Strangely, there was no grief in Cheng Shi's eyes.

Or he didn't care about Bai Ling's death at all.

He kept speeding up his metabolism, trying to use the magic of time to smooth out the control effect brought by the negative state.

But unfortunately, the real world is not a turn-based game. When Cheng Shi was struggling, the guards were not idle either.

As a singer, it was his specialty to impose negative states on the enemy. He kept releasing his tricks, squeezing Cheng Shi's few living spaces.

Not long after, Cheng Shi felt powerless and was defeated in the struggle on the edge of death. He was completely defeated and could only wait for death.

The guard walked up to Cheng Shi and saw that he was no longer moving. His eyes were dull, and he shook his head and sighed:

"Underground bugs should stay underground, but sometimes, bugs have their own uses. I like you and hate you at the same time. Oh, what a contradiction."

But before he finished speaking, the guard suddenly raised his sword and stabbed it down, piercing Cheng Shi's chest with lightning speed.

He didn't give him a chance to turn the tables at all.


The tip of the sword pierced his heart.

Cheng Shi's eyes opened sharply, his pupils shrank suddenly, and within a few seconds, the spirit in his eyes collapsed.

A second before his vision completely fell into darkness, he saw the door opposite him suddenly kicked open with a "bang", and a familiar face came into view.

"Brother Cheng! !??"

It was Ming.

But it was too late.

Cheng Shi smiled unwillingly and closed his eyes completely.


As soon as Ah Ming entered the door, he felt the strong power of [Order]. He looked at the two teammates who fell to the ground, and rushed towards the guard who was horrified with a crazy look.

"Kill you! Kill you!!"

"How is it possible? This is the domain of [Order]. How can you not be bound!?"

"[Order?] I am [Order]!"

This is obviously a blasphemous word, but Ah Ming did not receive divine punishment!

He muttered something madly in his mouth, his expression was twisted and fierce, and he came behind the guard in a flash.

The guard was unable to react in time, and the expression of fear on his face became more exaggerated. He seemed to want to shout something, but before he could shout, a bloody dagger penetrated from his back.

Then, it penetrated his chest straightly.

The dirty yellow light flashed on the dagger, and the guard looked at the tip of the blade in front of his chest, spitting out dirty blood, and died with his eyes open.

"Brother Cheng! I've avenged you!"

A Ming's voice was distorted and sobbing. He kicked the corpse in front of him away and sat on the ground helplessly, his eyes blank.

At this moment, Fang Shiqing rushed in from the door with Xu Lu.

A Ming looked up at them, his eyes still tearful.

Seeing such a tragic scene, Xu Lu's face turned pale and she tightly grabbed the corner of Fang Shiqing's clothes.

Although she didn't like Cheng Shi, her identity as a player made her feel a little sad.

Fang Shiqing looked at everything in front of her, looked at the dead Bailing and Cheng Shi, and bit her lips tightly.

Almost bloodless.

"How could this happen..."

But she quickly reacted, immediately turned around and closed the door, and said seriously:

"What happened?"

"I don't know, I came a little late, I was exploring on the second floor at the time, and heard a noise in this room, so I rushed over. When I entered the room, Cheng Ge and Niao Niao and others..."

A Ming seemed to blame himself. He rubbed his hair and slammed his head on the ground.

"Who is on the bed?"

As soon as he asked, he saw Xu Lu's face change, pointing at the person on the bed and exclaimed:

"It's him! The person who died in the prophecy is him!"

Fang Shiqing was shocked and looked back at Xu Lu in disbelief.

She suddenly realized that the dead person on the bed was probably the Duke who had been missing.

Xu Lu saw that the scene was exactly the same as the blurred picture in the prophecy, and muttered to herself in a daze:

"It turns out that it's not us who are going to die, but... the Duke is dead, the one with the surname Cheng..."

Although no players died in the prophecy, now, two players have indeed died.

Looking at the scene, there are only two possibilities:

Either Cheng Shi caught the guard killing someone and the guard silenced him.

Or the guard caught Cheng Shi killing someone and Cheng Shi failed to kill him back.

As for which one it is...

As soon as Fang Shiqing finished her guess, Xu Lu beside her lowered her head and said:

"I should be the guard who saw Cheng Shi killing someone..."

Fang Shiqing's face became serious, and contempt flashed in her eyes. She asked in a cold tone:


"Maybe he wants to steal the Duke's identity...He this kind of person."

Knowing clearly nowIt's not nice to say these things, but for some reason, Xu Lu still had the courage to speak out her guess.

Fang Shiqing frowned when she heard it, but she still held back and didn't get angry.

"Sister Fang... what should we do now?"

Fang Shiqing looked at the watch and saw that nearly 7 hours had passed, and there were only more than 5 hours left.

"You go out first and find a way to guard the door. As a companion, you must always send them off."

A Ming looked at Fang Shiqing in confusion, as if he remembered that this big man was also a singer.

Singers record stories, and the protagonists of the stories are often all kinds of people.

Of course, this also includes all kinds of dead people.

So they are good at singing funeral songs and reciting eulogies for people.

Xu Lu felt that this ceremony might be a waste of time, but when she saw Fang Shiqing's firm face, she bit her lip and walked out.

A Ming followed closely behind, with his head down so that people couldn't see his face clearly.

When Fang Shiqing passed by him, she patted his shoulder to comfort him.

When the two of them walked out of the room and closed the door, the sadness on her face disappeared instantly, and a trace of anger surged on her face.

She opened the book, tore off a page, and gently lifted it. The whole room instantly fell into stagnation, even the curtains blown by the breeze froze.

There was no sound in the room, and the breathing disappeared.

Then she walked to Cheng Shi's side, looked at Cheng Shi who was pierced to death, and laughed angrily.

Fang Shiqing remembered the scene when she woke up from Cheng Shi's arms in the thick fog and felt a note on her chest.

At that time, she took advantage of everyone's inattention and secretly read the note.

It reads:

"Dear Ms. Firebearer,

It's nice to meet you, even though I'm right beside you.

But please don't look at me or smile.

This is a message for help, from my future self.

If I die and you happen to see me again, please save my life.

Any healing technique can bring me back from hell, please help me because I was once a reserve Firebearer.

I'm very grateful.

Also, be careful when you are traveling with three people."

Now look at Cheng Shi under your feet, he is dead.

How did this bastard predict his own death?

"How dare you trust me so much?

How can you be sure that I can save you?

You rejected me, aren't you afraid that I will reject you too?


Fang Shiqing raised her eyebrows and scolded Cheng Shi.

The space was muted, no one could hear it, like a silent trial.

But in the end, she reluctantly accepted her fate, tore off another page from the book, crumpled it into a ball and applied it to Cheng Shi's wound.

As soon as the page touched the wound, it turned into a green light with the breath of [life] and penetrated Cheng Shi's body.

Cheng Shi, who had originally been breathless, opened his eyes instantly under the nourishment of the light of life.


A violent gasping sound sounded, but no one could hear it.

Looking at Cheng Shi's funny appearance, Fang Shiqing couldn't help laughing.

Breaths of fresh air were inhaled into the lungs, and the long-lost feeling of the mortal world flowed into the limbs, making Cheng Shi greedily inhale a few more breaths.



He looked up at the first time, not at Fang Shiqing, but took out the watch in his arms to see how long it had passed.

When he saw that he was only twenty minutes away from death, he exhaled a breath of turbid air as if relieved.

Release all the pressure in his heart.

Then he looked at the dead Bai Ling and the guards with eyes wide open, and suddenly laughed.

He laughed without sound, like a clown in a pantomime.

The thighs are indeed reliable.

Or the defenders are indeed reliable!

Seeing Cheng Shi laughing happily alone, but ignoring her lifesaver, Fang Shiqing kicked him twice angrily.

Cheng Shi quickly got up and put his hands together to express his gratitude, and then pointed at Bai Ling beside him.

Fang Shiqing's face darkened, pointed at the book in her hand, and lip-read:

"Waste of pages, you are a priest, save yourself."

Cheng Shi had no choice but to snap his fingers.

As the silent snap fell, Bai Ling's crushed body slowly became plump, and in just a few breaths, her eyes opened again.

Retrospective treatment, a gift from [time]!

As soon as she opened her clear eyes, she was filled with shock. She stared at Cheng Shi in a daze and murmured:

"It's actually... true..."

Fang Shiqing understood her lip shape and turned to look at Cheng Shi in confusion, as if asking "What's true?"

Cheng Shi spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know either.

Bailing looked at the boss still pretending to be stupid, and saidShe laughed foolishly.

The blood stains on her body would not disappear because of the retrospection, but the blood-stained skirt added some color to Bailing.

She seemed to become more... attractive after "rebirth".

Fang Shiqing frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

The smell of [filth] became stronger.

Her eyes jumped back and forth between Cheng Shi and Bailing, trying to see what happened between them.

But Cheng Shi hid it very well, and there was no clue at all.

Bailing was not good at disguise, but her eyes were like a thread that could not leave Cheng Shi, which made people feel sick...

I don't know what she was thinking.

Fang Shiqing naturally didn't know what Bailing was thinking, because now, her mind was full of the scene between her and Cheng Shi in the closet.


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