(It's so cool to put your hands on your hips on the weekend!)

The one who responded to Cheng Shi was not any of the three confused fire bearers, nor was it the prisoner who remained silent except for introducing himself, but...

Ji Yue.

Ji Yue stared at Cheng Shi without hiding her admiration, and said again:

"I'll join."

Cheng Shi was confused.


No, sister, I didn't invite you, you joined like a jerk.

Yes, I admit that I made up so much just to make you believe, not to make you believe in the law like this.

How can you still admire it.

Where is your brain that has been illuminated by the [Truth]?

Can this organization that resists the [Gods] have a good end?

I don't believe it myself, so why did you believe it?

Seeing Cheng Shi frowning and looking at her, Ji Yue once again showed a beautiful and thrilling smile.

"Don't doubt my sincerity. I can swear to them again.

I think you are right. I think the Firebearer is very interesting.

The coveting of the throne is a way to the truth. This fits my quest and my cognition.

And you also said that your standard for accepting others is not based on good or bad. I don't think I am a good person, but I am not a bad person either.

Moreover, I have firm beliefs and enough sincerity.

I have been walking alone on the road of quest from beginning to end. Like this prisoner friend, I have never found anyone to go with me.

Fang Jue is half, but he is too honest, honest and boring.

You, no, you, your beliefs as the Firebearer are exactly the same as my research.

I have never been so happy as today. It turns out that this is like-minded, this is the feeling of finding resonance.

Okay, great.

I can open all my research to you. Of course, if you have found something about them, you can also share it with me.

Believe me, a scholar who is tirelessly doing research on [Gods] will not let down all the data you have collected.

I will use the means of [truth] to unlock the secrets of [Gods], and use the way of seeking to build a bridge to their thrones for you! "




Don't worry about whether Cheng Shi accepts it or not. Fang Shiqing was moved by these words.

She looked at Cheng Shi with an extremely complicated expression, and then looked at Ji Yue with an extremely complicated expression. She was extremely entangled in her heart.

She was thinking whether she should accept Ji Yue for the city builders, whether she should confess her identity, and pull this seemingly "honest" and knowledgeable scholar into the real fire spreader camp.

But she tried to open her mouth several times, but swallowed it back.

She was afraid.

She was afraid that the situation that Cheng Shi had managed to get to this point would go into the unknown because of the revelation of the "lie".

She was afraid that the people who were supposed to work towards the same path would become divided again because of the appearance of the real fire transmitter.

She was also afraid that the will of the city builders was not as radical as Cheng Shi said, which would make this equally radical scholar lose interest.

In short, now she had no room for maneuver except to respond to Cheng Shi's questions.

Just as Cheng Shi said, when he took over this trial, the fire transmitters could only hide and become his assistants.

No, maybe not even assistants.

They could only become the audience of the clown in this drama.

When he stood on the stage and shone, they silently applauded in their hearts.

Cheng Shi's smile was still on his face, but his muscles were stiff.

He looked at Ji Yue and uttered three words very seriously.

"You will die."

Ji Yue replied him very seriously.

"I have never been afraid of death, I am only afraid of not being close enough to Him.

If one day, we will replace the throne of [Truth], then at that moment, even if I die, I will have no regrets."


So "we"?

I haven't agreed yet, sister...

Damn, it's really amazing, you've deceived yourself here.

Okay, add it if you want, it's all fake anyway, it doesn't matter anyway.

Cheng Shi quickly changed his expression, showing an extremely respectful smile, and stretched out his hand to Ji Yue and said:

"Welcome, new fire spreader.

Welcome, new partner."

Ji Yue smiled and held Cheng Shi's hand.

"Now can you tell me who the player who tried to challenge them, the leader of the fire spreader, is?"


Cheng Shi was thinking frantically in his mind, wanting to pick one of the high-end players he knew to deal with the emergency.

But before he could open his mouth, Ji Yue interrupted him meaningfully.

"I haveGot it, I will keep this secret. "


No, sister, what do you know?

How did you know?

What does your look mean?

Is it me?

Yes, I admit that I incorporated some of my own experience when I was editing it, but that doesn't mean that this person is me!

But if I deny it now, it will lower the prestige that I just put up, so Cheng Shi can only accept it with a pinch of his nose.

Not surprisingly, under Ji Yue's performance, the other people had no "room for refusal" at all, and even the silent prisoner spoke again, saying that he could try it.

But he was worried that with his strength, he would only hinder the Firebringer.

Cheng Shi comforted him intimately and accepted it all with a smile.

It's great that the second Firebringer organization was established today.

And he poached three people from the old Firebringer.


"Aren't you curious why we dare to do this under their noses? "

This is a question from the depths of Cheng Shi's soul. Ji Yue snorted and laughed, pointing at the mask in Cheng Shi's hand and said:

"When I saw it for the first time, I knew that [Fraud] had prepared a feast for them.

This is indeed in line with His will, but we need to be careful, His betrayal will also please Him.

Therefore, while He still has the patience to cover up for us, we must quickly increase our strength to the point where we can fight against one of them.

Or, in addition to [Fraud], find another [God] who can tolerate us, and use His blessing as a double insurance.

[Truth] or [War] are both good choices.

And it just so happens that I am studying both of them. ”


At this moment, Cheng Shi really felt that it was a pity for the City Builders not to absorb Ji Yue.

But on second thought, it was also a pity for Ji Yue to go to the City Builders.

Because the City Builders were not as radical as he had just made up. They "borrowed greatness from the gods", but still limited their sights to finding a new home, and did not have the idea of ​​​​deathly fighting against the gods.

"Also, the thunder on the ruins before..."

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows and thought that it finally came.

Since Ji Yue knew Fang Jue, it was no longer a secret that he was holding [Moment of Execution].

"It's it. ”

Smart people don’t need to talk much. Sometimes two short words can let others understand the whole story.

Obviously, Cheng Shi has transformed [The Moment of Execution], because it was originally a staff, and now he has never seen the staff on him.

What does this mean?

It means that the fire spreader has found a way to transform [The Relic of the God]... and the power.

They are very good.

Ji Yue smiled, she was very happy, because she really felt that she had found like-minded people.

“Well, the vision of passing on the fire is too far away, we still need to focus on the present. Since you can spend so much time to invite us, you must have already known how to approach the No. 69 experimental site in the void, right?”

Ji Yue smiled and looked at everyone, then turned back to look at Fang Shiqing and said:

“In fact, I am also a member of the neighborhood mutual aid association. I have a good impression of people who are willing to lend a hand to others, but I am still a little curious. What is the purpose of you three coming here?

You were not a member of the Firebringers before Cheng Shi appeared, so why would you need something like the Conjugate Whispering Petal?

This petal is too dangerous for you now. "

At this point, Fang Shiqing had no choice but to continue acting according to Cheng Shi's thoughts.

She smiled and said:

"We have already decided to join the Firebringers.

But, as you can see, we at this stage have no contribution to the Firebringers.

So, we want to prepare some 'entry gifts' to express our respect and respect for the Firebringers. "

Ji Yue raised her eyebrows: "This entry gift is too big, you might die."

Fang Shiqing smiled even more happily.

"We are never afraid of death, but we are afraid that the light of fire that shines brighter than the darkness cannot be passed on. "

Ji Yue could tell that Fang Shiqing's words were absolutely sincere, and she couldn't help but respect the three new Firebearers who had just joined the Firebearers.

This is the belief of Firebearers!

This is the power of Firebearers!

Looking at Ji Yue's increasingly determined eyes, Cheng Shi's heart began to beat.

I hope that I will never meet this... "Firebearer" again.

"Okay, tell me, Cheng Shi, how can we get closer to the Conjugate Whisper in the void."

"Are you sure I have a way?"

"Well, because you are too relaxed and don't careUrgent, this attitude is not because you think their initiation ceremony is dispensable, but because you have a way to send them to the experimental field.

I am also very curious, let me see, what means do we have to cross the wall of truth and enter the experimental field. "

Cheng Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief after listening to these words.

Well, no matter what, at least the situation is finally back on track, even if it has been off track for a long time before returning to the right track, but in the end, the road is not deviated.

"Smart!" Cheng Shi smiled confidently, "I do have a way, but this method may require your help."

"You say, I do it."

Very good, very pragmatic.

Cheng Shi looked around, thought for a moment, and stamped his feet.

"In this case, let me take you to take a shortcut.

Come, right under my feet, use your understanding of the void in the void mass-energy system to break through the surface here, and let us go deep into the void! "

Ji Yue's eyes fixed, and he said seriously:

"If you go too deep into the void, you will get lost, Cheng Shi, are you sure?"

"Yes, the void will make people lost, but reality will not.

Relax your mind and do it boldly. Under the void under my feet, it must not be a deeper void, but an incredible reality.

Don't be surprised, this involves some of His secrets, and we are the fire transmitters, and our relationship with Him is not bad. "

After saying this, Cheng Shi thought silently in his heart:

I did such a big show, not just to fool scholars and prisoners.

My Lord, are you watching?

My pretending to be a fire transmitter must be a fun thing that you like to hear and see.

So, is the spyglass opened next to me?

Since you are happy to watch, then you should always pay for the ticket, right?

This is a fair deal.

I provide fun, you provide the channel.

I think it is reasonable.

What do you think?

After hearing Cheng Shi's words, Ji Yue did not hesitate at all. She gathered all her strength at the tip of the gun and pointed it at Cheng Shi's feet.

This is the power to tear open the depths of the void. It is a power that scholars of the void matter-energy system rarely use and will use with caution.

Just because He can tolerate these believers of the Truth messing around in His toys does not mean that He can tolerate these people breaking into His home.

But today is different!

The moment the void under Cheng Shi's feet was torn apart, a colorful line as crystal clear as water glass appeared. The crystal clear steps spread from the depths of the void to the feet of several people.

The pores of the void did not close in a hurry, and the storm of the void did not burst out.

The stairs shook and twisted, like a lazy little snake after a full stomach, and it was "gently" placed in front of the "fire bearers".

Everyone saw this scene with their pupils shrinking and their hearts and minds shocked!

They simply couldn't understand why there would be such a thing in the void!

But Ji Yue was different. As a scholar of the void mass-energy system, she knew everything in the void.

When Cheng Shi said the phrase "reality under the void", she had guessed it in her heart.

But understanding is understanding, guessing is guessing, at this stage, she has not heard of anyone discovering this "river" that only exists in the records of historical experiments.

So, when she saw the gods' creation described in the history books appear in front of her, the inexplicable shock made Ji Yue break her voice.

"This is... [laughing and mocking]!? "

For the first time, this steady scholar showed disbelief in his eyes!

Cheng Shi looked at her expression and laughed happily.

Finally, I managed to stun this 2600-point scholar.

Thank you, brother, for showing off.

"As expected of a scholar, you know a lot.

Come on, let's speed up the journey ahead."

Speaking of this, Cheng Shi stepped into it with his head held high.


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