The Flash From My Hero Academia

Chapter 141: Cooperative Attack

"To lure the snake out of the hole, although it is necessary to hand over the initiative to villain(s), the initiative is not with me now, and it doesn't matter if it is handed over to villain(s)! And... when the soul-possessed soul threatens, it will be revealed Based on the intelligence and the previous attacks, it is clear that there are not only one or two villain(s) organizations that want to kill me, but a lot of them."

"So, if you lead the snake out of the hole, it won't be difficult... But, you should not cooperate with the previous pain-killing plan, but you should take the initiative to kill the chicken and scare the monkey.

"First lure the villain(s) to attack me, then follow the clues to find the lair of the villain(s) organization, and finally destroy them all, killing chickens and scaring monkeys, perfect!" The more Li Tian thought, the brighter his eyes became.

"The problem now is... how to throw the bait out." Li Tian's eyes flickered and he began to think.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Chaotian Office!

"Beep beep..."

The personal phone in Best Jeanist's pocket rang.

"Li Tian?"

Best Jeanist couldn't help but stared at the caller marked on the phone.

The Savitar incident has become so big these days, so naturally there are some.

And... the first time he saw the last sentence of the post, he thought of the student Xiongying hinted at by the other party, probably Li Tian.

He even had a feeling that even if Li Tian and Savitar were not the same person, there might be some kind of unusual connection.

After a little hesitation, Best Jeanist still connected the phone.


"Boss, please take me away!!" Li Tian's broken voice came hoarsely.

"Er..." Best Jeanist was taken aback, "What big brother?"

"Boss Niu Wang, please lead me to fly..." Li Tian continued.

"Speak up! Or I'll hang up..." Best Jeanist twitched the corner of his mouth, listening to Li Tian's ghostly crying and howling from his mobile phone, he spoke directly and decisively.

"Don't!" Li Tian shouted hastily, not 297 was joking.

"Hey, isn't our summer vacation coming to an end? The boy wants to stay in your office for a while, so I can ask you to help me." Leaving said with a smile.

"Come to our office, wait until you get the temporary license first, as for helping... let's talk about it!" Best Jeanist said softly.

"Although it's only temporary, I still have a temporary license. As for the things that need help, this is the specific situation..."

Li Tian will tell you about the fact that I didn't kill the soul possessed soul on my island, and then the revenge action of the soul possessed soul in the past few days, the villain(s) organization behind the scenes, and many villain(s) organizations wanting to kill him Dao Lai explained it again.


Listening to Li Tian's explanation, King Chaosheng couldn't help being speechless.

I haven't even got the temporary license yet, yet the international sensational event of the invasion of my island villain(s) has happened, and in addition to a lot of power, I have also provoked a villain who is more troublesome than a hedgehog by the way (s).

And after doing the math, the last Shenye incident... seems to have a lot to do with Li Tian.

"What level of troublemaker is this!" Best Jeanist was ashamed, he has been a professional Hero(es) for many years, how does he feel that he is No.4, no, No.3 in the Hero(es) ranking? It's not as bad as this guy.

Although I thought so in my heart, Best Jeanist still said, "Then you want to find me?"

"It's not that those attacking villain(s) are too annoying, so I'm not going to sit still, but take the initiative to attack... hook a few villain(s) and take action, and then follow the vine to organize several villain(s) organizations , Kill chickens and scare monkeys, at the very least, deter those villain(s) who don't know the so-called so-called villain(s), don't send all small roles to this side."

"...Take the initiative to attack!" Best Jeanist was a little surprised, he never expected that Li Tian would make such a decision, and it was so straightforward and quick.

"However, my temporary license is only a temporary one. It is definitely not okay to take this thing on the street to actively attract villain(s) to attack, and it is not a problem for me to catch villain(s) alone, but searching for villain(s) s) lair, that's not what I'm good at." Li Tian continued, and he wasn't embarrassed at all.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, and he has only been reborn in this world for only three months, it is strange that he has the kind of information that can directly investigate the villain(s)'s lair, which is difficult even for the police to inquire!

"So, I want to cooperate with you, Niu Wang, and use your and the police's intelligence network to investigate the location of the organization that attacked the villain(s)." Li Tian said truthfully.

"Is that so?" Best Jeanist narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for a while, and then nodded decisively, "I agree!"

He has no reason not to agree, as a professional Hero(es), his job and duty is to attack villain(s) and maintain social stability.

At this time, Li Tian, ​​a guy who is so bright and attractive to villain(s), came to ask for cooperation, not to mention that he has a good relationship with Li Tian, ​​even if he didn't have such a relationship, he would never refuse.

"That's great!" Li Tian's face was also happy, and he quickly said, "I already have a temporary license this time, Niu Wang, you have to pay me a salary! There are also commissions and bonuses. The several villain(s) organizations this time were all pulled over by me."

"...Huh?" Best Jeanist was stunned, and the corners of his mouth twitched when he heard Li Tian's chattering voice from the phone.

"Okay!" Best Jeanist choked out a word.

"Haha, I know that Niu Wang, you are arrogant, much stronger than the police. We helped arrest so many villain(s), and there was no sign of that, just because I don't have a Hero(es) license to exploit child labor ” Li Tian suddenly became excited.

This is a paid professional Hero(es) event, God knows how long Li Tian has been looking forward to it, one month or two months, it doesn't matter, it's a full four months! 0②口)0

Only God knows how helpless Li Tian was when he learned that he had captured so many villa(s) without any reward.


Listening to Li Tian's complaints, why did Best Jeanist suddenly feel that this little money fanatic would seek him to cooperate, because he had promised Li Tian that he would give Li Tian a salary as an intern after getting a temporary license.

And...the more I think about Best Jeanist, the more likely it is.



At night, even in this era, night is still the craziest time in a city.

Beside the bar with red lights and green wine, deafening music can be heard from the bar, and luxury cars and sports cars keep coming in and out of the bar. Obviously, the business here is incredible.

"Sure enough, no matter what era, big cities always have places like this!" Li Tian, ​​who was dressed as a flash man, passed by from the side, Li Tian casually glanced at this luxurious bar and muttered casually in his heart.

In fact, regardless of his past and present lives, Li Tian has never been in that kind of place. In his previous life, he was busy with studies and work, and he was exhausted every day at the age of hard work, so he didn't have much thought about playing.

And in this life, he has not even reached the age. At the age of fifteen, I am afraid that the bartender will not sell him alcohol. Besides, for Li Tian now, red lights, green wine, money, power, and beauties are all far away. Not as fun as your own Speed ​​Force.

Thinking wildly in his heart, Li Tian was ready to move on.

He called Best Jeanist during the day, and was assigned to patrol the area at night, and... Li Tian was on patrol alone.

This made Li Tian feel speechless about Best Jeanist's great heart.

However, according to Best Jeanist, if he went out on patrol with Li Tian, ​​it would easily cause a stir and cause the citizens to watch.

And at this time, if the villain(s) attacks, it may cause great casualties, so, simply let Li Tian come out to patrol by himself.

Although neither Li Tian nor Best Jeanist think that villain(s) will be able to grasp his whereabouts on his first day in Tokyo, and quickly form a team to assassinate him

The ability to assemble and plan the assassination.

However, just in case, Best Jeanist arranged for Li Tian to patrol in a relatively remote location. The bar just now was the last bustling place.

He didn't launch the super speed and gallop, but slowly patrolled on foot, looking at the streets that gradually became dilapidated from the bustling road in front of him, an inexplicable look appeared in Li Tian's eyes.

"Slow down so slowly... The last time seems to be the time when I just traveled over and lay on the hospital bed! At that time, I remember I was still worrying about how Quirkless would survive this world! As a result..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Tian's mouth.

I thought of what I said casually at the time, but in the end, I was actually struck by lightning and gained the power of speed force. However, in four months, let alone the power of self-protection, he directly surpassed the power of hundreds of people in this world. 99.9 out of 100 people.

There are very few people in the world who can compare with him!

In a trance, Li Tian couldn't believe it, even because of the world he was in now, Li Tian suspected more than once that this was just a dream, a dream that would wake up sooner or later.


Whether it's the stars in the sky, the wind blowing, the touch of the ground, and the wailing of the dying people over there, the high-speed Li Tian...


Something seems wrong?

Li Tian's expression froze with emotion, and he was in a daze.

The cry of the dying?

"F*ck" Li Tian activated his speed force instantly, and rushed towards the location in the alley beside the street that his speed force had detected.

In less than one tenth of a second, Li Tian appeared directly beside a young white-collar worker who was lying on the ground.

"This is..." Li Tian's expression froze, looking at the blood that had already left all over the ground.

"There is still help!" Li Tian quickly confirmed through the speed force perception that the heart of the young white-collar worker was still beating, and the blood was still flowing, but the bleeding from the wound was too serious.

Without the slightest hesitation, the weak speed force connected to the young white-collar's body, quickly enhancing the recovery power of the opponent's wounds, causing the wounds on the opponent's abdomen and chest to begin to recover.

In a few seconds, the bloody wound showed signs of healing, making the opponent's blood no longer flow.

As for speeding up the opponent's body's hematopoietic ability... I'm sorry, Li Tian can only increase the recovery power as a whole, or increase the recovery speed of the wound.

By increasing the human body's hematopoietic ability alone, Li Tian's control and development of the Speed ​​Force are far from that level.


"Hello, is it 119?".

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