"Is that guy gone?" In the dark room, there was a thin female voice.

"There has been no movement for a while, let's take a look!" Another female voice sounded in the dark room.

"But..." The first female voice seemed to want to say something, but was stopped directly.

"Protecting the people is the duty of Hero(es)!"


Accompanied by a not-so-small sound, a faint ray of light shone into the room.

In the darkness, the not-so-simple layout of the room could be vaguely seen. The figures of seven or eight women were curled up in the corner, and the faint light shone on everyone's faces. Every face was full of panic, fear, and fear, but even Tears flowed down my face, but the faces were still beautiful.

Only the faces of the two beautiful figures not far away from the light showed no trace of fear, only caution.

These two people were the North American shorthair cat and Ragdoll cat who were arrested before.

And this is not a dark house, but... a beautifully arranged container, or a container that might have been their new home for a while

The two doors of the "883" container, North American shorthair cats and Ragdoll cats cautiously peeked out from the gap.

Outside, the figures on the ground were staggering here and there, the ground was stained red with blood. Fortunately, the women who were captured were only in a coma due to drugs, but the villain(s) of the criminal gangs were seriously injured and fell down one by one. In a pool of blood.

There are even many who can no longer see the ups and downs of their chests, obviously, they are already dead.

No wonder.

From the very beginning of the battle, although Li Tian didn't intend to kill those people intentionally, he still kept his hand in the slightest. The rapid mode--10 times the speed is fully activated, and although there is no special increase or ability with the Savitar armor, but At any rate, it was also made of steel, and with that rapid fist, every punch and every blow was strong and powerful, and the lethality was astonishingly great.

The terrifying scene in front of them chilled the hearts of both the North American Shorthair and the Ragdoll.

However, the two were not surprised by this scene.

In the containers they were in, including North American shorthair cats and Ragdoll cats, each was a woman who was captured in Kyoto.

Unlike goods from other regions, among the villain(s) in Kyoto, one of the villain(s) has Quirks for drowsiness, so they are all stunned by Quirks, not drugs. As for Quirks...the person who used Quirks If they are all dead, the Quirks imposed on them will naturally disappear, and they will wake up.

At that time... the noisy sound outside made the two women who had just woken up from a coma feel a little dazed, and then looked up.

"Hiss—" The two girls gasped in fright at the time, adding bricks and tiles to global warming...

It was a naked massacre...

A figure like the evil ghost Shura, whose whole body is wrapped in ferocious armor, every second you can see villain(s) being blown out and spitting blood, every punch will definitely have villain(s) fall down, In just a few tens of seconds, most of the seemingly dark villain(s) have been removed.

And those villain(s) who are so vicious as if they are not afraid of death...are afraid! are afraid!

There were even a few villain(s) who looked extremely ferocious and slumped on the ground, staring blankly at the ferocious man with fear in their eyes.

But more villain(s) rushed up with a look of horror. The pressure of fear and death made those villain(s) lose their minds, and the fierceness in their hearts was so fierce that they rushed forward desperately. up, but... no use!

A group of villain(s) who have lost their minds are just a group of wild beasts. Compared with the beginning, the slaughter efficiency is even faster, and the villain(s) who were knocked down one by one and fell to the ground with serious injuries ), showing a look of finally being relieved.

This violent scene made the two women who are senior professional Hero(es) sweat coldly, and the fear in their hearts is definitely not weaker than those of the villain(s) who were shocked, because the person who shot was not anyone they knew. Occupation Hero(es).

And, no class Hero(es) has ever shot so brutally!

Using the puppet cat's search for Quirks, they can see clearly the injuries suffered by the villain(s) who were knocked down one by one. They are either broken tendons or fractures or severe internal organs. If they are not treated in time, the injuries inside At least half of the people will die, and the other half will be left with injuries that are difficult to heal.

The North American shorthair cat and the Ragdoll cat made a judgment in an instant. It is their duty as Hero(es) to save the people, but...no one said that they would save the villain(s) together! The two women looked at each other With one glance, they immediately closed the door of the container that had been opened by them, and then took two steps back nervously and vigilantly.

Behind them, there are still seven or eight people!

"Huh—" Taking a deep breath, the North American shorthair cat bravely protected the puppet cat and walked out of the container.

There are villain(s) who do not know whether they are alive or dead, and there are even quite a few figures of Quirks, the Ragdoll cats, who are obviously dead.


The sound of the police whistle came to their ears, which shocked the hearts of the two women, and then their faces showed joy.

Before they start calling, or want to rush towards the direction of the siren.

A few figures swished out.

This is Osaka's real job Hero(es), when the police received Li Tian's call, they naturally also received the commission from the police.

Even because of the free use of Quirks, they arrived here faster than the police drove.

But the bloody scene with corpses all over the ground, even the professional Hero(es) were extremely astonished.

"Don't move!" Facing the only two people standing, professional Hero(es) yelled again in an instant.

"We are not villain(s)..." the North American shorthair immediately raised his hand, indicating that he did not mean to attack, and then shouted, "We are members of the Hero(es) group PUSSYCAT, North American shorthair and puppet The cat was caught by a criminal group!"

The same is true for the puppet cats on the side, but the professional Hero(es) on the side still took the two of them down and released the two women after checking and confirming, but they still looked vigilant.

North American shorthair cats and Ragdoll cats also understand very well. Although they are professional Hero(es), it is normal for them to appear in this kind of place and be suspected...

The two women stepped forward and quickly recounted the matter from beginning to end. Although it was not specific, the general situation was indeed clear to the professional Hero(es) present, and the faces of each of them suddenly became incomparably gloomy and ugly.

A large-scale criminal group involved in trafficking in women in many places, an unknown number of arrested girls, unknown thugs who massacred villain(s), and dozens of villain(s) whose life and death are unknown, these, that one It's definitely not what they want to see in their own jurisdiction.

Especially the scene in front of them gave them an incomparable headache, even if these were all villain(s), this was too much.

This was their first time here, and they didn't check carefully, otherwise, if they knew that there were more than a thousand abducted women here, they would be even more worried.

"The ship over there..." Suddenly, a professional Hero(es) pointed to the cargo ship that was leaving the post in the dark bay in the distance and shouted.

"What happened to the boat?" Someone frowned and glanced at the professional Hero(es).

Osaka Port is open 24 hours a day, and it is normal for cargo ships to come and go.

"When we came just now, the boat was sailing towards the shore, but now it's going in the opposite direction without landing." The man quickly explained, but his brows furrowed immediately.

Although the port where they are now is close to the harbor, the cargo ship of the other party is still at least four or five miles away from the shore, and there is nothing he can do if he wants to cross this section of the sea.

"Didn't dock? A freighter leaving in the opposite direction..."

This time, one of the people present understood what this person meant.

This is the port, and the other party chose the port to carry out the transaction, so the means of transaction is naturally the most convenient ship.

"It's the buyer for this deal!"

"No, they want to run!"

In an instant, there were a few professional Hero(es) whose faces changed drastically, and after 3.1, they wanted to rush over. These... are sure to catch up.

"Don't worry." A middle-aged professional Hero(es) who looked relatively calm raised his hand to stop those people. Obviously, he is more prestigious among this group of people. Those who want to catch up Professional Hero(es) also stopped.

"Go and notify the police first, let the police prepare to intercept the other party's ship, and notify other professional Hero(es) to help, follow up and don't get too close to scare the enemy, as long as you don't lose the other party is enough, hehe, entered our Osaka Bay still wants to escape, dreaming.

The middle-aged professional Hero(es) snorted coldly before turning around, "Let's clean up the situation here first, rescuing those abducted women is our first task, and carefully check the villain(s) If anyone survived, notify the police and send them to the hospital as soon as possible.

"I'm here to help. My Quirks are searchers, and they're good at this kind of rescue operation." The puppet cat stepped forward quickly.

The middle-aged professional Hero(es) frowned, but he didn't say anything in the end. Although the other party still had certain suspicions, he was still a professional Hero(es) after all, and PUSSYCAT was also a group of senior professional Hero(es). .

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