The end of the long steps was not another void, but a magnificent palace.

It was strange that at the end of the [God of Chaos] stood a palace that was more magnificent than any other building in the world.

The gate of the palace was so high that Cheng Shi only took a glance and felt the endless pressure coming from all directions.

This was the first time he felt insignificant in front of [God].

Whether it was the two different eyes of [Nothingness] or the huge skull above the torrent of bones, although they were high above, they were full of popularity, so that Cheng Shi only felt fear under their gaze, but did not feel the insignificance of human beings.

Not to mention [Memory]. Now when he mentioned Him, Cheng Shi's mind was full of the image of his boss...

This feeling was like a nightmare, lingering.

So, when he came to the outside of the temple of [Chaos] and truly realized that there was a difference between humans and gods, and that humans were just a speck of dust under the feet of [Gods], his legs weakened.

Both physically and mentally weak.

He dared not imagine how unbearable the person standing or sitting in the palace would be. He even thought that if he had known that the audience with [Chaos] would be like this, he should have prepared more diapers in his previous prayers and put them on before coming.


Forget it, sticking your head out will be a knife, and shrinking your head will also be a knife, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Cheng Shi gritted his teeth and walked in with his chest and head held high.

However, when he stepped into the hall full of graffiti-like divine patterns, he did not see any [Him] who could not be looked at directly, but instead saw a person who should not be here, but seemed to be here.

When he saw the face of the human standing on the side of the hall and bowing to him with a smile, Cheng Shi's back suddenly tightened and he froze in place.

"Master Ultraman, long time no see."

"It's you..." Cheng Shi's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. "You are also His...envoy?"

"I don't have this honor, Master Ultraman, because the position I stand on should belong to you!"


Cheng Shi was shocked.

Because the one who was standing in this [Chaos Temple] and talking to him was one of the [Chaos Sprout Believers] who disappeared in the Yongzhan Town blessed by [Prosperity], the junior of the Tower of Reason scholar Athos, and the scholar who also turned himself into a puppet, Kotaro!

Chenosley once told Cheng Shi that Kotaro would prove to the outside world that Cheng Shi was not the murderer at the right time.

But since Cheng Shi returned to the hotel, he disappeared. Not only that, at the end of the [Death] trial, Cheng Shi himself pretended to be Kotaro and went to the police station.

So seeing him at this moment in this place where he met [Chaos], Cheng Shi naturally felt that he was not him, but Him.

"Belongs to... me?"

Cheng Shi was confused again.

To be honest, Cheng Shi didn't want the identity of Chaos, but he was afraid that he couldn't bear it, so he only dared to tease and didn't dare to do anything.

Even though he knew that this was the identity given to him by Fraud, he didn't dare to make trouble before getting the affirmation of Chaos.

But now, according to Tarot...

What's going on?

Can the new employee who just came in be promoted to director without going through the process?

"It's not you, wait..." When he saw that there were no [Gods] but only people in the temple, Cheng Shi's backbone somehow came back. He frowned and thought while asking, "You mean, I am His messenger, Ultraman? Did He admit it?"

But Taro smiled, nodded and said with certainty:

"You have always been. When you played the first syllable of [Chaos] in the Isle of Hope, your identity was finalized."

"Then why are you standing in my position?"


But Taro was also confused. He didn't expect the messenger's thinking to be so erratic, but he didn't stay confused for too long. Instead, he immediately walked towards Cheng Shi and dragged Cheng Shi to the place where he was standing originally, while he stood in front of His Highness with a smile on his face.


It doesn't look fake!

Am I really a messenger?

So simple?

Don't you need His nod?

Besides, I don't feel the power of [Chaos] filling my body?

Cheng Shi looked around with his eyes darting around. After not finding another person or a god in the temple, he leaned over and asked quietly:

"You...what's going on? Didn't you turn yourself into a puppet? Why are you here again?

When I was in Yongzhan Town, I didn't find you when I returned to the hotel..."

Cheng Shi's question was full of doubt, but Tarot didn't mind such a straightforward questioning at all. He replied respectfully:

"Yes, I was indeed a puppet at that time. According to Chenosley's plan, I should have killed you when you were in prison to clear your name, but you seemed to have a better plan, so I left quietly.

I thought that if you were not in danger, I might still be useful to you later.

But I didn't expect you to be different from us, so... when you left that "trial", because you were missing from history, [Memory] automatically completed that history according to His aesthetics and made up for the loophole of your disappearance.

And I am the lucky one who was rescued by the benefactor and pushed to the front. "


Cheng Shi's eyes condensed. He didn't expect this to be the reason.

"[Memory] also took action?"

"That's not the real Him, but... This is not convenient to say. You can understand it as the divine power left by Him in an agreement! "

As soon as Kotaro finished speaking, Cheng Shi thought of a word in his mind, a word that players should not know, [Covenant]!

It seems that the power of [Memory] in [Covenant] has completed history!

It turns out that Ultraman has always existed in history, but it is not himself, but a substitute to make up for historical omissions.

It is Kotaro who is "exercising" the rights of the [Chaos] Commander for himself!

No wonder he is standing here.


"Do you know about the trial?

Oh, that's right, after all, it's not the trial now. Speaking of which, this is the first time I have met someone from the Island of Hope outside the trial.

Then... do you know that the Island of Hope has been destroyed in history?"

Kotaro smiled: "In the dimension of mortals, it has indeed disappeared, but in their eyes, the universe has never changed."

"Tsk, I feel that you don't look like a scholar, but like a charlatan."

"Uh... different paths lead to the same destination. "

Indeed, the two characters approached their respective [gods] in different ways.

With just this sentence, Cheng Shi was in awe of Ke Taro.

This old acquaintance seemed to have realized something, and his level of faith had risen to an astonishing height.

As they chatted, Cheng Shi gradually relaxed. He looked around and asked again:

"Is this really His temple?

Uh... to say something disrespectful, ahem, just curious, is this place too orderly?"

Ke Taro explained with a smile:

"Sir, what do you mean by order?"

Cheng Shi was stunned, pointing to everything in the hall and said:

"Isn't this still orderly? I felt all the chaos on the divine steps below, but here...

Look, the regular space, the symmetrical stone pillars, the echoing carvings, this is even more orderly than the Great Trial... ahem, it's all orderly.

Isn't it?"

"Sir, if we follow the understanding of order by humans on the Continent of Hope, you are indeed right. ”

“?” After hearing this, Cheng Shi’s mind buzzed, and he suddenly thought of something.

But at this time, Tarot also gave his explanation:

“But in the dimension of the entire universe, or even higher, in the eyes of you [them], human order may be meaningless.”

Listen, this is simply the strongest sound of blasphemy [order]!


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