hand, the enemy that they have been struggling to support has been dried up in an instant, and it is even more admirable.

"Stop! Your opponent is me!"

Wei Qingcheng screamed!

He also hoped that Shen Lang would help them. He did not expect to directly work as a general. Looking at this situation, it seems that he is prepared to attack other people with a weak and weaker dimension.

This is because he is not angry, he is shameless!

He and Huoshan are two people who are far better than those in the low-level world, but are they weaker? They are also looking for opponents of comparable strength.

"Lord, you don't get the old man, the Elder Huoshan may be in danger, and you will have no chance at all!"

Wei Qingcheng wants to chase Shen Lang, but the speed of Shen Lang is very fast, and it keeps flashing, and he also gives a message to him.

Wei Qingcheng paid attention to it and found that without his help, Elder Huoshan was indeed in a disadvantage.

Originally everyone's strength should be similar, it should be just the impact, let Huoshan elders mentality out of balance, and the other side seized the opportunity.

He also understands this truth. If he and the elders of Huoshan are together to get the old man together, then everything is not a problem. Shen Lang can only escape and can't cope with them.

Conversely, if there is any mistake in the elders of Huoshan, then if he keeps the other doormen, he will not escape the waves and join the team. The final situation is that they are defeated!

As a last resort, Wei Qingcheng can only put down the waves and go back to attack the Pope.

The Pope, who just took the upper hand, immediately complained that he could only hope that the speed of the wave would be faster.

The speed of Shen Lang is actually far faster than they think!

The peak of the sacred world has always been a super-powerful existence, but there is no room for rebellion under his full force.

Under the multiple flashes, the power of Yuxianmen is equivalent to those who are in the late stage of the gods and the peaks of the peaks. All of them are drained by his spirit!

This is the super rich experience of Shen Lang!

If it is purely hard, even if he has the absolute leading strength, but the lower level, how much can still support a little time.

But now, I don’t give the opportunity to the other side at all, and directly exerted his strong spiritual strength.

Absorbed a lot of the power of faith, the singular waves of the extraterrestrial demon ~ ~ mental power is actually far more than half of the realm, so you can break them quickly.

But others don't know!

They have personally experienced the horror of these powerful people. If the pope does not shoot, they can’t resist at all. It’s Paul’s level, and they can only fight against the late stage of the gods. Reluctantly support it.

Needless to say, in the early and middle stages of other geniuses, you can fully understand it.

Therefore, the rapid and second break of Shen Lang’s gods caused their direct pressure to disintegrate rapidly. The early days of the transformation of the gods were also relieved. Everyone felt that Shen Lang was too strong. The power of faith spreads instantly!

On the contrary, it seems that the Pope and the other side have no effect, because they have not reached the realm, do not know the pressure and danger, Wei Qingcheng and Huoshan, did not directly threaten their heads.

If the Pope knows everyone's minds, of course, he will secretly vomit blood... Two strong enemies let him alone, and the name of brave help to make Shen Lang get.

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