To be honest, Cheng Shi overestimated his digging ability.

He found that even with the engineer shovel in his portable space, he could not work quickly under the collapsed and compacted ruins.

Because the surrounding soil was not only soil, but also wood and steel, his engineer shovel was not sharp, and sometimes he could only break these obstacles with his bare hands.

So one man and one mouse moved forward little by little in the direction pointed by the mouse "Captain".

After only an hour or so, Cheng Shi stopped with sweat all over his head.

"Can't you sing a song for me to get some buffs?"


"I suspect you want to tire me out and then do something to me."


Cheng Shi's face turned black, and he hit the mouse's head with a club.

"Let you scold me."

"?" The mouse was knocked unconscious, and the world was spinning.

It's not that Cheng Shi doesn't want to work hard, it's just that he's too tired. Today, the warriors are brave in killing people, not in digging the soil. Letting a favored person of [Destiny] be a mouse digging holes is simply a waste of natural resources.

But there is no way. At present, it seems that this is the only way to go.

The method of staying in place and waiting for the end of the trial is no longer feasible, because Cheng Shi has vaguely heard faint shouts and increasing shaking from above his head!

The guards of Montelani may have gathered here and started to rescue the buried citizens.

"You'd better not lie to me, otherwise I will have to pay you back for all the suffering I have suffered."

Li Yi sat in the cage expressionlessly, feeling that his life as a mouse was bleak.

He wanted to say that if I hadn't met you, I might have found a suitable corpse to transfer my soul, but who made me meet you...

No, you are not, I am the clown!


On the other side, while Cheng Shi was still working hard, a mouse quietly emerged from the ventilation duct on the roof in a hidden room deep underground in the prison.

It looked at everything under its feet in surprise, and slowly climbed down along another pipe against the wall until it climbed onto the empty desk. Looking at the piles of illustrated materials in front of it, it fell into deep thought.

This is undoubtedly a laboratory hidden underground, and it is located in an office in this laboratory. The materials laid out on the desk are probably the information about the experiments being done in this laboratory, and may also be the biggest secret in this laboratory.

The mouse should be happy to find such an unexpected harvest, but it is not happy at all at this time, because...

It can't read.

It circled the table twice, carefully looked at this small office, and made a decision.

It was going to steal the information, but before stealing, it needed to do one more thing, that is, to find a less intelligent human and exchange bodies with him.

Yes, this mouse was transformed by Su Wu.

At the moment when the prison fog rose, he wanted to stay put, but someone took the opportunity to approach him and stuck a purification card of Li Yi on his waist.

The light of the purification card instantly attracted the surrounding punishment knights and surrounded him. Seeing that he was in a disadvantageous situation, Su Wu had to activate the backup plan, sticking the purification card in his hand on the mouse and throwing it in the opposite direction.

Not only that, he also exchanged identities with the mouse whose tail he stepped on at his feet, and then slipped away in the chaos.

He wanted to leave here along the ventilation duct, but he never thought that the ventilation duct he chose did not lead to the ground at all, but to the underground.

So he came here cautiously and carefully, and came to this underground laboratory connected to the Monterani Death Battle Prison.

A laboratory was built in such a secret place. Just think about it and you will know that there must be a big secret here.

Especially these materials are printed with the logo of the Tower of Logic.

Yes, the Tower of Logic.

Although Su Wu couldn't read, he could recognize the sign of the Tower of Principle and Quality.

How interesting! In the heart of the Grand Court, at the foot of Montrani, there was actually a laboratory of the Tower of Principle and Quality.

All of this made Su Wu's curiosity grow rapidly. He crept to the door of the office, waiting for the first unlucky guy to appear.

However, after waiting for a long time, the unlucky guy didn't come, but his teammates did.

Senior year!

This acrobat, who was as soft as an octopus, actually "drilled" out of the same pipe exit.

And the huge and hard prison helmet on his head was as soft as an octopus's limbs at this time, and fell from the pipe close to his deformed head!

This acrobat actually had a hand in softening subordinates.Talent!

But even so, he couldn't get rid of this annoying iron sleeve!

When Gao San landed, Su Wu lay at the door without moving, neither hiding nor dodging, and the man and the mouse looked at each other from a distance.



Gao San saw that the mouse's eyes were so smart, and he figured everything out in an instant. He frowned and secretly warned:

"Beast trainer?

Did you leave the traces in the pipe?

Humph, no wonder you died so quickly, but it's a pity that I thought I killed you with my own hands."

The mouse wrinkled his nose and slowly stood up.

"So you are an acrobat." A sharp and distorted human voice squeezed out of the mouse's throat.

If there were ordinary people present, they would definitely be scared to death by this conversation between man and mouse, but Gao San was not surprised at all, because beast trainer is such a magical profession.

"Why, the 'full stop of fate' you found suddenly became your own, isn't it surprising?"

"Who knows, maybe I will find a new 'full stop of fate' here, and this new one will belong to you."

Gao San sneered, he first glanced at the door of the office, and then walked to the table, trying to put the information on the table into his pocket.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this must be a good thing, but as for how good it is, Gao San doesn't know.

Because he can't read either.

"Just you, a mouse?

Su Wu, Su Wu, it's not that I despise you, as long as you are not in the form of a tamed animal, I have to be careful of you, but now... you want to kill me?

Hehe, keep thinking, it's cute."

The mouse's eyes condensed, and he put his claws on the door.

His meaning was very clear, if you don't want to talk, then I will knock on the door, as for what is behind the door, it depends on everyone's fate.

Gao San's hand holding the information stagnated, and his face sank.

"What do you want?"

"The information belongs to me, and the things outside belong to you." The mouse stretched out his claws and pointed outside the office, obviously wanting the other party to open the blind box.

But Gao San would not pay attention to such unreasonable negotiation requests. He sneered and jumped from behind the table to the front of the table in an instant.

It was obviously such a violent movement, but when he landed, there was no sound.

"It only takes me 1 second to strangle you to death, and then take away the information and run away. I will give you another chance. What do you want?"

The mouse was not afraid after hearing this, but crawled two steps towards Gao San with a hissing laugh.

"Why don't you give it a try?"

Does Gao San dare to try?

He didn't dare.

No one would underestimate a trainer, and no one would take risks in an unknown situation. He just wanted to catch Su Wu by surprise and see if he could deceive the other party. But when Su Wu crawled towards him, his "bluffing" plan naturally collapsed.

The other party has a backhand, definitely has a backhand, and yes, which liar doesn't have a backhand.

Gao San took a step back to the table, his face cautious.

And Su Wu, no, the mouse slowly loosened its hind paws.

Su Wu didn't have a backhand at all.

He was also cheating, cheating that the other party didn't dare to gamble at this moment.

Luckily, he won this round of sky-shattering confrontation.

"Next, let's talk about cooperation?"

Su Wu seemed to have taken back the initiative. He lay down at Gao San's feet and pointed at the documents on the table.

"How about we each take half, and then push open the door together to see what's outside this office?"

Although Gao San didn't dare to do anything, he sneered and said sarcastically:

"I can help push the door open, so I'll leave you... one tenth of the information on the table.

After all, it's a cooperation, so you have to make some money, right?"


This bargaining silenced Su Wugan, because he really couldn't make any contribution in pushing the door.

The strength of a mouse is too weak compared to that of a person, especially this person is a warrior.

But just when he was about to refute Gao San again, a voice came faintly from above the pipe.

"Are you sure it's here?

If you are sure, I will chop it, very good, 3, 2, 1!"




A figure holding a rat cage fell straight down from the broken ceiling, and when the figure landed safely, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Tsk tsk tsk...

Fate, wonderful."


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