He knew Zhen Xin was not dead, and he also knew that she could not die.

Not to mention her means of survival as the [Chosen One of Fraud], the "pregnancy law" planted by Hu Xuan alone could bring her back to life once.

Yes, she replaced Qin Chaoge, so naturally she also had the "pregnancy law"!

So at that time in the room of the Dark Church, she chose to give up Cheng Shi, probably because she knew that Cheng Shi would not die.

Everything was within her calculations.

Except that Cheng Shi did not follow the routine to deceive him.

Looking at the charred corpse on the ground, Cheng Shi couldn't help but think, since the big Cheng Shi was fake, then all the "future" things that Zhen Xin said just now, were they all fabricated?

In order to guide herself to imagine her as the real big Cheng Shi, she made up so many people and things?

What about the history of Zainjil and the Erudite Chairmanship?

This part must be true, because the Star Dagger is right in front of him, and His talent cannot allow believers to fabricate [divinity] out of thin air!

At least not now.

True and false, real and fake.

She really understood the art of deception.

Cheng Shi was full of emotion.

When Zhen Xin died, the "virtual memory pocket" she had laid finally collapsed, and the two teammates trapped in the void fell onto the platform.

The wounded ranger and the warrior with a solemn look.

Li Bola frowned as she looked at everything in front of her that broke through her imagination.

She seemed to want to ask, what happened outside during the time she was trapped? Where is this?

Who died on the ground? Qin Chaoge, or Hu Xuan?

But in order to guard against Ji Ran, she chose to suppress her doubts.

Ji Ran looked at Cheng Shi with a big sword, his face was a little surprised.

"Tsk, you killed her?

Good kill!"

Cheng Shi looked at the [Destiny] believer who cooperated with Zhen Xin and smiled disdainfully.

Since the body was left by Zhen Xin, the identity of the murderer of Today's Warrior is naturally cleared.

Now it seems that he was just chosen by Zhen Xin to become a partner of the liar.

Haha, he played the murderer very well.

"Dogs know to cry for their masters. She just died, and you can't wait to change masters?"

Ji Ran curled his lips and said indifferently:


Brother, she is not my master. I don't have this blessing. I was forced.

She took my other dice. I had no choice but to pretend to be nice to her.

Now that you killed her, aren't we teammates again?

Haha, don't you have a welcome ceremony to welcome me back to the team?"

Ji Ran laughed wildly, as if he was very happy about Zhen Xin's death.

After listening to his words, Cheng Shi and Li Bola finally understood why this Today's Warrior could go so far.


He actually has two dice!

No wonder he was so confident, the two dice gave him a high tolerance for error.

It seems that he is also a favorite of [Destiny].

"Sorry, I don't usually play with bitches, including male bitches."

After saying that, Cheng Shi suddenly swung out his right hand, and a thunderbolt suddenly rushed directly at the opponent.

The ranger followed closely, and the wind arrows were fired one after another, locking all the space for Ji Ran to move forward, backward, left and right.

However, even so, Ji Ran still dodged.

He disappeared from the spot with a snap of his fingers and appeared next to Zhen Xin's body.

He reached out and took out a gray-white dice from the charred wreckage, laughing wildly and retreating.

Just as he retreated, the second thunderbolt hit Zhen Xin's body again.

Whipping the corpse, but not intentionally.

Cheng Shi looked at Ji Ran running away with a serious face, and his heart skipped a beat.

The warrior with 13 points is already difficult to deal with. If he is asked to roll that dice again...

Now, we can only hope that his talent is re-rolling, not stacking.

However, the more we don't want something to happen, the greater the probability of it happening.

Ji Ran threw the dice the moment he got it, and saw the dice rolling twice on the platform, and happened to roll out a...

1 point.


Great success!

Ji Ran's smile instantly widened to the maximum. He snorted and rushed up without hesitation, dragging the giant sword backwards.

The trajectory of the charge was so clear, but Cheng Shi and the Ranger just couldn't lock his position.

At that moment, they were like standing still on the spot, waiting foolishly for the giant sword to hit them.


The silver light with great force hit Cheng Shi in front of him. Thanks to the Ranger's agility, he turned into a gust of wind and sucked him away in advance, so that Cheng Shi didn't die again.

The wind lifted the clown and he kept retreating. The warrior raised his sword and chased him fiercely with a grin. The three of them were in this ancientOn the shimmering "Star Dagger", an absurd chase and kill scene was staged.

"Come on, don't you want to kill me?

Why don't you do it?

Priest, where is your thunder?

Is it misfiring?

Ranger, run faster, I will catch up with you!"

The distance between the two sides was still getting closer, and Li Bola's heart sank slightly. She had already run to the edge of the platform. If she went up, she could only walk along the arm to the [Eternal Day].

"Cheng Shi! Think of a way!"

I thought about it again and again, the CPU was overclocked!

Cheng Shi gritted his teeth, while hurting himself and restoring the ranger's physical strength, he was afraid that if the treatment was interrupted, the two would be caught up.

Today's warriors with full points are unreasonable. You can't face a madman who is at the peak of his divine power and will not get tired all day.

In this case, at most a few minutes of delay, the two people will become the dead souls under the warrior's knife.

This time, there is no "pregnancy law" to use.

"What, no way?

Okay, I'll give in.

As long as you stop, I'll give you a few minutes to recover, and we'll play again.

1v1, whoever loses will die.

As for the other one, forget it, let you go, how about it?"

Ji Ran is no longer satisfied with hunting prey, he started to play with the prey.

It's a very straightforward strategy to alienate, but straightforwardness often means effectiveness.

Unfortunately, Feng doesn't like this straightforwardness.

The clown is the same.

"Cheng Shi! Watch out, I'm going to fly to your arm!"

Just when the two were forced into a dead end by Ji Ran, Cheng Shi suddenly had a flash of inspiration and shouted to Li Bola:

"Choice! The choice of fate!

Opening the choice can put everyone into voting time, we may still have a chance!

While Zhen Xin is not resurrected, hurry up!"

Li Bola was stunned and found that this was the only way to go now.

Although she didn't hear the name from Cheng Shi's mouth, she could guess from the corpse at the scene that the name was probably the original Qin Chaoge.

Because only her behavior seemed to have changed.

And Cheng Shi's meaning was easy to understand.

The number of people on the scene was 2 to 1. As long as they started the choice at this time, won the vote, and started the change of fate, perhaps fate would evolve in a direction that was favorable to them, and then the crisis would be resolved.

Of course, this was the most optimistic situation.

So she roared:

"Are you sure you have found the answer?

But I know nothing. It's all up to you, Cheng Shi!"

Such a frank reliance really put a lot of pressure on Cheng Shi's shoulders, and he began to think about how to choose.

Residents, travelers, divine messengers, Zaingil, the learned chairman...

Cheng Shi didn't want to choose any of them.

Because he knew that no matter which one he chose, his fate would go in an uncontrollable direction and never return.

Choosing Residents, Travelers, and God's Envoys, the evolution of fate will most likely interrupt the experiment directly. Then, what will be faced next is the out-of-control confrontation between the two false gods, or the intervention from the Erudite Presidential Council. No one knows.

Choosing Zainjil, regardless of the consequences, is impossible to choose just to let Zhen Xin, who has played and applauded everyone from beginning to end, get what she wants.

As for the Erudite Presidential Council...

If the evolution of fate allows them to successfully complete the experiment, then the fate of the players who witnessed them stealing the authority of [God], I don't need to say more.

So, the choice is not an easy one.

Who should be saved?

I deserve to be saved the most!

Just when Cheng Shi's brainstorming reached its peak, Ji Ran's sword light also arrived, and a huge force that tore the wind and cracked the thunder poured down on his head, directly hitting the clown in the wind.

At the critical moment, Cheng Shi suddenly shouted:

"Start the final choice!

The person I choose to be redeemed is!

Hu Xuan!"



The wind stopped when he heard this name that should not appear in the options.

Of course, it was not because Li Bola was stunned, although she was indeed stunned.

More importantly, it was because the final choice of fate recognized this option and officially started at this moment.

Everything in the void stagnated.

Even the glowing [Blood Moon] seemed to be trapped in place.

The wind stretched out his body, the giant sword fell on the clown's nose, the warrior jumped up and smashed with his eyes wide open, and the charred corpse... raised a finger.

A multiple-choice question appeared in front of all the players, and the only option in this question came from Cheng Shi's mouth.

Hu Xuan!

She went from a player to an option.

Lost the right to vote, but gained the right to be voted for.

Li Bola froze in the air, looking at theSeeing this familiar name in front of her, her mind was shocked.

What happened to make this crazy life sage become the one who should be redeemed?

She couldn't figure it out, and she couldn't figure it out.

But she still decided to trust Cheng Shi.

Even though the last time she trusted him, she laughed so hard that her stomach hurt.

But she always felt that this blood exchange priest who had lived and died with her had an indescribable sense of credibility.

The clown would be stingy with his trust, but the wind would not.

So she cast her vote.

There were not many options for the final decision, but Hu Xuan's vote increased by one.

Cheng Shi looked at Hu Xuan, who had 2 votes, and his spirit was still tense.

This was still a gamble!

The bet was that the fate that was about to evolve could save the two from the water and fire.

Before the moment of opening the final decision, Cheng Shi had never thought that the player could be an option.

But when he ruled out all the options that could survive, he looked at Zainjil hanging upside down in the starry sky, and another equally crazy person suddenly flashed in his mind.

Life Sage, Hu Xuan!

Where is she?

Zhen Xin once said that she was caught in a tug of war with Zaingil's unconscious [divinity].

If this sentence is not a lie, then it means that Hu Xuan has been entangled with Zaingil.

Looking back at the rules of the fate trial:

The options for [fate] must hit the proposition. Since the truth is related to the false god, the party to be redeemed can only be the person or thing that has a entanglement with the false god.

And Hu Xuan perfectly meets all these requirements.

Except that she is a player.

But Cheng Shi never sticks to these rigid things, so he suddenly had an idea and sent a player to the option!

Because even if Zhen Xin lied, even if he didn't vote for Hu Xuan, he probably couldn't bear the other endings.

Since both the front and the back are dead, just take a big gamble!

What if he wins?

When Hu Xuan's name opened the final choice, Cheng Shi felt relieved.

My luck has always been bad, but...

My gambling luck seems to have always been good.


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