The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 124: Ability Free Crusaders

Mud Flower Market!

In a meeting room on the top floor of a building somewhere.

"Leader, the government has dispatched police computer experts and professional Hero(es) hackers Hero(es) to set up a special team, within six hours at most, that guy's address should be discovered, do we need it? Help?" A serious young man wearing glasses asked blankly.

Huabata Kongqiang, the Supernatural Freedom Jihad Army (definitely not because it can add two words (`o), trust my morals, it is the name of the Supernatural People's Liberation Army that makes you angry, or the identity of the Freedom Jihad and terrorist organization ) cadres, code name, TRUMPET (advocacy)!

"No need... that guy's ability has been abolished. To the new society, he is just a waste. There is no need to expose us by helping him. I won't be tracked by the other party. Just let it go." Destro said very casually.

"Well...According to the forecast, we will be discovered by the hacker Hero(es) about four hours after we intervene in the promotion. To ensure safety, we will withdraw from the operation after three hours, that is, around 9 o'clock. "Huabata Kongcao said with a blank face, and passed the order out.

After Hanabata Kongcao delivered the order, Destro looked at the scorching sun rising outside the window, with tears running down the corner of his eyes.

"It's such a pity...a young man who was supposed to be our comrade passed away so quietly." Destro's voice was full of sorrow.

"That's because he himself is too arrogant..." Huabata 18 Kongqiang helped his eyes and said with a blank expression, "Obviously, he invited him to join us a few years ago, but he relied on himself. As early as that moment, I expected today's situation."

"Yeah!" Destro also nodded, still with a compassionate look on his face, "In this society, supernatural powers are suppressed, and the only way to end up wanton is to become one of those Hero(es) Stepping stones, being a victim of society... That's why we want to create a society that liberates supernatural powers."

"In such a world, supernatural powers will be the rights bestowed on us by the gods, to be mastered by ourselves, and no one can deprive us of the right to freely use supernatural powers!

Following Destro's narration, the face of Hanabata Kongcao, who had been keeping calm at the side, gradually revealed incomparable fanaticism.

Such a world... is the supreme world they pursue!


The door of the conference room was pushed open.

"I'm so tired!" A woman came in with a sigh.

Qiyue Zhisui is one of the cadres of the Freedom Crusaders, code-named CURIOS (curiosity)!

"Have you collected all the information?" Looking at the curiosity of walking in without knocking, Destro didn't care but asked directly.

"It's almost there!" Curiosity lay on the table and said weakly, "The information about Savitar and Zhenxun Li Tian is almost collected, but there is no direct proof that the two of them are the same person evidence!"

"Direct evidence?"

Destro frowned slightly, and said softly, "In other words, there is circumstantial evidence!"

"Well! There must be a little connection!" Curiosity also sat up, not conforming to the previous lazy appearance, but said excitedly, "Although that Savitar has been active in Kyoto on weekdays, it is the first time It happened there in Tokyo, and at that time, it happened to be the time of on-site internship in the first year of Xiongying High School, and at that time, Zhen Xun Li Tian was doing an internship at the Best Jeanist office in the center of Tokyo."

"Although I don't know why he went to Kyoto, but with the Quirks exposed by Li Tian, ​​it is not impossible to travel between Shizuoka and Kyoto.

"Furthermore, the father of Zhenxun Li Tian is a professional Hero(es) who has already sacrificed, and according to some fighting data of the other party, whether it is the ability or the fighting style, that Savitar is very similar to the other party, It's just that Savitar's strength is far stronger than that Hero(es) who sacrificed his profession."

"And on this point, Li Tian, ​​who inherited the perfect combination of his father and mother's abilities, is absolutely capable of playing such a powerful Savitar, and...according to the investigation, that Savitar's shots were ruthless Spicy, it often causes villain(s) to suffer some serious injuries that are difficult to recover, but the real life-threatening incident is only the one in the Osaka Bay incident

"Unfortunately, the villain(s) who caused the other party's parents to sacrifice was the same human trafficker group as in the Osaka Bay incident. The reason for the fierce attack is very likely that the other party vented their anger when they saw the human trafficker group As a result, the time, the motivation and the strength have all been there."

"If the possessed soul is not lying, and he can really see that the souls of these two people are the same, there are nine out of ten chances that Savitar and Zhen Xun Li Tian are the same person!"

"Is it only possible?" Destro frowned.

"Well! After all, the ability to speed up is not a rare ability, but to reach Savitar's level, you need to go through rigorous training, and you also need a very strong fighting ability. From this point of view, the shocking Although Xun Li Tian's ability can be condescending and easily imitated to be weaker, but that kind of skill can eliminate his suspicion to a certain extent!" Curiosity said very casually.

"Is that so? Then if he is really he suitable as a scripture?" Destro said thoughtfully.

"Jingyi?" The expression on the face of curiosity suddenly became a little dignified, and he shook his head decisively after thinking for a while, "He is not suitable. If you want to become Jingyi, you must need a tragic figure in this society. Although the person has a special identity, and also has the behavior of freely using supernatural powers in line with our behavior, but...he is too strong, so strong that he does not look like a tragic figure at all, but a model of inspirational struggle."

"That's it!" Destro also thought about his curiosity, and finally shook his head, "Forget it, it seems that now is not the time for us to start the freedom jihad!"

"Then leader, do you need to adjust the next action?" Hanabata Kongcao who was on the side suddenly asked.

"Of course not...Although it is not the time to start a holy war, the necessary seeds need to be sown. Those people doubt the laws that suppress supernatural powers.

They will all be food for our jihad, and will contribute to our jihad for freedom. "Discoro said full of longing.

"Also, there is no need to act too hastily, guide the fishing boat slowly, and when necessary, put the supporting evidence from the investigation of curiosity on it in batches, so as to completely tie Xavius, Xiongying and All Might together." Discoluo casually ordered.

Huabata Kongcao nodded in response.

But the curiosity on the side asked, "The leader, what if Xaviz is really not that Zhen Xun Li Tian, ​​but someone else, and the other party also comes out to clarify?"

"Then don't contact Xiongying and that student, but focus on promoting the deeds of that Savitar, and...send someone to contact Savitar, and liberate the supernatural power from the book on the front without exposing us. Pass him the book and spread our ideas!" Discoro said casually.

"Leader, are you... wanting to recruit Savitar?" Curiosity was suddenly startled and thoughtful.

"Of course, a Hero(es) whose code of conduct agrees with our regulations, is powerful, is driven by us, and is full of popularity. After recruiting our side, he will inevitably start the holy war and become my side to promote us Flag." Discoro said.

"Then, what if the other party does not agree to join?" Curiosity asked.

"We are not terrorists. If we do not agree to join, of course, nothing has happened." Discoro chuckled, "Besides, no matter whether the other party agrees or not, as long as they continue to carry out Hero( es) activities, then...the other party is our good friend!"

"I understand what to do!" Curiosity's eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood, and quickly responded.

"Hmm!" Discoluo nodded, suddenly, he remembered something.

"By the way, that Zhenxun Li Tian, ​​if it proves that the other party is not Savitar, find a time to deal with him! After all, he agreed to the matter of the soul-possessed soul, so you can't easily break your promise, and that little guy's potential Astonishing, if you continue to grow, you will definitely be our great enemy in the jihad in the future." Discoro opened his mouth and gave orders.

"Yes, I will order it immediately." Huabata Kongqiang nodded in response.

This order was definitely not based on the curiosity of the director of news and propaganda.

As for the fact that it was finally confirmed that Li Tian is Savitar... Then naturally, Discoro didn't need to tell him how to recruit Savitar, so he naturally recruited Li Tian!

With soul?

Who is he?


The door was knocked open with a loud bang

"Hold on! Police..."

A group of policemen broke into the door.

at the same time...

The window of the possessed soul, a professional Hero(es) figure directly broke through the window, rushed in and captured the possessed soul.

"Cangmu Soul, you are under arrest!" the professional Hero(es) shouted.

But...Even so, Cang Mu Hunling, that is, the possessing soul, is still laughing wildly, with a pair of eyes revealing a chilling mad hatred.

"Sa Weitar...Zhen Xun Li Tian...Do you think this matter will end easily? This matter will not end so easily, just wait! You will die, you will definitely die, hey Hey hey ha two".

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