Everyone looked at each other for a moment, obviously no better method than Ji Er's method was found.

A large-scale smoke and mass coma, even if it only lasts for three minutes, is enough for people to accomplish many things.

But judging from his attitude, he is obviously not going to share this method of defending against smoke.

But it's not a big problem, because Li Yi smiled.

He took out six playing cards from his personal space, each with the same pattern, with a little man devoutly opening his hands to embrace the sky, the sky blessed him, and a beam of green light hit him.

"Purification card, a card cheated from priest friends, just stick it on your body, it can continuously purify you of less fatal negative effects.

The lazy desire effect of [Defilement] is not intense, this card should be enough.

But there is one thing, once this card takes effect, it will glow, and it is a very dazzling light.

Whether you want to use it or not is up to you."

Cheng Shi was stunned, and asked for one without saying a word.

He is not a priest in this game, and he has no means of purification, so it is better to ask for a purification card as a backup.

After thinking for a while, everyone asked for one, and finally there were two cards left in their hands. The magician threw a poker into Ji Er's cage.

"I am not as stingy as you. I have taken it out. This is a gift for you."

Ji Er dodged the poker by turning sideways and watched it float to the ground coldly.

"No thanks, it's not necessary."

"With these, there is only one step left in the plan." Gao San tapped his prison helmet thoughtfully and said seriously: "Although Brother Ji'er has a foul mouth, he is right in one point, that is, we should avoid bumping into each other again because of identity replacement.

I know you don't trust each other, and I know you won't reveal your position. Even if this card has a bit of "tracking" meaning, who knows whether the light in the fog is emitted from yourself.

Okay, don't blame me for being so straightforward. [Truth] sees through everything. I saw it and I want to remind you not to get yourself involved again for the sake of doing something.

If you want to leave here without any mistakes, we might as well If we trust each other more, it shouldn't be difficult to divide such a large prison into six parts, how about avoiding each other? "

Su Wu shook his head and laughed:

"As you said, once the areas are divided, who is in which area will become a public secret?

At present, we have common needs and naturally tend to cooperate, but when we separate, when we are close to the answer, how do you know that someone will not do something dirty and disgusting?

I think this chicken brother has this idea. "

Ji Er snorted coldly, pointed two fingers at his eyes and nodded at Su Wu, saying: "Don't let me catch you."

"Look, the bad intentions are exposed."


Cheng Shi was also helpless about this.

The plan was just a framework, but the cooperation that had just been good for a second seemed to be about to collapse.

Sure enough, in the game of liars and charlatans, no one would trust anyone.

As everyone cooperated and pulled, time passed quietly, and not long after, the sound of armor collision sounded again in the noisy prison.

The team of knights who had just left came back, dragging a body that was beyond recognition.

The body was dragged on the ground like a brush dipped in cinnabar, drawing a striking scarlet mark on the gray ground.

Cheng Shi frowned slightly as he looked at the body. He saw that the dead man died from biting.

Yes, biting. There were teeth marks and bite marks all over his body. It was obvious that his opponent had no fighting skills. He won the fight because the dead man had too many wounds and was too injured. He couldn't stand it.

Although the loser died miserably, it was good news for the players.

Because this just shows that the other prisoners are indeed not a threat to them, and the idea of ​​replacing identities to win the final of the death fight is feasible.

But Cheng Shi also has a question, that is, how can such a "fight" be so enjoyable to watch? Even the three highest judges of the Grand Court of Inquisition have to take time to send a representative to watch the fight.

Even the recruitment competition of the Iron Law Knights would be ten thousand times more interesting than this, right?

While Cheng Shi was frowning and thinking, several knights opened the door of cage No. 3 in the blue prison uniform again and dragged out the prisoner who was ready to fight.

But the knights did not stop the selection. The burly knight captain looked around and actually moved his eyes to the direction of the players.

Everyone just glanced at the cold eyes of the knight captain, and a chill suddenly rose in their hearts.

He seemed to want to select another group of people to fight at the same time!Cheng Shi was stunned, or everyone was stunned.

In the intelligence gathering just now, no one asked about this matter. It turned out that the deathmatch final was not carried out in sequence one group after another, but several groups at the same time!

And the knight captain had undoubtedly picked the lucky ones who would perform on the same stage with the first group of blue prison uniforms, that is, the red prison uniform group where the players were!

He snorted coldly and strode over with a lance.

Now, no one could laugh.

What plans, what cooperation, what tug-of-war, all jokes!

The trial did not give them enough time to prepare. When they just figured out the surrounding situation, the accident arrived earlier than planned!

"I have seen countless excited, angry, irritable, timid, and retreating death row prisoners, but rarely have I seen someone as quiet and calm as you. What conspiracy are you planning?

It's useless. The glory of [Order] will shed the will of judgment, and any delusion of blaspheming Him will not become a reality.

Hmph, go to the arena to repent, scum.

That's them, take them away!"

As he said, the knight captain opened the cell door of Li Yi and Ji Er.

And at this moment, when the knights rushed into their cages with a grin, a sudden change occurred!

No one saw how Ji Er detonated the so-called "smoke bomb", and no one knew whether it was he who detonated it. Everyone only saw that when those strong knights stepped into the cage, a fog rose up without warning under their feet with a "bang".


This fog was not the [Filthy] smoke that Ji Er had mentioned, but an extremely common fog of war!

This black fog could only block vision, and would not make people fall asleep. Not only that, the range of the fog was not the entire prison, but only a few dozen meters nearby!

At the moment the fog exploded, the surrounding punishment knights reacted quickly to surround the fog area, and whipped the prisoners who were shouting and howling in their sight without any reservation.

And in the fog, in the cage area where the players were, several beams of light suddenly lit up, and suddenly became the "guiding light" in this invisible area!

Obviously, some players took action. They immediately put on Li Yi's purification card to avoid being affected by the [Filthy] fog, but they did not expect that such a quick move not only failed to save themselves from falling asleep, but instead became the focus of everyone's eyes.

They were "cheated", and were cheated by Li Yi's generosity and Ji Er's lies.

As the light rose, the knights in the fog shouted loudly, raised their lances and stabbed at their side. The knight captain rushed towards the light, snorting coldly while charging:

"Sure enough, there is a conspiracy! But it's ridiculous!

Everyone, be alert! Search for the enemy, and keep them alive!"

The sound of weapons clashing and the muffled groans of swords and guns piercing flesh suddenly rang out in the fog. A small-scale conflict broke out instantly, and then the chaos swept toward the periphery of the fog.

But Montrani's emergency mechanism was obviously very mature. When the prison alarm sounded, countless punishment knights poured in from the stairs, surrounding the entire prison. Not only that, a higher-level knight took over the scene, listening to the chaotic movement in the fog, and shouted in a deep voice:

"Dispel the fog!"

"Civilization is on fire, [Order] will last forever!" All the knights on the periphery raised their lances at the same time, and responded with a long sound.

The roars were like a huge hammer hitting everyone's heart, and the light of [Order] lit up on the lances, instantly connecting into a piece to dispel the fog in the center of the prison.

The chaos in the prison also settled down at the moment when the fog of war dissipated.

The chaos lasted only a few minutes from the beginning to the end. In the territory of [Order], [Chaos] did not get what it wanted every time.

The cages in the central area were broken, the ground was in a mess, and the wailing prisoners and injured guards fell to the ground. Looking around, the only one standing was the knight captain who came to pick up the people.

He held the lance, the tip of the lance dripping with blood, and looked at the dead red prisoner at his feet with a gloomy face, his forehead veins were bulging, and his eyebrows were twitching.

"Apol, the death penalty prisoners cannot be executed without authorization, you..."

"I didn't kill him!"

The knight captain turned his head, looked at his comrades with a gloomy look, and said with a sullen face:

"Someone took advantage of the situation to fish in troubled waters!"


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