Can you imagine being matched with 4 [Destiny] believers in a trial?

Those who don’t know would think that today is a team building for the [Destiny] channel.

Cheng Shi is feeling this way now, it’s painful, very painful.

Except for Ji Er and Gao San, the remaining four people, including himself, are all believers of [Destiny]. This level of coincidence makes him frown.

The content of [Destiny] is too high. He doesn’t believe that there are so many charlatans in this game. There must be some impurities with such a high content. There must be a few liars mixed in.

But the question is: how many are mixed in?

He wanted to observe it again, but his teammates’ eyes all moved to him without knowing when, as if they were waiting for something.

He was the only one left at the scene who hadn’t introduced himself.

Cheng Shi was slightly stunned, and then a bold idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

He wanted to try, he wanted to test the composition of these teammates.

So he spoke:

"Don't be nervous, I am not [Existence], nor [Chaos], I will not be your enemy."

After saying this, he smiled and touched the iron cover on his head.


Cheng Shi originally wanted to touch his nose. His original intention was to use enough actions to cover up his oath-breaking curse and confuse the enemy.

But he suddenly found that because of the particularity of this trial and the indestructibility of the prison helmet, his oath-breaking action was stuck as scratching the nostrils of the prison helmet.

It was too weird, this action was too weird, no normal person would pick the nostril holes on the prison helmet.

But the teammates' attention was obviously not on this. They did not relax at all because Cheng Shi was not against fate. They listened attentively, as if they were expecting something.

"So you are...?"

"So... I am also [Nothingness]!"

Cheng Shi touched his iron nostril again and said:

"Cheng Shi, [Nothingness], Warrior, Ladder 2101."

Another [Nothingness]!

When Cheng Shi said his fate, everyone at the scene reacted.

Li Yi withdrew his hand holding the railing, Ji Er snorted and shook his head, Gao San folded his arms and looked at him, and Zhao Si began to knock on the railing with his knuckles again.

Su Wu was the closest, and he asked in surprise:

"Wait, buddy, you are not making trouble, are you?

You are also [Destiny]?"

Cheng Shi laughed: "No, no, no, there are enough [Destiny]. I don't believe in destiny. I only believe in lies. I am a believer in [Fraud]. I am...

An acrobat."

As soon as he finished speaking, his hand touched Tiekui's nostril again, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird because of his words.

Judging from the performance of the crowd, it seems that it is better to say "fate" than "fraud".

After being silent for a long time, Ji Er finally found his "fighting posture" again. He sneered and said sarcastically:

"I heard that some liars have poor psychological quality and always like to do small actions when lying. Since you are a believer of "fraud", why not tell me a popular science, is this right?"

After listening to Ji Er's words, everyone remembered Cheng Shi's previous small actions and turned their eyes to him again.

Indeed, this believer of "fraud" kept touching the nostrils of the prisoner's helmet. This was too strange, and it was a bit deliberate.

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Ji Er, laughing.

Here it comes!

Some people couldn't sit still.

He laughed and responded: "I thought you would ask me why I didn't call me Cheng Liu?"

"......" Ji Er's tone stagnated after hearing this.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely strange. Everyone seemed to be staring at Cheng Shi's fate and faith. However, no one was interested in the pseudonym chain game that was being discussed heatedly just now.

What does this mean?

This shows that the seriousness of the faith problem has far exceeded the fun.

Thinking of this, Cheng Shi finally determined that there was indeed a problem with this game, and a big problem!

He then turned to the third grade and threw back the question from Ji Er's mouth.

"I think Brother Ji's problem is a psychological problem, involving the study of human nature and the summary of laws. Believers of [Truth] should know more. Why don't you give me some pointers?"

Gao San folded his hands and laughed:

"I am a soldier. I know very little about psychological knowledge, but I know a little about acrobats.

I heard that He gave acrobats super high body flexibility and top body balance ability, and they can perform all kinds of incredible body movements. Even so, brother, can't you get rid of the shackles of this prison helmet?"

"[Order] is never easy to break. Everyone present has not been able to get out of this prison helmet. What can I do?" "After saying that, he touched the nostrils of the prison helmet again.

After seeing Cheng Shi's action again and again, even Li Yi, who was always livid beside him, couldn't hold back.

"I rarely encounter liars who confess their identities. Aren't all your talents based on lies?

Also, you have exposed the fact that you are a liar. How are you going to carry out the decree later?"

"Let's not talk about my talent and decree. I remember that it was you, brother Li Yi, who called on us to be honest with each other and work together, right?

What, is it wrong for me to confess my identity?"

"......" Li Yi clenched his fist with a strange expression, "That's not what I meant. Although I suggest mutual cooperation, the premise of this suggestion is not to harm personal safety and interests. Since you... are so confident, I think you have the confidence.

But if you encounter someone who wants to deceive me in the future, please show mercy and don't deceive me so badly. "

Seeing that he was quite "sincere", Cheng Shi smiled and said nothing. Then he casually took out a white mask from his personal space and prayed devoutly in front of everyone:

"Don't distinguish between true and false, don't talk about reality.

I dedicate my [fraud] today to you and praise the great [fraud] God. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Shi's hand instinctively touched his nostrils again.

This obvious and provocative action and the decree he just made seemed to tell everyone one thing:

That is, not only did I reveal my true colors, I also lied to you. You might as well guess which of my words is true and which is false!

It's not that everyone has never seen a liar, but they have never seen such a rampant liar.

Everyone's face was hidden under the prison helmet, and they frowned and fell into deep thought, thinking about what their teammate wanted to do.

Obviously, he lied, and it was a clumsy lie, but who did he want to deceive with this clumsy lie?

After looking at Cheng Shi, everyone looked at each other. At this time, it seemed that he was looking for the fool who was deceived.

But it was hard to say who was the fool.

At this moment, the noisy prison suddenly became quiet without warning, and then a sound of armor plates rubbing against each other mixed with heavy footsteps came from the distant stairs.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a team of heavily armored knights walking in with lances in hand. The leader used a sharp lance to pick open the door of the two prisoners, and several burly knights behind rushed in and dragged out the two prisoners who were unable to resist.

The prisoner in blue prison uniform on the left was madly kicked by the knight's hands, struggling and shouting:

"Let me go, I want to fight with them, I want to let them know who is the crown prince of the Thorn Tribe! I want to make these liars who pretend to be me die without a burial place! "

The prisoner on the right, who was also wearing a blue prison uniform, did not struggle at all, and grinned sinisterly:

"Today is your death day. I want to let you know who is the clown who stole the throne. Wait for death, you will die soon!"

The captain of the knights glanced at the two people indifferently and snorted coldly:

"I hope your fighting spirit can remain so firm until you redeem your sins, take them away!"

After that, a group of knights dragged the two prisoners who disliked each other out of the prison.

With their disappearance, the prison, which had been quiet for a moment, burst into a noisy roar again.


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